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I knew this was going to happen!

So people shouldnt drink, smoke pot, and then get behind the wheel?

Who woulda thunk? I thought smoking pot cancelled out the effects of alcohol rendering you sober.
what's the % for just under the influence of marijuana? Also is this an argument for why it should be illegal to smoke or illegal to smoke and drive?
I wonder if i would be a better driver or a worse driver if i combined alcohol with percocet or oxycontin vs just alcohol.

If only someone would do a study so i would know for sure
Science is amazing. We are learning more each and every day.

Would love to see a study like this on the results of driving with your eyes closed.

I always laughed, ahem, when my stoner friends said they were better drivers after smoking.
I guess they didn't notice running into the sides of the wall, and curb in the Taco Bell drive through.

They would always be giggling, and not able to order. I would be in the backseat thinking "Oh no we are going to get busted at any moment,
just act normal you idiots"!
I bet driving high+drunk+drousy beats high+drunk. Now, what is the percentage of ppl driving high+drunk vs. just drunk or just high?
Science is amazing. We are learning more each and every day.

Would love to see a study like this on the results of driving with your eyes closed.

So that's why there's Braille on the steering wheel!!!!

You realize people will test positive for pot for about a month after consumption. A person who smokes pot 3 times a week before bedtime and never ever drives stoned would be included in these bogus stats.
Yeah cj, this is dumb even for you.

Isn't there a clan meeting tonight?

Did I mention Franklin owns a Vietnamese sweat shop?
Actually assuming that they measure the data the same way from the beginning to the end of the study it does provide some interesting results. Sure the measure of THC in the blood may be from 3 weeks ago, but it is the same measure they used in 1999 to now, so it would have the same skewed effect all through the study, effectively negating the issue of recency. The study stated that across the board alcohol is a factor in 40% of fatal car crashes and that number has stayed pretty much the same over the course of the study. However, a combination of alcohol and marijuana in the system showed a fairly dramatic up-tick over the study.

Li reported in the study that alcohol contributed to about 40 percent of traffic fatalities throughout the decade.
The researchers found that drugs played an increasing role in fatal traffic accidents. Drugged driving accounted for more than 28 percent of traffic deaths in 2010, which is 16 percent more than it was in 1999.

Again, given that the toxicology testing hasn't changes significantly over the decade the results are valid.

The researchers also found that marijuana was the main drug involved in the increase. It contributed to 12 percent of fatal crashes, compared to only 4 percent in 1999.

“If a driver is under the influence of alcohol, their risk of a fatal crash is 13 times higher than the risk of the driver who is not under the influence of alcohol,” Li said. “But if the driver is under the influence of both alcohol and marijuana, their risk increased to 24 times that of a sober person.”

So even if that THC showing in the tox screen is 3 weeks old, there would have been similar samples in the data throughout the study time period. It would be more interesting and telling if they could narrow down the truly "stoned" drivers from those who used a week ago and were not directly stoned at the time of the accident. Still, it is pretty interesting.

edit: I guess it might just be saying that generally people who smoke pot are worse drivers, and not that the pot itself was a strong mitigating factor. Either way it's hard to deny the correlation, even if causation cannot be proved from the data.
Could just be there are more pot smokers now
Could just be there are more pot smokers now

Kinda what I'm thinking.

That said, actually driving stoned, and especially driving drunk and stoned...not good. You can put me one the record on that one.
Kinda what I'm thinking.

That said, actually driving stoned, and especially driving drunk and stoned...not good. You can put me one the record on that one.

I agree
Could just be there are more pot smokers now

That is actually exactly their point. That with legalization there is an uptick in fatal accidents due to more people driving stoned, and stoned and drunk, and the data seems to prove that out.