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Dunk contest

Biggest key to dunk comp is to keep your opening round dunks simple. A power two handed dunk, windmill, big alley oop will get you through to final.
Donovan should spend his weekend at the all-star events recruiting others to come to Utah.

People will look at him and say, "why don't you come here instead" only players Utahncan recruit to come here is Foreign players or players who are from nearby. No player who was born and raised in the South want to go to Utah. Utah has a stigma bout it. How hard is that for people to understand?
Mitchell should jump over Gobert and throw down an alley oop pass from Rubio.

He should also do that shoot a three and dunk it before the ball hits the ground. But that is one if he misses the shot a couple times or the ball comes out funny it will kill the momentum of it. You have to get it on the first try.