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It's happening bros...

From what I have read the Jazz will still be seriously considering matching any offer Kanter gets as long as it is not to rich. If Kanter can continue to extend his range and pass the ball a little more. He, Favors, and Gobert could be quite the threesome for years to come. So I would not say the Jazz are letting an asset dissolve if they do not trade him.

This. Nice post.
From what I have read the Jazz will still be seriously considering matching any offer Kanter gets as long as it is not to rich. If Kanter can continue to extend his range and pass the ball a little more. He, Favors, and Gobert could be quite the threesome for years to come. So I would not say the Jazz are letting an asset dissolve if they do not trade him.

Kanter asked for a trade. He does NOT want to be here. I can't think of once a guy who publicly asked for a trade to come back to his team and thrive. It doesn't happen.
Not trading Kanter really sucks.

Not only do we run the chance of letting him walk for nothing, but in order to get him to stay, we will probably have to give him the max or close to it. Which isn't a good idea on any level.

This is only going to complicate things with Rudy Gobert. Sooner or later he has to start. Its effing retarded if he doesnt. Even if we find 30 min a piece for Rudy, Favors, and Gobert, then that just means Booker walks because he won't be happy. So keeping Kanter means bye bye to Booker.

Kanter won't stay unless he gets the max. His qualifying offer is 7.8 mil. If all you are offering is 10 mil per, he'll just say no thanks and will take the qualifying offer and get a lot more the following year when the cap goes up.

So basically we will be playing a dumb game of trying to keep Kanter happy, while pissing off Gobert and Favors, for only a year and a half rental of Kanter.

There is a small chance we can do a sign and trade in the offseason, but not likely.

I predict Kanter takes his qualifying offer, or the Jazz are forced to offer the max and then we are stuck with Kanter for a long time. While Kanter just eats into Gobert's minutes. Neither of those scenarios are good for the team

I agree that there is a high probability he will take the QO. I doubt any team will give him the max, including the Jazz, unless he suddenly becomes a good defender. And unless he has a major turnaround, no team is going to pay him a lot more when the cap goes up either. Teams know the cap is going up and could take that into account now. If he had a high value, the Jazz would have had multiple good trade offers on the table. If Kanter had a good agent, he'd work to get him at 10-12M a year. That is what he is worth, and it won't be a horrible cap hit in the future.

I like Kanter, and hope he remains with the Jazz. I think as he continues to develop, he could be a big part of their front line. I just don't think it is in the cards after next year.
I think Favs and Hayward need to take paternity leave for the remainder of the season. Feminism and stuff not tanking
I love watching the Jazz let another asset dissolve. There is many reasons to move Kanter yet O'lindesy can't seem to see that.

I'm sure he has. But just throwing him away for some 2nds is useless. DL has tried to get decent assets for Kanter. We know that, as the rumors have come from several sources regarding young players and/or picks. Kanter as a disgruntled RFA who wants a max contract simply has little value. Everyone knows he's likely to just play for the QO next season (short of receiving a ridiculous offer). Who wants to give up assets for that? If i were a GM I'd offer some 2nd's...nothing more.
Fyi fwiw I'm going to the bar tonight to watch midget wrestling.
Time will tell whether or not it was a mistake not to trade him.

I think it was. I think the most likely scenario is he takes his qualifying offer and then leaves for nothing.
Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 47s47 seconds ago
Sources: OKC hasn't committed to Lopez deal, and there's still another center that they've had talks about acquiring: Utah's Enes Kanter.
Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 1m1 minute ago
Sources: OKC hasn't committed to Lopez deal, and there's still another center that they've had talks about acquiring: Utah's Enes Kanter.

I'm sure he has. But just throwing him away for some 2nds is useless. DL has tried to get decent assets for Kanter. We know that, as the rumors have come from several sources regarding young players and/or picks. Kanter as a disgruntled RFA who wants a max contract simply has little value. Everyone knows he's likely to just play for the QO next season (short of receiving a ridiculous offer). Who wants to give up assets for that? If i were a GM I'd offer some 2nd's...nothing more.

No! Dang it! This is all Greg Miller, DL and KOC's fault. All of it. They should have turned water to wine and forced GMs to make reasonable offers. Never mind that the Jazz may be looking at keeping him and want to play the free market game like they did with Hayward. They should have taken a stale bag of chips for him!

Damn, it's like listening to my pre-teen daughter.
Jody Genessy
The Thunder are "pushing hard to get Enes," according to a source.
Time will tell whether or not it was a mistake not to trade him.

I think it was. I think the most likely scenario is he takes his qualifying offer and then leaves for nothing.

If he does that, how good is that for him?

Couldn't the Jazz just bench him and barely play him all next year, thus lowering whatever value he'll get? Or does he just take that gamble (and the other gamble of not getting hurt) anyway?
I still have hope for a Kanter deal, but I still also have hope for Kanter. Kid needs a reality check and this might be it. If no one wants to give up a piece for Kanter right now it is likely that no one will offer him something we would not match. Anything under $12 M and I think we keep him just as a trade asset. Maybe he realizes at that point that Max Ergul, looked him up on Linkedin... I have way more connections than that bish, is a piece of crap and filling his head full of ****. At that point maybe he accepts the super sub role... long shot, but I don't think Kanter is dumb... maybe a bit delusional.