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I'm Sold On C.J McCollum

Would You Like the Jazz to Draft McCollum?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 62.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Meh

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • I'd rather Have Glenn Robinson the 3rd fall to the Jazz

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters
Well, if we did draft McCullum, there are a few benifits he would bring to this team
-He'd be able to contribute right away and more than GR3 if we drafted him.
-He'd be a guy that could create his own shot and be a knock down shooter
-The Name of C.J. would be redeemed and Jazzfanz would no longer cringe whne they hear it
-We'd have a big good sized PG in McCullum
-Our starting lineup could be set for years to come, Especially if McCullum could average around 5 assists a game. Hayward and Burks could help facilitate
SG-Burks=(Hard to Peg) Jamal Crawford but with greater size and defense but less shooting ability
C-Favors=Tyson Chandler
Actually most mid-1st round picks sit on the bench.
So, I wasn't implying that he should start, and of course he would be in the second unit under 'correct' circumstances, but I was more saying that he would be either a cheerleader or visiting the DLeage as long as Burks and Foye and Mo were on the team, which is not what mid firsts should do. Now addmitedly, Foye and Mo are both free agents at the end of this season, but what teams both want them and can afford them other than the Jazz?

(Edit: and we already have a less talented Burks lookalike named Kevin Murphy)
So who's got a higher ceiling; Burks or McCollum?

Burks has all the tools, and if he can ever figure out his midrange/drivegame, I'd think burks has a higher celing just because of his length, size, and athleticism. However, McCullum's BBIQ and scoring ability may propel him to have a better career than Burks.
Funny that Burks supposedly doesn't have BBIQ but he's backing up at the point. Also interesting that a player (McCollum) that some say isn't a true point supposedly has a better basketball IQ.

It may be all true, but still interesting.
Funny that Burks supposedly doesn't have BBIQ but he's backing up at the point. Also interesting that a player (McCollum) that some say isn't a true point supposedly has a better basketball IQ.

It may be all true, but still interesting.

Are you implying that since Burks is a backup PG, that means he has a high basketball IQ? Because well...you'd be wrong. There are a myriad of examples, Steve Franchise being the foremost. I'm really not sure what your point is with this post, care to explain it?
Also, Why Neg Rep me for this. I am providing an ESPN insider excerpt. Personally, If I was not an ESPN Insider, and someone posted something like this, i'd be grateful. Honestly.

You make a ridiculous amount of threads. Most of which are redundant to things already being discussed in other threads.
Well, if we did draft McCullum, there are a few benifits he would bring to this team
-He'd be able to contribute right away and more than GR3 if we drafted him.
-He'd be a guy that could create his own shot and be a knock down shooter
-The Name of C.J. would be redeemed and Jazzfanz would no longer cringe whne they hear it
-We'd have a big good sized PG in McCullum
-Our starting lineup could be set for years to come, Especially if McCullum could average around 5 assists a game. Hayward and Burks could help facilitate
SG-Burks=(Hard to Peg) Jamal Crawford but with greater size and defense but less shooting ability
C-Favors=Tyson Chandler

Ok, I liked all your latest movies, especially the one where Heath ledger almost kills you. But do you really honk kanter is going to be a mix of Malone and boozer? I mean come on, if Malone could finish with two hands as well as booze could, well then we would have won a title in the nineties. Also, it wouldn't have hurt if Malone screamed like chicken little more.

By the way, is the bat mobile fun to drive?
We do need a good PG, but we'll be drafting the BPA at 14. We could use a 3, big man help for the departure of Al and or Sap.
We'll have some holes to fill, and be looking for 2 talented players in the 1st round.

Once these 3 games end, the silly playoff dreams are over, then we can focus on the draft!
Ok, I liked all your latest movies, especially the one where Heath ledger almost kills you. But do you really honk kanter is going to be a mix of Malone and boozer? I mean come on, if Malone could finish with two hands as well as booze could, well then we would have won a title in the nineties. Also, it wouldn't have hurt if Malone screamed like chicken little more.

By the way, is the bat mobile fun to drive?

Dude, The batmobile is freakin sick...

Who would you compare Kanter to?
Dude, The batmobile is freakin sick...

Who would you compare Kanter to?

Don't know, maybe Malone would be a good comp, but I need to see more. If Kanter does turn out to be like Malone, well shoot that would be the best day in Jazz History. He would need to start talking in the third person though. I think Maybe Kanter turns out to be like Malone, but about 80% of what Karl was. And that is dang good. Honestly, though, I dont really know a good comparison for Kanter. Moses Malone?

Also, who wears a cape?