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Head Coach Jerry Sloan to resign today :(

One of the only positives from this would be if it's a guarantee that Deron stays and re-signs with Utah.
Deron blaming everyone else is still a problem that wont be solved with Sloan leaving. It's pretty obvious this is true about DWill, both in his body language and his quotes.

Being a "competitor" and "a guy that just wants to win" is not the same as being a leader. IMO, Dwill is not the leader he is paid to be. More Brandon Roy than Steve Nash.

Completely disagree. Williams has never thrown a player under the bus.
I'm surprised that the discord didn't leak out sooner.

But we all knew something was wrong with this team...give the team, the players, the front office, the owners props for keeping it under wraps this long. Sloans system was not working and everyone knew it...well, except for the apologists.
It's not right how Jerry is leaving.

It only means that the organization was dysfunctional, and still is.

It may be KOC and/or it may be DWill that is the major problem, but Jerry shouldn't be leaving just a game after resigning.
No. It sounds like their was a disagreement between KOC and Sloan. Since AK was at the meeting too, can we assume he is on his way out?

hmm... KOC was telling Sloan that they're trading AK because Greg Miller doesnt want to pay the tax & Sloan got pissed & said if this happens, me & Phil are out ????
Stockton and Malone were great, great players. Jerry Sloan and Phil Johnson were JazzBasketball.

Since 1981, the Utah Jazz had been the only franchise in professional basketball where ownership cared more about the head coach than the players. With Larry Miller gone, that is no longer the case. The equation is now Deron>Sloan. The new equation will be Deron>new head coach. Whether you think that is a good thing or a bad thing, the direction Greg Miller and Kevin O'Connor are steering this franchise is quite clear. The organization is now no different than the Indiana Pacers. I have my own strong opinions, but only time will tell if that will prove to be a wise move. The 2003-04 season was termed the "New Utah Jazz," but 3PM MT on February 10, 2011 will mark the real beginning of the "New Utah Jazz" era.
hmm... KOC was telling Sloan that they're trading AK because Greg Miller doesnt want to pay the tax & Sloan got pissed & said if this happens, me & Phil are out ????

I was just using the reasoning that everyone else at the meeting got canned. Now that we know more, AK seems much safer.
Stockton and Malone were great, great players. Jerry Sloan and Phil Johnson were JazzBasketball.

Since 1981, the Utah Jazz had been the only franchise in professional basketball where ownership cared more about the head coach than the players. With Larry Miller gone, that is no longer the case. The equation is now Deron>Sloan. The new equation will be Deron>new head coach. Whether you think that is a good thing or a bad thing, the direction Greg Miller and Kevin O'Connor are steering this franchise is quite clear. The organization is now no different than the Indiana Pacers. I have my own strong opinions, but only time will tell if that will prove to be a wise move. The 2003-04 season was termed the "New Utah Jazz," but 3PM on February 10, 2011 will mark the real beginning of the "New Utah Jazz" era.

Sadly, Jerry took us as far as he could.

I just hope DWill isn't the punk he's looking like.
I'm not sure AK was in the meeting. The meeting was still going on while AK was being interviewed in the locker room post game. Sloan was in there for 45 minutes, but AK was interviewed about 20 minutes after the game. It sounds like AK went into the coaches area AFTER the interview and AFTER the initial Sloan/KOC meeting.
Completely disagree. Williams has never thrown a player under the bus.

I sat roughly 25 feet from Deron as he overhand fired a ball at Haywards head, not as a pass but out of frustration and to dress down a rookie. It was a frustrating game in which Deron didn't play all that well but made it worse by doing that.

Listen, I love Deron.......guy is a beast but this season has shown some things about his personality that aren't conducive to leadership in the locker room. Again, this is all my opinion but I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb here.
Why would the Utah fanbase take Sloan side over Williams? IN this situation, Sloan has been given 23 years to produce. He has stayed consistent but has gotten worse the last few years. The writing has been on the wall that the players have been tuning out Sloan. Its almost as though some Jazz fans want Sloan as head coach and dont care about the players.

I agree... Williams is young and Sloan isn't. The franchise needs to go on after Sloan is done and right now the only way to make that happen is to ride D-Will. Still sad to see it go down like this.

Another issue with this team has to be that Sloan is an old school coach in a new school world. Players today are superstars before they leave high school. The game has passed Jerry by.