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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

Oh really? Russophobia is Russophobia. It is racism just like Islamophobia.

Ask yourselfs why are these liberals an the corrupt media just now jumping on this bandwagon? Where were they when Bill Clinton got paid hundreds of thousands for speaking in Moscow? Where were they when Hillary sold 20% of are uranium storage to Russia in exchange for charitable fund contributions?

Conservative Republicans have tried making peace with Russia through mutual respect. How do you think the great Ronald Reagan achieved PEACE!?!

All democrats an liberals do is sow the seeds of contempt an war that is there only way to blame conservatives when we fix there messes.

Do you realize Hillary sold 0 of our uranium for export to Russia? None of our uranium was pulled from the ground in the U.S. and shipped to Russia. None. None is eligible to be transferred to Russia, ever.
Another great article about FAKE NEWS. Explains how there was ZERO evidence against Turnip by the FBI after 6 months!

But such logic does not take into account other major developments. As noted above, Comey has given himself a de facto license to run an open-ended probe into allegations of collusion between team Trump and Moscow, even though there is never any proof presented, only hearsay and the unaccountable reliance on «classified information». In effect, Comey has politicized his power as the top law enforcer.

This is while Comey has singularly failed to go after Hillary Clinton and her much more substantiated misconduct. The last straw seems to have been Comey announcing to Congress last week that «hundreds and thousands» of Clinton’s government emails had been «forwarded» outside of classified protocol. Then this week, Comey suddenly revoked that testimony when he notified Congress he had erred; that the number of offending emails only amounted to a fraction of what he claimed last week.

What emerges is an FBI director who was bumbling, incompetent and personally responsible for a whole catalogue of ****-ups. Comey had singlehandedly undermined the FBI and turned it into a political weapon (nothing new here given the shenanigans under notorious predecessor Edgar J Hoover). Therefore, Trump is right to give Comey the sack.


This article CRUSHES the corrupt left media an is a great read no matter your opinions.
Do you realize Hillary sold 0 of our uranium for export to Russia? None of our uranium was pulled from the ground in the U.S. and shipped to Russia. None. None is eligible to be transferred to Russia, ever.

I realize you are self proclaimed irrational when it comes to Trump.

Clinton Foundation got $145,000,000 documented dollars, mostly from the Uranium One guy. Why? Where was Comey investigating that corruption? An you think the Russians cannot smuggle out uranium when Iraq smuggled out WMD right underneath are noses? I been to Uranium Ones closed mine in Ticaboo Utah. I can drive in there right now an mine Uranium an nobody would ever know!
A few thoughts on trolls and trolling. Imagine spending years creating an alternative identity, all to amuse yourself and a small handful of barely interested others. It’s takes an unhealthy dose of both dedication and delusion. Vonnegut said we become what we pretend to be. If you pretend to be an idiot by repeatedly spouting nonsense, the line between what’s real and what’s pretend first gets blurry, then one day there's no line at all and nothing to pretend about.
I realize you are self proclaimed irrational when it comes to Trump.

Clinton Foundation got $145,000,000 documented dollars, mostly from the Uranium One guy. Why? Where was Comey investigating that corruption? An you think the Russians cannot smuggle out uranium when Iraq smuggled out WMD right underneath are noses? I been to Uranium Ones closed mine in Ticaboo Utah. I can drive in there right now an mine Uranium an nobody would ever know!

Thanks Mr. Snowflake, I'll take it under advisement.
A few thoughts on trolls and trolling. Imagine spending years creating an alternative identity, all to amuse yourself and a small handful of barely interested others. It’s takes an unhealthy dose of both dedication and delusion. Vonnegut said we become what we pretend to be. If you pretend to be an idiot by repeatedly spouting nonsense, the line between what’s real and what’s pretend first gets blurry, then one day there's no line at all and nothing to pretend about.

2 things.

1. That post wasn't about Trump, stop deflecting

2. Your reply to his assertion is pure conjecture. They could steal it!!! Well if they stole it that wouldn't be Clinton selling it to them now would it...

Just read an article about how Eric trump is using money that is supposed to be going to his charity and instead using some of that money for his families businesses.

Not surprising really.
2 things.

1. That post wasn't about Trump, stop deflecting

2. Your reply to his assertion is pure conjecture. They could steal it!!! Well if they stole it that wouldn't be Clinton selling it to them now would it...


Pretty sure this is the post you meant to reply to:

I realize you are self proclaimed irrational when it comes to Trump.

Clinton Foundation got $145,000,000 documented dollars, mostly from the Uranium One guy. Why? Where was Comey investigating that corruption? An you think the Russians cannot smuggle out uranium when Iraq smuggled out WMD right underneath are noses? I been to Uranium Ones closed mine in Ticaboo Utah. I can drive in there right now an mine Uranium an nobody would ever know!
Well, this sure doesn't look good.


In reviewing filings from the Eric Trump Foundation and other charities, it's clear that the course wasn't free--that the Trump Organization received payments for its use, part of more than $1.2 million that has no documented recipients past the Trump Organization. Golf charity experts say the listed expenses defy any reasonable cost justification for a one-day golf tournament.

Additionally, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which has come under previous scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing the interests of its namesake rather than those of charity, apparently used the Eric Trump Foundation to funnel $100,000 in donations into revenue for the Trump Organization.

And while donors to the Eric Trump Foundation were told their money was going to help sick kids, more than $500,000 was re-donated to other charities, many of which were connected to Trump family members or interests, including at least four groups that subsequently paid to hold golf tournaments at Trump courses.

This family is such trash. Utter trash
Just read an article about how Eric trump is using money that is supposed to be going to his charity and instead using some of that money for his families businesses.

Not surprising really.


These guys can be so dumb. I don't get why it's so hard for anybody these days yo run an honest operation. Almost nobody does it. Very sad.
What will be interesting is how democrata will say that this time charity misconduct is important and the republicans will talk about how it isn't.

With that said, if this is true, Donald Trump is not Eric Trump. Unless he has a probable direct tie to this fraud, it should not invalidate him. I also wonder whether Thriller would call the Clinton family complete trash.

These guys can be so dumb. I don't get why it's so hard for anybody these days yo run an honest operation. Almost nobody does it. Very sad.
No link.
Google it
So what's the right's spin on Comey's prepared testimony?

And how about the DNI and Admiral Rogers alleged contempt of congress?
So what's the right's spin on Comey's prepared testimony?

And how about the DNI and Admiral Rogers alleged contempt of congress?

Correct. It will be interesting to see how the right wingers spin this. I'm sure they'll do all they can to discredit Comey, whine about the MSM, and attempt to deflect by focusing on foreign affairs.

But this my friends, is clearly OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE:


Former FBI Director James Comey will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday that President Trump did ask him for "loyalty" at a January dinner and later told him alone in the Oval Office that he "hope[d] you can let" the investigation into his former national security director Michael Flynn "go."
It's going to be interesting to see when the House begins to distance itself away from this Trump disaster. I know they've hopped onto this rotten carcass in hopes of shredding social programs, gutting environmental regulation, and reforming taxes. But Trump is sinking and sinking fast. The question isn't if but how many republicans lose seats in 2018. When do they abandon him to save themselves? I can't imagine that things get any better in the coming months. And if the senate is unable to repeal Obamacare before July, then they never will.
BTW, since you're replying to Harambe's comments that the Russians hacked one of the software suppliers for our voting infrastructure, you're essentially stating that you agree that the Russians might have the ability to themselves generate voter fraud, something which would seem to contradict your incessant claims that Russiagate is "fake news".


reality winner said vr systems was hacked!

do you know which states used vr systems?

exactly go take a look what voter **** was hacke dand in what cities and what kind ballots those states had and who won those states. and if they are swingstates or not!