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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

Even if Trump's description of African nations, Haiti, etc. was accurate, that does not mean for one second that immigrants from those nations are "undesirables". That's my description, not specifically his, but by saying get people from Haiti, for instance, "outta here", that is what Mr. Trump seems to have implied. Throughout our history, people have emigrated to the United States in search of a better life. Is there really something wrong with that now? I mean, that was part of "the promise of America". Other then Native Americans, we are each of us descended from immigrants who arrived at some time in the past. And some were escaping conditions that left something to be desired. Which is what the words on the Statue of Liberty are all about, are they not? There is a reason so many Americans feel Mr. Trump does not represent the values that have long been associated with our nation.

This is exactly how I read this as well.

Institutionally these countries are challenged and sometimes failing. Some might be holes depending on who you ask. I can deal with that part. But that has little to no bearing on the quality and potential of people that could be immigrating from these places.

Not to mention it is a stupid comment that does nothing but cause problems and harm Americas standing an image.
Even if Trump's description of African nations, Haiti, etc. was accurate, that does not mean for one second that immigrants from those nations are "undesirables". That's my description, not specifically his, but by saying get people from Haiti, for instance, "outta here", that is what Mr. Trump seems to have implied. Throughout our history, people have emigrated to the United States in search of a better life. Is there really something wrong with that now? I mean, that was part of "the promise of America". Other then Native Americans, we are each of us descended from immigrants who arrived at some time in the past. And some were escaping conditions that left something to be desired. Which is what the words on the Statue of Liberty are all about, are they not? There is a reason so many Americans feel Mr. Trump does not represent the values that have long been associated with our nation.

I recently read a FB re-post from someone claiming to come from Haiti, basically saying yes I do come from a ******** compared to US standards, but how does that give you the right to judge me personally.

This Trump tweet is as deplorable as any of his others. I wish the leftist ideologues and media would quit making a fuss about nothing so I could get behind them in hating Trump. It's not fun being stuck in the middle (limbo).
I recently read a FB re-post from someone claiming to come from Haiti, basically saying yes I do come from a ******** compared to US standards, but how does that give you the right to judge me personally.

This Trump tweet is as deplorable as any of his others. I wish the leftist ideologues and media would quit making a fuss about nothing so I could get behind them in hating Trump. It's not fun being stuck in the middle (limbo).

The Right has to get over Trump. The Left has to get over themselves.

The Left mostly reacts to Trump as an affront on the nation's honor. Like he's so bad, he dishonors the country. So a lot of the dissent is expressed as outrage.

But it's also based on alarm at policy decisions that overtly promote fossil fuel interests over the science the remainder of civilization on the planet supports. And you can go down the line in cabinet positions, and find reactionary elements in control. The anti-science element of Trumpism is bound to stun and alarm the Left.

And Trump is seen as representing reactionary responses to culture change. Hence he reflects racial resentment and espouses an anti immigrant attitude that's cropped up repeatedly in our history.

In an earlier time, Donald Trump would have been the candidate of the Know Nothing Party:


The outrage can be overbearing and the attack on Trump is relentless. He won the election, and the Left would overturn it.

I think Biden put it best: "it's a battle for the soul of America". I think those qualities of Trump and that portion of the base that resembles the Know Nothing Party emotive stance is not something that reflects the best in us. And the Left sees Trump as being on the wrong side of that battle.

But I can understand the Right not wanting constant moralizing. And it's problematic to paint Trump as uber repulsive without expecting the Right to see this as putting them in the same boat. Well meaning, but overbearing, many on the Right can only conclude that the Left and "liberalism is a mental disorder", which is probably the most common one line insult hurled by the Trump Right.

If we stay at the point where the only thing of value, and the only thing that brings pleasure, is partisan victories, then we really do all lose.

If we can somehow subtract partisanship of both stripes and agree on expecting a man or woman of high character to sit in the Oval Office, the Left can get off its high horse, and the Right can recognize the failings inherent in promoting the rebirth of the Know Nothing's in the 21st century. Eventually, deplorable behavior and statements should unite people in the common cause of correcting that situation.

Without question, the next President has to have the appearance of being a President for all Americans. The failing all along for Trump is that he only talks to the Know Nothing elements of his base. We should be able to agree on the need to reject reactionary Know Nothings as reflecting our shared values as a nation. I would hope.
The Right has to get over Trump. The Left has to get over themselves.

The Left mostly reacts to Trump as an affront on the nation's honor. Like he's so bad, he dishonors the country. So a lot of the dissent is expressed as outrage.

But it's also based on alarm at policy decisions that overtly promote fossil fuel interests over the science the remainder of civilization on the planet supports. And you can go down the line in cabinet positions, and find reactionary elements in control. The anti-science element of Trumpism is bound to stun and alarm the Left.

And Trump is seen as representing reactionary responses to culture change. Hence he reflects racial resentment and espouses an anti immigrant attitude that's cropped up repeatedly in our history.

In an earlier time, Donald Trump would have been the candidate of the Know Nothing Party:


The outrage can be overbearing and the attack on Trump is relentless. He won the election, and the Left would overturn it.

I think Biden put it best: "it's a battle for the soul of America". I think those qualities of Trump and that portion of the base that resembles the Know Nothing Party emotive stance is not something that reflects the best in us. And the Left sees Trump as being on the wrong side of that battle.

But I can understand the Right not wanting constant moralizing. And it's problematic to paint Trump as uber repulsive without expecting the Right to see this as putting them in the same boat. Well meaning, but overbearing, many on the Right can only conclude that the Left and "liberalism is a mental disorder", which is probably the most common one line insult hurled by the Trump Right.

If we stay at the point where the only thing of value, and the only thing that brings pleasure, is partisan victories, then we really do all lose.

If we can somehow subtract partisanship of both stripes and agree on expecting a man or woman of high character to sit in the Oval Office, the Left can get off its high horse, and the Right can recognize the failings inherent in promoting the rebirth of the Know Nothing's in the 21st century. Eventually, deplorable behavior and statements should unite people in the common cause of correcting that situation.

Without question, the next President has to have the appearance of being a President for all Americans. The failing all along for Trump is that he only talks to the Know Nothing elements of his base. We should be able to agree on the need to reject reactionary Know Nothings as reflecting our shared values as a nation. I would hope.

But who could that possibly be? Certainly not anyone from the R and D ranks. America is way to divided along party lines. It would just be more partisan nonsense.
But who could that possibly be? Certainly not anyone from the R and D ranks. America is way to divided along party lines. It would just be more partisan nonsense.

I do not know. We don't even know if Trump will still be in office. Not saying he absolutely will not be the GOP candidate, but too much can happen between now and 2020, especially as pertains to the Special Council's investigation. But, assuming he does run for a second term, I can really only see him appealing to the Know Nothing portion of his base. One year in office, and he has yet to speak to anyone but the Know Nothing element of his base. He has not even made a token effort to be a President for all Americans. Can he change? I very much doubt it.

So any Democrstic candidate will need to make a broader appeal. And if Americans in general are not by 2020 thirsting for someone who at least gives the appearance of wanting to project a broader appeal, I'd be surprised. But, right now, I can't guess who that might be. But if we decide now that our political parties can never rise above extreme partasinship, well, might as well just hang up on this American experiment altogether.

But there is one big problem, and that is the Know Nothing element of Trump's base. They want the bigoted version of America that Trump has so far provided, and it will be next to impossible to appeal to them as long as Trump himself continues to appeal to their fear and anger. He's a demagogue, ran as one in 2016, and we should expect the same appeal to the baser instincts in people from this President in 2020. Trump is a hateful bigot, and it's our nation's misfortune that he seems to be most comfortable appealing to fear, anger, and bigotry.
Long before he became a candidate for the Presidency, Donald Trump was associating with, and laundering money for, the Russian mob. Yeah, that's a strong claim, and not one Trump supporters want to hear, and one they certainly will not believe. But, now that the transcript of testimony given by the head of Fusion GPS, to both the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the House Intelligence Committee has been released, that very real possibility is forefront in the news once more. And with absolute certainty, Mueller is examining the same thing, namely, that our President is basically an associate of the Russian mob.

Back in July of 2017, the New Republic took a good look at these associations. It's likely I posted this at that time in this thread, but here's a refresher for anyone interested, given the released testimony of Glenn Simpson, the head of Fusion GPS:


And, since the House Intelligence Committee just released Simpson's testimony from November, 2017, which included Simpson and Steele's suspicions that crimes were being committed, here is some analysis of Simpson's testimony. We should remember it was Bannon himself who stated Mueller would be taking a good look at money laundering by the Russian mob and Donald Trump.

I do not know. We don't even know if Trump will still be in office. Not saying he absolutely will not be the GOP candidate, but too much can happen between now and 2020, especially as pertains to the Special Council's investigation. But, assuming he does run for a second term, I can really only see him appealing to the Know Nothing portion of his base. One year in office, and he has yet to speak to anyone but the Know Nothing element of his base. He has not even made a token effort to be a President for all Americans. Can he change? I very much doubt it.

So any Democrstic candidate will need to make a broader appeal. And if Americans in general are not by 2020 thirsting for someone who at least gives the appearance of wanting to project a broader appeal, I'd be surprised. But, right now, I can't guess who that might be. But if we decide now that our political parties can never rise above extreme partasinship, well, might as well just hang up on this American experiment altogether.

But there is one big problem, and that is the Know Nothing element of Trump's base. They want the bigoted version of America that Trump has so far provided, and it will be next to impossible to appeal to them as long as Trump himself continues to appeal to their fear and anger. He's a demagogue, ran as one in 2016, and we should expect the same appeal to the baser instincts in people from this President in 2020. Trump is a hateful bigot, and it's our nation's misfortune that he seems to be most comfortable appealing to fear, anger, and bigotry.

I have seen nothing to indicated that the parties can rise above that. Nothing. The bicker and fight and wax overly dramatic over every little detail. "Get Sick And Die", "Fake News", "Not My President"and Birthers are only a few examples that come to mind.

Now, the American people have certainly. Just not the Rs and Ds. IMO the hard left and hard right are ruining America.
Trump will be president until 2024. or some liberal democrat will MURDER him for having lowest black unemployment rate in recorded history. just like they killed lincoln for helping the black man!

racist democrats
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CNN uis queit on this "Nothingburger"

if it is a nothingburger why dont the demorats vote for the release

Of course out standard apologists for "the way things should be", as pontificated daily from "news" ideologically directed towards the managed world goals, will not talk about this.

That's how you can tell the difference between people who are thinking about stuff, and the pure schills.
I have seen nothing to indicated that the parties can rise above that. Nothing. The bicker and fight and wax overly dramatic over every little detail. "Get Sick And Die", "Fake News", "Not My President"and Birthers are only a few examples that come to mind.

Now, the American people have certainly. Just not the Rs and Ds. IMO the hard left and hard right are ruining America.

Find someone whom is skilled like no other in the rhetoric of unity, the oratory of unity, and the American people will respond to that, because the majority are sick of partisanship. If it has to be under the umbrella of a third party, well maybe 2020 will be that year. I don't know who that person is at the moment. I don't see the type of leader my imagination alone can conjur at the moment.

Of course, since oratory appeals to the emotive responses in people, a skilled demagogue can also fit that bill, and that is a danger at times like this....

Republican lawmakers are pushing for the House Intelligence Committee to release a memo written by the panel's chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, that outlines purported surveillance during the transition period against President-elect Donald Trump by former President Barack Obama's administration.

And Russia-linked Twitter bots have jumped on the bandwagon.

#ReleaseTheMemo is the top-trending hashtag among Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations, according to Hamilton 68, a website launched last year that says it tracks Russian propaganda in near-real time.

The frequency with which the accounts have been promoting the hashtag has spiked by 233,000% over the past 48 hours, according to the site. The accounts' references to the "memo," meanwhile, have increased by 68,000%......

......Democrats, meanwhile, have called the Nunes memo grossly exaggerated and misleading.

"The Majority voted today on a party-line basis to grant House Members access to a profoundly misleading set of talking points drafted by Republican staff attacking the FBI and its handling of the investigation," Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel's top Democrat, said in a statement on Thursday.

"Rife with factual inaccuracies and referencing highly classified materials that most of Republican Intelligence Committee members were forced to acknowledge they had never read, this is meant only to give Republican House members a distorted view of the FBI," Schiff continued.

A source with knowledge of the memo told Business Insider that it was "a level of irresponsible stupidity that I cannot fathom," adding that it "purposefully misconstrues facts and leaves out important details."
I have seen nothing to indicated that the parties can rise above that. Nothing. The bicker and fight and wax overly dramatic over every little detail. "Get Sick And Die", "Fake News", "Not My President"and Birthers are only a few examples that come to mind.

Now, the American people have certainly. Just not the Rs and Ds. IMO the hard left and hard right are ruining America.

I also don't think the problems are entirely the result of uber-partisan politics. The American people seem deeply divided over the direction of the nation. The mere existance of the culture wars alone demonstrates that fact. And when either candidate in a Republican vs Democrat election talk policy, those differences will often surface, exacerbating partisan positions. But I do believe the majority of Americans want compromise.

Politics has been defined as "the art of compromise". That has not been the case in Washington for a number of years now. Nobody in Congress, or the executive branch, is practicing that art form at the moment. But the roots are deeper then mere partisanship, those roots are within the culture wars themselves, as Americans themselves are deeply divided, not simply their elected representatives. Which is why I believe, and of course it's far easier said then done, far easier to conjure in the imagination then the real world, that we need candidates that will remind us at every turn that we are all Americans.

Policy positions that remind Americans of their cultural differences, that remind Americans that we are engaged in "a battle for the soul of America" absolutely have to be balanced by reinforcing anything and everything we have in common as Americans. There is a middle ground of Americans, that may outnumber the extremes, I say MAY, that want to get past this civil war we are engaged in. And that candidate or candidates that at least recognizes that, and is willing to not just bend to the will of the extremes, is likely what we need if we are to transcend extreme partisanship.

Even where Trump is concerned, if he had simply made an effort, post 2016 election, to reach out and talk to Americans who did not vote for him, things would actually have gone easier for him. Any half way intelligent politician understands that basic principle. It was his choice to only ever speak to his base, and never really address those segments of his nation that did not support him. And all taking such a stance does is increase the desire among a large percentage of the American public for leaders that do stress what we have in common, that do stress the desire for unity over divisiveness. Whoever the candidates are in 2020 had better understand that.

P.S. I have no idea why some of my text is darker then other parts, lol....
I also don't think the problems are entirely the result of uber-partisan politics. The American people seem deeply divided over the direction of the nation. The mere existance of the culture wars alone demonstrates that fact. And when either candidate in a Republican vs Democrat election talk policy, those differences will often surface, exacerbating partisan positions. But I do believe the majority of Americans want compromise.

Politics has been defined as "the art of compromise". That has not been the case in Washington for a number of years now. Nobody in Congress, or the executive branch, is practicing that art form at the moment. But the roots are deeper then mere partisanship, those roots are within the culture wars themselves, as Americans themselves are deeply divided, not simply their elected representatives. Which is why I believe, and of course it's far easier said then done, far easier to conjure in the imagination then the real world, that we need candidates that will remind us at every turn that we are all Americans.

Policy positions that remind Americans of their cultural differences, that remind Americans that we are engaged in "a battle for the soul of America" absolutely have to be balanced by reinforcing anything and everything we have in common as Americans. There is a middle ground of Americans, that may outnumber the extremes, I say MAY, that want to get past this civil war we are engaged in. And that candidate or candidates that at least recognizes that, and is willing to not just bend to the will of the extremes, is likely what we need if we are to transcend extreme partisanship.

Even where Trump is concerned, if he had simply made an effort, post 2016 election, to reach out and talk to Americans who did not vote for him, things would actually have gone easier for him. Any half way intelligent politician understands that basic principle. It was his choice to only ever speak to his base, and never really address those segments of his nation that did not support him. And all taking such a stance does is increase the desire among a large percentage of the American public for leaders that do stress what we have in common, that do stress the desire for unity over divisiveness. Whoever the candidates are in 2020 had better understand that.

P.S. I have no idea why some of my text is darker then other parts, lol....
you want him to talk to people.

words are useless

remember obummer and all his beautiful words. obama is one of the greatest speakers ever. when he goes on a pedestal and tells me the sun is green. i sure as hell would believe him. but all his words turned out lies.

trump on the other hand stupid liberals cling on every one of his words.
but lowest african American job rate in history, lowest unemployment in history, minimum wage is being increased without minium wage laws. the economy is BOOMING. the economy growth is 3% and might reach 4%

yet obummer takes creidt for this, the man who said their is no magic wand that can bring jobs back, their is no more 3% gdp growth ever.


not to mention kim yung fatty is scared out of his mind(yes i am fat shaming the only fat guy in a communist/socialist country)
and the iranian government is ******* bricks. lol
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Seems like as good of place as any for this.


I agree with the democrat strategist, its stupid to pursue or push the idea of impeaching Trump. Trump got voted in, work on getting your own people voted in if you are that opposed to him. I would be disappointed to even see Trump get impeached, because it would prop him up as a martyr for many.

Personally I see the most likely outcome of the Trump presidency is for him to get a little more mired in mud while in office but ultimately nothing too damning comes out and he decides not to run again. For him he does it to save face and he can continue to claim how he was the greatest president ever and push his brand and make more money from that. He can be a voice but doesnt have to face his biggest fear of getting embarrassed if he losses.

Obviously if something really bad comes out of this investigation or something else he should be impeached but there is no reason to talk about that until hard evidence gets presented to us.
Great. Let's go crazy over something that didn't happen. That sounds similar to what the whole Russia collusion thing appears to have been.
Trump did give the order to fire Mueller. That happened. Being successful in the endeavour of obstruction is not necessary to be guilty of obstruction of justice. It's a crime of intent. So GTFO with this 'nothing happened' nonsense.

Also, answer me this, if this is all no big deal, why was the White House chief counsel willing to resign in protest over it?