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Israel-Hamas War

Has she ever been hinged?
Yes, depending on your point of view. She has voiced how upset she is that Jews were murdered by Hamas militants. She also pointed out the highly effective Civil Rights movement in the United States was largely accomplished by peaceful resistance and marches, not vows of annihilation and terrorism. Those who think the only good Jews is a dead Jew view her ideas as unhinged.
“After comedian Amy Schumer posted a video featuring clips of Martin Luther King Jr. speaking in support of Israel and denouncing antisemitism, his daughter Bernice King felt compelled to clarify what her father’s stance would be on the war between Israel and Hamas.

"Amy: Certainly, my father was against antisemitism, as am I," Bernice King wrote in a thread on the social media platform X. "He also believed militarism (along with racism and poverty) to be among the interconnected Triple Evils. I am certain he would call for Israel’s bombing of Palestinians to cease, for hostages to be released and for us to work for true peace, which includes justice."

What I find interesting is Turkeys role in those as well as the IRGC that is now, reportedly, in Lebanon. That combined with the Houthis in Yemen trying to join the fight.

How will that develop…

Kidding kind of
Well, it seemed more probable before Azerbaijan and Armenia agreed to start peace negotiations instead of war.

That would have almost created a hostile border from the tip of Finland/Russia down to the tip of Israel/Egypt & Saudi’s Arabia on one side. And a hostile sea border of S Korea, Japan, Philippines(turned hard towards US), Australia on side side with Russia, China, N Korea and Indonesia on the other.
Well, it seemed more probable before Azerbaijan and Armenia agreed to start peace negotiations instead of war.

That would have almost created a hostile border from the tip of Finland/Russia down to the tip of Israel/Egypt & Saudi’s Arabia on one side. And a hostile sea border of S Korea, Japan, Philippines(turned hard towards US), Australia on side side with Russia, China, N Korea and Indonesia on the other.
Welcome back! I thought my computer had shown me a thread from 2 years ago. Holy crap!
Saying they're calling for Israel's elimination is being generous. They want the Jews eliminated, and it is happening here.

A 65-year old Jewish man named Paul Kessler was beat to death in public by a "pro-Palestinian" activist. The day before that, a "pro-Palestinian" activist named Ruba Almaghtheh drove her car into what she thought was a Jewish school with the expressed intent to kill Jewish kids. This isn't political or about territory. They want Jews dead. Anyone saying "from the river to the sea" is nothing less than a Nazi-sympathizer.
Saying they're calling for Israel's elimination is being generous. They want the Jews eliminated, and it is happening here.

A 65-year old Jewish man named Paul Kessler was beat to death in public by a "pro-Palestinian" activist. The day before that, a "pro-Palestinian" activist named Ruba Almaghtheh drove her car into what she thought was a Jewish school with the expressed intent to kill Jewish kids. This isn't political or about territory. They want Jews dead. Anyone saying "from the river to the sea" is nothing less than a Nazi-sympathizer.
Yes, it has me extremely worried. I can only imagine what went through the minds of nearly 150,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel on October 7…….
Yes, it has me extremely worried. I can only imagine what went through the minds of nearly 150,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel on October 7…….
To me it is the reaction afterwards that is far more troubling. Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are known quantities. They're terrorists. They kill people. It is the massive swarm protests, in places like London, supporting the actions of the Hamas terrorists. This was even before Israel did anything in response. It was a display of how widespread hatred of Jews is in even western society. It isn't just Jews living near a wall in Southern Israel who are in danger. It is all Jews, everywhere. Paul Kessler lived in Los Angeles. We now have a large number of know-nothing college kids in America who think killing Jews is serving the cause of social justice. We have a member of congress using her platform to spew genocidal rhetoric, and she seems to believe the number of like-minded people here in the United States is numerous enough to swing the presidential election.
To me it is the reaction afterwards that is far more troubling. Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are known quantities. They're terrorists. They kill people. It is the massive swarm protests, in places like London, supporting the actions of the Hamas terrorists. This was even before Israel did anything in response. It was a display of how widespread hatred of Jews is in even western society. It isn't just Jews living near a wall in Southern Israel who are in danger. It is all Jews, everywhere. Paul Kessler lived in Los Angeles. We now have a large number of know-nothing college kids in America who think killing Jews is serving the cause of social justice. We have a member of congress using her platform to spew genocidal rhetoric, and she seems to believe the number of like-minded people here in the United States is numerous enough to swing the presidential election.

The issue is less Palestinians supporting Hamas right after the attacks and more the shift from support of Israel to support of Gaza. It's not support of Hamas, but support of the women and children who are being massacred. Netanyahu ****ed up.
The issue is less Palestinians supporting Hamas right after the attacks and more the shift from support of Israel to support of Gaza. It's not support of Hamas, but support of the women and children who are being massacred. Netanyahu ****ed up.
Hamas never had a chance to gain territory or more power vs Israel through military action. The best they could do was to provoke Israel into an over reaction and Israel has decided to play along. Every dead Palastinian baby is a victory for Hamas, Hezbolah (sp?), and Iran.
It's not support of Hamas, but support of the women and children who are being massacred.
That is a straight up lie. The overwhelming number of protests on October 7 and 8 were in support of those who killed women and children. These vocal groups hate Jews. They hated Jews when Hamas was killing them. They hate Jews when they fight back. The arguments may change but always it is about Jew hatred. There is no course of action the Jews could take that would change the minds of those calling for Israel's destruction. The only mistake Israel could make right now is to bow to international pressure and adopt some sort of half-measure. They need to follow the same roadmap to peace that King Hussein of Jordan and Assad of Syria used when handling Palestinian uprisings in their own country. If it was good enough for Muslim nations, it should be good enough for a mixed Muslim/Jewish one.
To me it is the reaction afterwards that is far more troubling. Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are known quantities. They're terrorists. They kill people. It is the massive swarm protests, in places like London, supporting the actions of the Hamas terrorists. This was even before Israel did anything in response. It was a display of how widespread hatred of Jews is in even western society. It isn't just Jews living near a wall in Southern Israel who are in danger. It is all Jews, everywhere. Paul Kessler lived in Los Angeles. We now have a large number of know-nothing college kids in America who think killing Jews is serving the cause of social justice. We have a member of congress using her platform to spew genocidal rhetoric, and she seems to believe the number of like-minded people here in the United States is numerous enough to swing the presidential election.
Who is the member of congress you speak of?
That is a straight up lie. The overwhelming number of protests on October 7 and 8 were in support of those who killed women and children. These vocal groups hate Jews. They hated Jews when Hamas was killing them. They hate Jews when they fight back. The arguments may change but always it is about Jew hatred. There is no course of action the Jews could take that would change the minds of those calling for Israel's destruction. The only mistake Israel could make right now is to bow to international pressure and adopt some sort of half-measure. They need to follow the same roadmap to peace that King Hussein of Jordan and Assad of Syria used when handling Palestinian uprisings in their own country. If it was good enough for Muslim nations, it should be good enough for a mixed Muslim/Jewish one.

I was talking about the shift among the rest of the world, people who are pro-Israel but disagree with Netanyahu's actions in Gaza. I don't know the answer for Israel but right now they are losing the optics war.