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In the United States we have a mid-level education called ‘community college’. It was supposed to be equivalent to the freshman and sophomore year of university but for those who either didn’t qualify for university straight out of high school or couldn’t afford the higher price of university education. That isn’t the way it is working in practice today.

From the start, junior colleges were viewed as places for terminal degrees.
Because it is a narrow and insufficient notion of education.
Even if that were true, and I don’t believe it is, that whole narrative is so transparently false. If you were trying to measure a thing and didn’t believe a particular measurement provided a comprehensive picture, then the normal response would be to push for more data, for additional and different measurements.

When administrators say testing students against a uniform standard provides and narrow and insufficient picture so testing students against a uniform standard should be opposed or steps are taken to withhold the data, it is a pretty good tell that tests are working perfectly well but administrators don’t like the picture they paint.
Don't those extra curricular activities only exist so rich kids from connected families can get into the top schools while the poor kids with better grades miss out? Its a ****ing joke that being part of a glee club or whatever the **** you call it matters when getting into university. That said most American universities at an undergraduate level are little better in terms of the teaching delivered than most Australian high schools.
No. That doesn’t reflect the public education system in Utah at all. It sounds more like the private education system if anything.

I’m not familiar with what you’re saying about glee club. Some universities and scholarship providers take into consideration one’s extra curricular activities but most Utah universities place a much higher priority on GPA and ACT scores.
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I know I’ve made this invitation a few times on this board before (probably in this very thread) but before you regurgitate something you’ve seen from social media why don’t you take a few days and volunteer in your local public school? You can learn a lot from volunteering and talking to the professionals who work probably within walking distance of your home. Go for an afternoon or two over the next few weeks. Try setting up a phone interview with your local principal to ask them some of these questions about testing (or books or trans sports or kids using kitty litter or whatever social media is freaking out about). Has anyone actually tried this? Why haven’t you? It’ll probably take you less time than typing out a post on this website and it’ll be far more informative than having a circle jerk on social media.

Why doesn’t anyone take me up on this offer? Why do we keep rehashing all the same debunked stories and bad info every few months? Sometimes, actually interacting with people in person can be a real benefit, crazy idea I know…
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No. That doesn’t reflect the public education system in Utah at all. It sounds more like the private education system if anything.

I’m not familiar with what you’re saying about glee club. Some universities and scholarship providers take into consideration one’s extra curricular activities but most Utah universities place a much higher priority on GPA and ACT scores.

Grades should be the only criteria for University entry, however we have significantly different education systems, similar to how different our health care systems are.
we have significantly different education systems
Agreed. Our high schools and universities totally neglect to teach how to throw shrimp on the barbie, proper form for boxing with kangaroos, construction techniques for building post-apocalyptic desert vehicles, and how to identify what is and is not a knife.
Has anyone actually tried this? Why haven’t you? It’ll probably take you less time than typing out a post on this website
Is that really all that is required in Utah? At my local school district all volunteers must be fingerprinted and pass a background check. It takes weeks, but still my kid's school has more volunteers than are allowed to be on campus at any one time. School administrators set a cap of one volunteer parent per classroom per day when the class is staying on campus.
If you were trying to measure a thing and didn’t believe a particular measurement provided a comprehensive picture, then the normal response would be to push for more data, for additional and different measurements.
Are you saying that isn't or has not been happening?
There would be an application process at the school. Background checks would be included. Each district has a different process so that’s why I suggested you go to your local school and inquire there. Usually the application doesn’t take longer than a few days to process.
Don't those extra curricular activities only exist so rich kids from connected families can get into the top schools while the poor kids with better grades miss out? Its a ****ing joke that being part of a glee club or whatever the **** you call it matters when getting into university. That said most American universities at an undergraduate level are little better in terms of the teaching delivered than most Australian high schools.

bingo i have Mr Whitlam to thank for being able to get somewhere just based on results as opposed to those other things
bingo i have Mr Whitlam to thank for being able to get somewhere just based on results as opposed to those other things

Vale Edward Gough Whitlam, possibly the greatest Australian that ever lived. Most Australians don't know how much of modern Australia is owed to him.
Vale Edward Gough Whitlam, possibly the greatest Australian that ever lived. Most Australians don't know how much of modern Australia is owed to him.

A lot of ppl would be shocked at exactly how crazily more unfair life was here before Whitlam.
Agreed. Our high schools and universities totally neglect to teach how to throw shrimp on the barbie, proper form for boxing with kangaroos, construction techniques for building post-apocalyptic desert vehicles, and how to identify what is and is not a knife.

Laugh it up fuzz ball but these skill are essential, I had to fight a kangaroo this morning who found its way into the tray of my Ute. Its an American designed Ute, had the Ute been properly designed and constructed the ****ing bastard never would have got in. Anyway I got home BBQs and had a beer just to recover
A lot of ppl would be shocked at exactly how crazily more unfair life was here before Whitlam.

Prior to Gough under Menzies there were about 8 ministries of the crown. Whitlam expanded that to something like 30. He is responsible for basically for transitioning the country from where we were at an administrative and public service level in 1945 to where we we ended up under Frasier and Hawke. The conservatives had done nothing in the space to modernise the country.
Laugh it up fuzz ball but these skill are essential, I had to fight a kangaroo this morning who found its way into the tray of my Ute. Its an American designed Ute, had the Ute been properly designed and constructed the ****ing bastard never would have got in. Anyway I got home BBQs and had a beer just to recover
I've got nothing but mad respect for all of that. It is really only that Foster's is Australian for beer that has me looking a bit sideways. ...and what's with the fear of thunder?
Laugh it up fuzz ball but these skill are essential, I had to fight a kangaroo this morning who found its way into the tray of my Ute. Its an American designed Ute, had the Ute been properly designed and constructed the ****ing bastard never would have got in. Anyway I got home BBQs and had a beer just to recover
Laugh it up fuzz ball but these skill are essential, I had to fight a kangaroo this morning who found its way into the tray of my Ute. Its an American designed Ute, had the Ute been properly designed and constructed the ****ing bastard never would have got in. Anyway I got home BBQs and had a beer just to recover

Stuart Appleby won a $ 300 K Mercedes for winning a golf tournament once, took it home and found someone who cut it up and turned it into a Ute lol
Well had to Google wtf is these Aussies talking about with Ute. Probably more confusing to Utahns I guess.