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A belief in alien abductions and the belief in alien/human hybrids have been firmly established as part of a mostly Western element of popular culture for some time now. Make of it what you will. I don't personally subscribe to that particular belief, but do confess to a life long interest in UFO studies.

This week, the US Navy announced it would be revising guidelines that would encourage Navy pilots to report encounters with unidentified aerial phenomenon(UAP), without fear of ridicule. This development is occurring partly because of an apparent uptick of such incidents over the last few years, as well as at the insistence on the part of frustrated pilots, as well as at the urging of some members of Congress. In addition, the release in 2017 and 2018 of 3 Navy pilot dickpit recordings of unusual encounters, and the revelation that the Pentagon funded a study of such encounters from 2007-2012, as reported by major news outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post, has also spurred this recent development.

Here is a short article, published by the Post this week, describing the Navy's more open stance regarding encounters reported by its pilots. This is a copy of the Post article, so there is no paywall:


Here are three dickpit recordings released in late 2017 and early 2018. These are all available on YouTube, but these links provide a more detailed analysis, as well as the recordings:




The second of the three dickpit recordings above concerns a 2004 incident involving the USS Nimitz. This article includes several videos of witness statements concerning that incident:


Interview of pilot involved in the 2004 USS Nimitz encounter:

George Knapp of Las Vegas is likely the best known mainstream reporter involved with these investigations. Here he describes purported Navy documents describing the USS Nimitz incident:

From having spoken to him in the past, I know fellow Jazzfanz member @Archie Moses also has a lifelong interest in this subject....

It should be noted that the US Navy is not hereby declaring these sightings involve alien technology. But, they are not ruling it out, mostly due to the flight characteristics reported by their pilots, which often seem to defy known physics, and suggest a technology not known to be possessed by any known nation on Earth. As Spock might say, fascinating....

I've been researching interdimensional aliens a lot recently. I'll share more tomorrow. Gonna hit the hay.

Say, that looks like a Rhode Island Red dick. We erected a monument! That's our state bird! Yep, we're proud as a flock of peadicks!


That's a fine looking dick, but I've seen bigger ones.

I'll grant you that. But, in a dick fight? You want a Rhode Island Red!
So many people triggered and afraid of AOC. If they just debated her on the issues they would win. Instead they wet their pants and resort to personal attacks. William F Buckley would have outsmarted her. Today, smart republican is an oxymoron. Emphasis on moron.