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I'm going to buy a new xbox Saturday unless...

Pssh, you first buddy, A/S/L.
I forgot
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FYI, just so nobody gets confused, just cause 2 and borderlands are both multi-platform (available for PS3)

anybody else excited for The Last Gaurdian?
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@AtheistPreacher - Will you clarify what you mean when you say the PS3 hard drive is not detachable? The physical drive itself could not be easier to remove. If you're referring to the data only, and not the drive itself, then I'm wondering if you have any more information on that. I would assume you could just take a drive from one and place it in another, as long as the hardware revision numbers are close enough so as to not cause any driver conflicts.
Here's the low-down:

Sony, in all their wisdom, tied their DRM (digital rights management) to the motherboard, rather than the hard drive like the 360 (and any other sane designer).

Now, there is a backup utility that allows you to ghost your whole hard drive to an external. You can also back up non-copy-protected saves individually. Both these things protect you against a hard drive failure. HOWEVER, if you ever get the YLOD (Yellow Light of Death), the ghost of your drive is useless. Why? Because the motherboard in the unit you're using checks the hard drive you put in it for unique identifying information that tells it the hard drive goes to that motherboard. Therefore, your drive may be fine, but if your PS3 is toast, no other PS3 will ever accept the drive, so your data is effectively gone; a new unit will simply ask if you'd like to format. Only your non-copy-protected saves that you backed up manually one-by-one will be restorable. Shame, too, because most people don't bother backing up that often, and there are plenty of great games that copy-protect their data.

Long story short: no, you can't take a hard drive from one PS3 and put it in another, and retain your data, even with identical model #s. The drive itself will work, but the new PS3 will require that you format it. Data gone.

Why did Sony do this? Can't fathom. Really. It's an idiotic scheme. It would be less idiotic if Sony actually REPAIRED anything when you send it in, but they don't. I've never heard of anyone getting their own repaired unit back from Sony, they always send in their broken unit and receive a refurb in return. Meaning data's all gone. Sony doesn't give a damn about your data.

And even having said all that, I still think the PS3 is the superior product. It only depends on how many games you already have for 360 and how much you like shooters. If you LOVE shooters and have a ton of games already, stick with 360. If neither of those is true, PS3 is a no-brainer in my book.

FYI, just so nobody gets confused, just cause 2 and borderlands are both multi-platform (available for PS3)

anybody else excited for The Last Gaurdian?
WAAAY excited for The Last Guardian. If it's close to as good as Shadow of the Colossus, well... it should contend for game of the year whenever it happens to be released. It will be a PS3 exclusive on the level of a Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, Uncharted, etc.

I like the streaming music and video from my PC to my PS3 too.

I think you can do that with Xbox too but I am not sure.
You can use the 360 as a media server/player as well... it just sucks at it compared to PS3.

1. For starters, PS3 has the best media server software: PS3 Media Server. Latest version actually can stream to the 360 (oddly), but the 360 can't access the program's ability to transcode anything on the fly. In case anyone doesn't know what that means: there will be any number of video files that 360 and/or PS3 won't support. Transcoding means your computer translates the video into a format your system understands before sending it over, so your system can play anything your computer can play. PS3 Media Server ROCKS at this. It plays EVERYTHING. The 360 can utilize Tversity or other programs for this, but they don't support nearly as much.

2. Also, when it comes to media file playback, don't you hate it how there aren't any chapters or anything, since it's just one big video file? Well, PS3 can divide any file into 5-minute, 2-minute, 1-minute, or even 30-second pieces on the fly, with live 10-second previews for each piece as you hover over it. The 360... can't. Yeah.

3. PS3 is a FAR better upscaler, meaning the system's ability to take a regular DVD and make it look good on an HD screen. The 360 is terrible at this, with a washed-out, gray-looking color palette, and aspect ratios that just don't look right.

4. PS3 has built-in wireless. 360 you have to buy an $80 accessory.

5. Oh yeah... and PS3 has that whole blu-ray thing.