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I am fully on board with Exum starting at PG

Should he start?

  • Yes he should start at PG

    Votes: 19 24.7%
  • No he should not start and come off the bench

    Votes: 49 63.6%
  • He should start at SG

    Votes: 9 11.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Let's be a little honest here, Exum is our player that has the best star potential of the bunch. He needs the exposure and potential minutes to really catalyze him while in the starting lineup. It looks like one of Exum's best strengths is his play making ability. I also believe that having him at PG gives the Jazz the advantage. At his size he can see over the defense and become a nightmare of a mismatch.

Burke will be a great back up guard, especially with his low turn over rate. He can be the leader of that second unit which also includes Gobert and Hood (most likely).

I'm not exactly sure who else will start and I think Snyder will play the guys that earn it, but even this starting lineup looks to have a lot of potential:


It's probably the biggest line up in the league. The ball movement would be great with Exum, Burks, and Hayward. Kanter and Favors would love the easy buckets.

I really believe that a player needs to be starting by around year 2 to really blossom into a star. All of our young guys have been made to come off the bench until their 3rd year and haven't been able to reach their full potential.

So what do you think? Should Exum start? who should start???
My guess is he comes off the bench his first year, maybe starts by the end of the season, and starts his sophomore year.
But why start a guy (Burke), who doesn't have as high of ceiling? If anything they could play exum less minutes while starting still.
I can't wait for the controversy to start.

I wonder how Snyder will handle it. We all know how Corbin or Sloan would. If Trey isn't completely screwing up, then it's gonna be a tough and awkward situation to bench Trey. Contrary to popular belief around here, I don't think that the Jazz think Trey sucks.
I can't wait for the controversy to start.

I wonder how Snyder will handle it. We all know how Corbin or Sloan would. If Trey isn't completely screwing up, then it's gonna be a tough and awkward situation to bench Trey. Contrary to popular belief around here, I don't think that the Jazz think Trey sucks.

I don't think Trey sucks, but it's looking like he's a better backup... I don't really like his potential in the starting line up. I won't be mad if Exum is coming off the bench, I just think he needs enough exposure to be able to turn into a star.
Exum is the better player by far over Burke in the near future. I don't think Dante has shown the conditioning yet or shooting but he has the IT factor about him that lets you know he is going to be a good one.I don't like Exum playing alongside Trey at all ,they are both point guards and I think Dante stays awake when he has the ball in his hand,and that's when he is at his best.I think Trey gets backup job at some point in the near future,or split the minutes 50 50 between them and give more minutes to the one that's playing well.
I agree that Exum has star potential, but I also think that making him earn the starting spot won't hurt that potential. I don't think it should just be given to him from Day 1.
- Prefer him to start at PG (Because Burke is just a ball hog and he just over dribbles all the time)

- But we're stuck with Trey.

- So I proposed (a while ago now), that we have Burke bring up the ball, but and have Exum at SG do most of the playmaking (driving and dishing, etc).

- This is similar to how the Heat utilises Lebron's playmaking ability.
I think he needs to start off as a sub and possibly play against the opposition's second units and after he gets used to the speed and physicality of the league he might get some starts towards the end of the season. The FO has been clear that they "don't want to skip steps" with Exum's development and I believe they won't rush him in. I'd love to see how his conditioning goes and if he's able to add some strength to his frame by the end of the season. I still expect him to play 20-25 minutes in his first season.
Let Trey show the way and lets see if that inspires Mr. Exum to show the competitive pride to let everyone know who the best leader at point is for Utah.
Contrary to popular belief around here, I don't think that the Jazz think Trey sucks.
Popular belief? Well, I like the kid much. I guess some guys hate him because he made a lot of clutch shots last year, won games on his own. Some whiny bitches were not cool with winning, they wanted to lose more and more and more.. Trey basically turned the team around last year, so he deserves the starting spot now. Let him go with Burks. Isn't bringing Dante in slowly best for his development? He can still get big minutes, and play the PG and SG throughout the game. Think about this rotation for a while. It works for everyone. And the best part is at the end of the year we get to have enough data to decide how good Trey, Burks and Dante are, which position is better for Dante and which backcourt combinations work best.
I think it's likely that Exum comes off the bench to play point. I think it will help him to go against some other second units at least initially. He will to adjust to the NBA speed and strength needed. I really don't like him starting at SG. Alex or Gordon should in my opinion. One thing I hope will happen that Quin alluded to is that he is going to give minutes based on the player who not only gives the best defensive effort but the player who gives the Jazz the better chance to win. I am hoping that lights a fire under Exum's *** and he outplays Burke and takes the starter's job from him. I believe they can co-exist, but I don't think either of them are going to like it long term. Neither of them shoots well enough right now to be sharing a backcourt.
Well Trey is more NBA ready. Exum can't shoot. He is no shooting guard. He will be the backup point guard.