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DOMA and Prop 8 bite the dust

why should that be necessary? no such provision or prerequisite is required for any other type of marriage

I think most legal systems (you would know this 378347893x better than myself) are designed to protect citizens of a given state.

For example, incest is illegal because it tends to maximize genetic defects of their respective offspring.

If polygamy is shown to have very negative consequences on any of the partners or the kids on a CONSISTENT, mostly-frequent basis, then I think that the legal system could designate them as illegal.
why should that be necessary? no such provision or prerequisite is required for any other type of marriage

And I have a problem with arranged marriages and those that have kids beyond their means to provide for. Becasue we screwed up one thing is that justification to continue making the same mistake? No, it is not.
Yup. I mean obviously it seems pretty freaky to me, but if that is what they think is best, and they are presenting no significant 'harm' relative to a more traditional marriage, then I think its fair for us to let them do as they wish.

Who wouldn't want to get down and freaky with this? That's some hot tail right there...


Race you and stoked to the line to join the polygamists!
If polygamy is shown to have very negative consequences on any of the partners or the kids on a CONSISTENT, mostly-frequent basis, then I think that the legal system could designate them as illegal.

I was young once, I remember when I believed that studies and statistics were conducted and published to demonstrate facts, not commissioned to support a preconcieved notion or agenda. - signed Jaded Old Man.
Who wouldn't want to get down and freaky with this? That's some hot tail right there...


Race you and stoked to the line to join the polygamists!

If they didn't dress like it was the 1800s, some would have potential. I'm looking at you, blondie on far-left.
I was young once, I remember when I believed that studies and statistics were conducted and published to demonstrate facts, not commissioned to support a preconcieved notion or agenda. - signed Jaded Old Man.

Well-- we don't have much else to work with, now do we?
Now, I'm with you in celebrating the decision, but I think a lot of people reject gay marriage out of conformity, either to cultural norms or their religious beliefs. I think some of these folks oppose gay marriage out of fear of rejection within their social group more than out of hate for gay people.

I agree, and thats just one of a myriad of reasons some believe what they believe. Ultimately, I'm just stoked and celebrating and I don't care how irritating I am to those who are pissed about the ruling. IMO, they should be ashamed.
Good riddance.

Human decency wins. Again. Like we all said it would. Again.

Congratulations to all my LGBT friends and family, and those on this site.

Love FTW. **** the haters.


Glad it was struck down. However I strongly reject the notion that all oponents to gay marriage do so based on hate and bigotry. That is as foolish as those that say that allowing gay marriage will destroy our society and confuse the genders.

And this.

I can't fathom why anyone would give a crap about gay marriage, but that doesn't stop a lot of people I know from being totally against it all the same. Most of them are great, thoughtful people, so I don't hold anything against them. Some people like green Mtn. Dew, some like Code Red. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. That being said, there are plenty of zealots out there that are haters, bigots, douchenozzles, etc. I'd like to punch them in the colon. No homo.
Who looks like she's about 13...

I'm all about genetic diversity. I loves me some color. Not pasty white bloooooooggg

I'm all about diversity as well-- which is why I like them pasty yung thangz. I'm from south-east europe after all. Hairier than a goddamn taro-potato, and not exactly pasty by any stretch of the imagination

And this.

I can't fathom why anyone would give a crap about gay marriage, but that doesn't stop a lot of people I know from being totally against it all the same. Most of them are great, thoughtful people, so I don't hold anything against them. Some people like green Mtn. Dew, some like Code Red. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. That being said, there are plenty of zealots out there that are haters, bigots, douchenozzles, etc. I'd like to punch them in the colon. No homo.

Who's the new guy?

He should post more!
Good thread so far. There are two points I want to make here:

1. In the quote thriller had
“By ruling that supporters of Proposition 8 lacked standing to bring this case to court, the Supreme Court has highlighted troubling questions about how our democratic and judicial system operates,” said LDS spokesman Michael Otterson. “Many Californians will wonder if there is something fundamentally wrong when their government will not defend or protect a popular vote that reflects the views of a majority of their citizens.”

So, this is a problem. The supreme court was asked to weigh in on this topic, they went over the facts, and in detail. Took their dear sweet time too. And instead of actually touching the bread and butter of the case, sustaining that the people voted on it but was not good for the country, they chickened out and said "I'm sorry. You don't have the speaking stick. We can't be bothered". This was nothing more than a stalling tactic so they didn't have to address the real problem, citizens unapproving of each other. This still needs to be addressed.

2. Speaking of Prop 8, and how it gained any momentum in the first place: I'm just going to put this here. You'd think African Americans, given their history of civil rights violations, would be a little more understanding of the struggles that the LBGT community is going through. Not so much. Out of all the black voters that went to the polls to weigh in on Prop 8, 70%, voted to ban gay marriage. Sure, the LDS church has some connection to funding anti gay marriage propoganda during this event, but this doesn't feel too great either.
Good. The idea that civil rights should be voted on is absurd, and the idea that two people are denied rights based on their sexual orientation is also absurd.
Just out of curiosity...

What am I supposed to feel right now? I'm seeing so many facebook posts of people outraged. You'd swear that Romney was losing all over again!

Why are people, who are already married, so upset over this? I don't want a gay marriage therefore I'm not going to get one. Should I feel outraged right now?

I don't get it.

I seriously don't get how this is a big deal to anyone (other than those who it directly effects). For gays, yipee! They can get married! I understand why they'd feel excited today. But for heteros? Why are we so pissed? I don't get it. Gay people getting married to each other doesn't infringe upon my rights. It doesn't take away from my wealth or employment. it's not like we're invading Iraq again.

So why should I care?
This discussion can be summed up here:

Just out of curiosity...

What am I supposed to feel right now? I'm seeing so many facebook posts of people outraged. You'd swear that Romney was losing all over again!

Why are people, who are already married, so upset over this? I don't want a gay marriage therefore I'm not going to get one. Should I feel outraged right now?

I don't get it.

I seriously don't get how this is a big deal to anyone (other than those who it directly effects). For gays, yipee! They can get married! I understand why they'd feel excited today. But for heteros? Why are we so pissed? I don't get it. Gay people getting married to each other doesn't infringe upon my rights. It doesn't take away from my wealth or employment. it's not like we're invading Iraq again.

So why should I care?

Did you intentionally leave out all the FB posts showing praise and joy at the ruling or do you truly not have any friends that feel that way?

I have a healthy mix of both (leaning slightly more toward joy/praise).
Did you intentionally leave out all the FB posts showing praise and joy at the ruling or do you truly not have any friends that feel that way?

I have a healthy mix of both (leaning slightly more toward joy/praise).

The few people who are praising it on my Facebook, like Jim Dabakis, probably don't really need to be questioned as to why they are happy over this ruling. A few others? Going against the cultural norm here in Utah would be my second reason as to why they are celebrating. The other few maybe because they felt like it was a ridiculous piece of legislation? I just went through my newsfeed and counted 4 for. I'm not even going to bother counting the against. It's got to be at least 5x as many.
The few people who are praising it on my Facebook, like Jim Dabakis, probably don't really need to be questioned as to why they are happy over this ruling. A few others? Going against the cultural norm here in Utah would be my second reason as to why they are celebrating. The other few maybe because they felt like it was a ridiculous piece of legislation? I just went through my newsfeed and counted 4 for. I'm not even going to bother counting the against. It's got to be at least 5x as many.

Huh, interesting. You live in the greater SLC area correct?