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Gordon Chiesa on 1320


Well-Known Member
I love this guy. Please hire him Jazz, even if its just to do PR.

He said now the players on in the hot seat not Ty Corbin.

Said he talked with Jerry yesterday and Jerry is at peace.

Ty is making sure that each player knows exactly what is expected.

Expect many quick-hitter, drives to the basket tonight.

Very subtly points out Deron has been at center of pick & Roll defense troubles.
I know some of the time he's on they'll take calls/questions, people need to flood the station with calls saying we (Jazz Fans) want Gordy back.
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I don't remember much about Chiesa and haven't heard him on the radio or anything very much...why do people want the Jazz to hire him so badly? Just curious.
Isn't the whole point of having a new head coach bringing in new blood? Hornacek's fine, Layden can do whatever he does as long as he doesn't ever make an actual decision, but I'd rather Ty go outside for the rest of his hires. Get the guys he wants, not the Jazz Hall of Fame.
I don't remember much about Chiesa and haven't heard him on the radio or anything very much...why do people want the Jazz to hire him so badly? Just curious.
Great understanding of the game, hard worker, excellent communicator.
Are you guys trying to steal him from my Grizzlies? We better watch out if we dont get our act together they could pass us for the 8th seed.
Awesome guy, that guy.

But he also said IRREGARDLESS as opposed to the - IR. Really Gordy? "Irregardless" at your age?
Isn't the whole point of having a new head coach bringing in new blood? Hornacek's fine, Layden can do whatever he does as long as he doesn't ever make an actual decision, but I'd rather Ty go outside for the rest of his hires. Get the guys he wants, not the Jazz Hall of Fame.

I agree with you to a point. The biggest detracting factor to the idea is that we're mid-season and valuable assistant coaches are hard to find mid-season as most of them are already under contract.

Kenny Natt or Gordy Chiesa as stop gaps would be fantastic(even though Chiesa is already under contract as a scout). With a full offseason, I fully agree with you.
Gordy rocks.
I hope the reason Corbin is waiting to hire is because he knows who he wants, and is waiting for that person.
It would be even better if it was Gordy.
He did mention also hiring a Developmental coach.
I think they should get a "Big Man" developmental coach as that is what we need most right now.

Anyone who has heard Gordy break down basketball on the radio knows he is the real deal, and that he can communicate the game in a simple, easy to understand way. This is what the players need.
He was on with Alema Harrington. I had to leave for a while but was suprised he was still on when I came back briefly. If the man can explain how to defend a pick and roll to me over the radio, he can help the Jazz.
I hope the reason Corbin is waiting to hire is because he knows who he wants, and is waiting for that person.
Ty said on kfan the other day that with a looming lockout the assistant position is difficult because they may only have the job for a short time and then be out of work for a year, so they may not fill the position this season. Horny is only signed for this season as well.