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Holy shizz. RIP UGLI Baby

Nvm bros. Coast is clear. Son of Ja just gave him a one day-bannination because UGLI was being UGLI.

RIP. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and close friends right now
He's back bros. Only as a ghost.

UGLI Baby will never be the same. Can ghsots type on keyboards???

I'm back??

Damn. Thought I was gonna be able to get some stuff done today.

This post brought to you by UGLI baby

Yeah of course, that goes without saying. This is how the song Bromance termed it:

Nothing really gay about it
Not that there's anything wrong with being gay (gay)
Bro-o-o-omance (Bromance)
Shouldn't be ashamed or hide it
I love you... in the most heterosexual way

For those who hasn't seen it:
