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Dunk contest

I think I'm the only one that doesn't want Mitchell in it. He has nothing to prove.

The more attention he gets the better his chances for ROTY are. The majority of people still believe Ben Simmons is ROTY and its not close. And that is because they don't watch Donovan or the Jazz at all. They'll be watching All Star weekend though. Hopefully Donovan dominates the weekend.
Anybody else see all those twitter responses to Woj wanting Terrance Ferguson in the dunk contest? Lol why? What has he done all year?
I think I'm the only one that doesn't want Mitchell in it. He has nothing to prove.
He has nothing to prove, but we all have something to gain if he becomes a star. Free agency, foul calls, media coverage, nationally televised games, etc. all get escalated when you have a star.
He already is a star and I've never seen anything like it from Jazz fans. Everyone loves and thinks highly if him.
I think I'm the only one that doesn't want Mitchell in it. He has nothing to prove.

He already is a star and I've never seen anything like it from Jazz fans. Everyone loves and thinks highly if him.
Want it for him. It’s great exposure, he will go in it to impress. It’s one of the more watched events of All Star weekend and just helps expose him to all those who don’t get to watch him every night. Donovan is an exciting player to see, and this is the perfect outlet to show every casual basketball fan that. We want all the exposure on this kid he can get. Donovan’s exposure as a rookie has been great, he’s been on a lot of platforms already. Adding the dunk contest to that exposure platform is nothing but good for him.

And yes Jazz fans have loved him quicker and more than any Jazz player I’ve seen. That’s why I want to see him do the things he wants to accomplish, and the dunk contest is a place Donovan obviously wanted to be.
I can see it now - Mitchell gets an alley oop from Stockton while jumping over Malone.

While wearing a specially hand delivered Mailman jersey delivered by Malone himself. How do we make this happen??? Somebody tweet at Karl real quick. Does Stock even have twitter lol?
This is a lot of exposure for him if he does well. I don't think it helps us on court at all. Might even hurt us a bit if he is focused on practicing for this. I want him to see that if he does great things he can have everything he wants right here.
Lebron stands near the basket, wearing a crown. The "young king" grabs it off LBJ's head, slams the ball home and puts the crown on his head on the way down.

The message is clear. This is going to be Donovan's era.
I would need to talk to my doctor before watching this to make sure my heart is healthy enough for this.
I'd probably have to call my doctor for one of those 4 hour problems after watching.

This is great for Mitchell and the Jazz. As others have said, he needs more exposure to East coast media and fans.
I would need to talk to my doctor before watching this to make sure my heart is healthy enough for this.

Now imagine that Donovan is doing the Mailman hand behind the head while finishing an alley oop thrown by Stockton while jumping over Malone.

So it's Mitchell, Dennis Smith Jr., Larry Nance Jr., and who is the 4th guy again?

Edit: Victor Oladipo. So there are 3 guys who are about the same size and same type of athletes. Going to be interesting.