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I can’t afford this Trump economy

Elect an *** clown

Expect ****

This is unreal. Double the cost??? Cmon guys

I think the colloquial phrase is "**** around and find out". Well the majority of the American public "****ed around", and now all of us get to "find out".

In other words, we're well and duly ****ed. At least for the foreseeable future. With nary a jar of Vaseline in sight.
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I think the colloquial phrase is "**** around and find out". Well the majority of the American public "****ed around", and now all of us get to "find out".

I'm other words, we're well and duly ****ed. At least for the foreseeable future. With nary a jar of Vaseline in sight.
A guy I worked with in the middle of 2024 asked me if I wanted Trump back. He was a pretty cool guy all around and I knew the conversation wouldn't get too stupid. I said absolutely not and he asked why. I said "Because Trump is a clown." He said, "Yeah, that's true, but maybe that's what we need."
A guy I worked with in the middle of 2024 asked me if I wanted Trump back. He was a pretty cool guy all around and I knew the conversation wouldn't get too stupid. I said absolutely not and he asked why. I said "Because Trump is a clown." He said, "Yeah, that's true, but maybe that's what we need."

Yeah its like the other day when i forgot to return my video tapes and i didn't have the money to pay the fine. I thought I know, I'll pimp my sister.
Suddenly outside factors such as supply chains, diseases, and war, you know things beyond the president’s control yet impact the cost of things, matter again. It’s funny how whenever Trump is President, he can never be held accountable. Everything is beyond his control and he cannot be blamed. He must be given a free pass. Yet when a Democrat is president, suddenly they must be held accountable for every nose bleed and nothing beyond their control can influence anything. Case in point, Trump cannot be held accountable for his mismanagement of Covid and for all the death, riots, schemes by his supporters to kill Democratic governors, and supply chain issues our country saw during his last year. Yet Biden isn’t given any grace. He must be blamed for all death, variants, supply chain issues, inflation, wars, peace, storms, droughts, and mean hurt feelings from Donald being prosecuted for one of his many crimes (the weakest one, porking Stormy, paying her off, and lying about it).

Damn you ObamaBiden for you tan suits and for making everything so expensive with your I Dream of Genie magical powers. You’re the worst ObamaBiden!
A guy I worked with in the middle of 2024 asked me if I wanted Trump back. He was a pretty cool guy all around and I knew the conversation wouldn't get too stupid. I said absolutely not and he asked why. I said "Because Trump is a clown." He said, "Yeah, that's true, but maybe that's what we need."
Did you ask him why we need that? What sucks about America? And why would a clown improve things? Especially since, he’d been president before. We tried the whole clown thing. He sucked so bad he lost reelection. It’s truly stunning to me how people have memory holed his first term. Then they repeat propaganda like “maybe we need a clown” or “maybe we need to blow America up.” Why? Cuz some podcast or social media personality (likely paid by Russia) says so?

In your opinion, how informed and engaged into politics is your friend? Because he sounds like one of those many low info, cynical (both sides are bad when in reality they very much favor one side but don’t want to admit it), dudes who gets his entertainment/info from dudebro podcasts, not like non-fiction books or newspapers. I could be wrong, so that’s why I’m asking.

I don’t get where all this anger and disenchantment with America comes from and why people think “blowing it up with a clown” would improve things. Anarchy isn’t good. Those who incite revolution rarely live to see a better day. Few of these Americans who brag about “not complying” because they’re “lions not sheeple” wouldn’t last more than a few days without porn on their phones, $30 dollar beard oil and $150 dollar True Religion jeans, and gas for their F350 super trucks. Think to yourself, how many friends and family who talk a big game would also be up in arms becoming crazy Karens in the next few weeks if they couldn’t watch the Super Bowl? These people are gonna really lead revolutions where food, water, and electricity become pretty scarce for long periods of time? lol umm ohhkay.
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Did you ask him why we need that? What sucks about America? And why would a clown improve things? Especially since, he’d been president before. We tried the whole clown thing. He sucked so bad he lost reelection. It’s truly stunning to me how people have memory holed his first term. Then they repeat propaganda like “maybe we need a clown” or “maybe we need to blow America up.” Why? Cuz some podcast or social media personality (likely paid by Russia) says so?

In your opinion, how informed and engaged into politics is your friend? Because he sounds like one of those many low info, cynical (both sides are bad when in reality they very much favor one side but don’t want to admit it), dudes who gets his entertainment/info from dudebro podcasts, not like non-fiction books or newspapers. I could be wrong, so that’s why I’m asking.

I don’t get where all this anger and disenchantment with America comes from and why people think “blowing it up with a clown” would improve things. Anarchy isn’t good. Those who incite revolution rarely live to see a better day. Few of these Americans who brag about “not complying” because they’re “lions not sheeple” wouldn’t last more than a few days without porn on their phones, $30 dollar beard oil and $150 dollar True Religion jeans, and gas for their F350 super trucks. Think to yourself, how many friends and family who talk a big game would also be up in arms becoming crazy Karens in the next few weeks if they couldn’t watch the Super Bowl? These people are gonna really lead revolutions where food, water, and electricity become pretty scarce for long periods of time? lol umm ohhkay.
Well I mentioned that I knew the conversation wouldn't get too stupid and I had my part to play in that also, so I didn't try to get too deep into it with him.

He was a guy who grew up in a polygamous family around Park City who left and had a rebellious life and got into drugs. He's mostly cleaned up now and doesn't really hold strong political views as far as I can tell.
Well I mentioned that I knew the conversation wouldn't get too stupid and I had my part to play in that also, so I didn't try to get too deep into it with him.

He was a guy who grew up in a polygamous family around Park City who left and had a rebellious life and got into drugs. He's mostly cleaned up now and doesn't really hold strong political views as far as I can tell.
I understand.

This is also consistent with my experience. Folks without much ideology who can’t even articulate what they’re angry about, are finding themselves… angry! They’re finding community and meaning through social media, grievances, and politics.

Most of us carry super computers in our pockets and drive tanks that have more entertainment tech than tv stations had a generation ago. Yet, the peace and prosperity of modern western democracy has become our own worst enemy. Adults today are so bored, that they’re desperate to find excitement, meaning, and fulfillment through wrecking our democracy. “It’s what we need” is actually a projection for what he subconsciously desires.
I think the colloquial phrase is "**** around and find out". Well the majority of the American public "****ed around", and now all of us get to "find out".

I'm other words, we're well and duly ****ed. At least for the foreseeable future. With nary a jar of Vaseline in sight.
I’m on board with this. Anything to help snap Americans out of their psychosis. Or at the very least, get low info disengaged voters to sit at home on election night. Dumb people who just want to see the country burn for entertainment and a sense of community should find some other hobby. Trump has inspired these losers to be active when he’s on the ballot. Instead, I want these folks to Go bowling, attend church, or watch some sports. Just because you can blow up a school board meeting, yell at poll workers, or vote for an *** clown to blow up the country, doesn’t mean you should.