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Former First Round Pick on the Waiver Wire


Well-Known Member
Cameron Payne was waived by the Bulls yesterday. Former pick of OKC two behind Trey Lyles. A future Salt Lake Star?
The thing that is wacky about this deal is the guy traded for the two players was Justin Holiday who was once Jazz property and after being cut in training camp played for the Idaho Stampede. He fetched two players and a couple of seconds.
Payne has some tools. I thought he looked good, but clearly he isn't making the cut in the league to date. All of the Holidays look good these days.
Why didn't McCaw take the QO?

Now he's unrestricted... I think he mismanaged his situation... he needs a team like Phoenix to sign him and he better play well or he's China bound.
Now he's unrestricted... I think he mismanaged his situation... he needs a team like Phoenix to sign him and he better play well or he's China bound.
I dunno. QO is like, what, $1.7M guaranteed? Then he sat out half the year. How much did he make in his week with Cleveland?
I think McCaw effed up... then Cleveland did him and his agent a solid, while kinda sorta hurting (more like just irritating) GS.

Someone likely picks him up on the minimum, but doubt he gets more.
Our current roster is 15. Who are we cutting to make this happen?
I was making the comment facetiously, but I suppose we could waive Jarron Collins, Jr.

Not really interested in waiving Bradley for any of those guys except for maybe McCaw, but his situation is so weird that I think it's better off just not touching that.

Not really interested in waiving Bradley for any of those guys except for maybe McCaw, but his situation is so weird that I think it's better off just not touching that.

I thought I saw Carter-Williams had some decent stats for a backup. Wouldn't mind taking a flyer on him and seeing if he can play himself into a new contract. Was rookie of the year a few years back.
I thought I saw Carter-Williams had some decent stats for a backup. Wouldn't mind taking a flyer on him and seeing if he can play himself into a new contract. Was rookie of the year a few years back.
He couldn't play his way into a new contract on the god awful Bulls for the year or two he was there, he couldn't get himself off the bench after the first 5 - 10 games or so with the Rockets even when CP3 went down with injury (they signed Austin Rivers instead lol). He went back to the Bulls and they instantly waived him, he's just not that good by NBA standards.

edit: oh he got to play full time back up PG for the Hornets last year and while his counting stats were ok the Hornets offense dropped 4 points per 100 when he played and he didn't really do anything to improve their defense. He also hasn't even sniffed 50TS% outside of his season with the Bucks.
He couldn't play his way into a new contract on the god awful Bulls for the year or two he was there, he couldn't get himself off the bench after the first 5 - 10 games or so with the Rockets even when CP3 went down with injury (they signed Austin Rivers instead lol). He went back to the Bulls and they instantly waived him, he's just not that good by NBA standards.

Fair enough, never really watched him, just know he's probably the biggest name on the list by draft standards.