Did you ask him why we need that? What sucks about America? And why would a clown improve things? Especially since, he’d been president before. We tried the whole clown thing. He sucked so bad he lost reelection. It’s truly stunning to me how people have memory holed his first term. Then they repeat propaganda like “maybe we need a clown” or “maybe we need to blow America up.” Why? Cuz some podcast or social media personality (likely paid by Russia) says so?
In your opinion, how informed and engaged into politics is your friend? Because he sounds like one of those many low info, cynical (both sides are bad when in reality they very much favor one side but don’t want to admit it), dudes who gets his entertainment/info from dudebro podcasts, not like non-fiction books or newspapers. I could be wrong, so that’s why I’m asking.
I don’t get where all this anger and disenchantment with America comes from and why people think “blowing it up with a clown” would improve things. Anarchy isn’t good. Those who incite revolution rarely live to see a better day. Few of these Americans who brag about “not complying” because they’re “lions not sheeple” wouldn’t last more than a few days without porn on their phones, $30 dollar beard oil and $150 dollar True Religion jeans, and gas for their F350 super trucks. Think to yourself, how many friends and family who talk a big game would also be up in arms becoming crazy Karens in the next few weeks if they couldn’t watch the Super Bowl? These people are gonna really lead revolutions where food, water, and electricity become pretty scarce for long periods of time? lol umm ohhkay.