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Jackpotting Around Podcast: Episode 13 - Listener Mailbag Edition

Elizah Huge

Respect All, Fear None
2024 Award Winner
I am not a huge fan of either but the guys @Elizah Huge mentioned in trade what if you could get both which really is somewhat feasible. Salary wise if you plug in a 3 way trade with Ingram and Trae coming in and Collins, Sexton, and Clarkson going out it works. Obviously some picks and/or young guys are getting moved as well.

What do you think of a trio of Trae, Ingram and Lauri? Defense is a huge concern to me with that. The other two guys better be really good defenders and even then it might be an issue. If Hendricks made a big jump and Kessler gets his confidence back in year 3 that could be solid. I expect Keyonte to make a decent jump in year 2 although I really think year 3 is where he can start to shine. I am sure there are some FAs you could bring in to really put that roster together. I really hope other names come up over the summer that we dont expect, that seems to happen every year.

Trae is the hard one to talk myself into. But he is a 25 ppg and a 10 apg guy. Those are pretty hard to come by. He has lead his team pretty far but he also has had huge slumps and is pretty bad on defense. Ingram is more of a health issue and then the cost to trade for him. But injuries are always a risk.
The biggest thing I'm worried about with KG is defense. If he doesn't find a way to at least be a break-even defender he won't be what we need long-term unless he becomes that near-generational point guard who puts up 20 pts/10 assts to cover his weaknesses.
Weirdly this team would excel with Deron Williams at the point.
Weirdly this team would excel with Deron Williams at the point.
Deron is who would have been great on the last team. He would have been pretty vocal and provided some needed leadership that cared about winning.

And all the on-court stuff, too.
I am not a huge fan of either but the guys @Elizah Huge mentioned in trade what if you could get both which really is somewhat feasible. Salary wise if you plug in a 3 way trade with Ingram and Trae coming in and Collins, Sexton, and Clarkson going out it works. Obviously some picks and/or young guys are getting moved as well.

What do you think of a trio of Trae, Ingram and Lauri? Defense is a huge concern to me with that. The other two guys better be really good defenders and even then it might be an issue. If Hendricks made a big jump and Kessler gets his confidence back in year 3 that could be solid. I expect Keyonte to make a decent jump in year 2 although I really think year 3 is where he can start to shine. I am sure there are some FAs you could bring in to really put that roster together. I really hope other names come up over the summer that we dont expect, that seems to happen every year.

Trae is the hard one to talk myself into. But he is a 25 ppg and a 10 apg guy. Those are pretty hard to come by. He has lead his team pretty far but he also has had huge slumps and is pretty bad on defense. Ingram is more of a health issue and then the cost to trade for him. But injuries are always a risk.
I liked Gobert-Mitchell duo better than Trae-Ingram-Lauri trio. IMO this is NOT what we should be aiming at. This to me screams mediocrity... maybe the higher level of mediocrity(like... seed 6-7), but none of this seems like a legit contending team... and I know people would say it's hypocritical of me to bash this type of trade when also complaining about us not doing much, but I just don't see the high end outcomes there. Trae is almost a non-starter for me. You need SO MUCH defensive size and versatility and excellence around him and none of the other 2 in our big 3 are players who can compensate for Trae's... shortcomings(pun intended). Of course... it will all depend on the price but I doubt this would be cheap... and I think I would just rather us tank and rely on the lottery than get stuck with this type of a roster.
I liked Gobert-Mitchell duo better than Trae-Ingram-Lauri trio. IMO this is NOT what we should be aiming at. This to me screams mediocrity... maybe the higher level of mediocrity(like... seed 6-7), but none of this seems like a legit contending team... and I know people would say it's hypocritical of me to bash this type of trade when also complaining about us not doing much, but I just don't see the high end outcomes there. Trae is almost a non-starter for me. You need SO MUCH defensive size and versatility and excellence around him and none of the other 2 in our big 3 are players who can compensate for Trae's... shortcomings(pun intended). Of course... it will all depend on the price but I doubt this would be cheap... and I think I would just rather us tank and rely on the lottery than get stuck with this type of a roster.

FWIW, I'm fine with the Jazz building a team with a perceived ceiling of a 4-6 seed. I think sometimes you can have a team like that and they can surprise,; but at the least you are watching good basketball.

I'm not on board with Trae though. I would much rather be a top defensive team that struggles offensively than a top offensive team that can't get a stop when it matters.
FWIW, I'm fine with the Jazz building a team with a perceived ceiling of a 4-6 seed. I think sometimes you can have a team like that and they can surprise,; but at the least you are watching good basketball.

Agreed 100%. Plus when you have a team that is consistently getting a 4-6 seed that means you are kind of close to a finals. Now you just need a little luck. Maybe one of your draft picks that is around the 22-26 range or whatever overachieved like we have seen many times before and now you are a top 3 team in the league.
Maybe in the playoffs your opponent has some injury issues and you go the western conference finals as a 4-6 seed. Then maybe you just get a hot streak in that series and boom you are in the finals.

I mean I doubt Indiana will beat the Celtics. But they might. Maybe Tatum goes down with an injury in game one. Maybe the pacers just catch fire for a few games. Then pacers are not some amazing team but they are very very close to the finals right now.

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Agreed 100%. Plus when you have a team that is consistently getting a 4-6 seed that means you are kind of close to a finals. Now you just need a little luck. Maybe one of your draft picks that is around the 22-26 range or whatever overachieved like we have seen many times before and now you are a top 3 team in the league.
Maybe in the playoffs your opponent has some injury issues and you go the western conference finals as a 4-6 seed. Then maybe you just get a hot streak in that series and boom you are in the finals.

I mean I doubt Indiana will beat the Celtics. But they might. Maybe Tatum goes down with an injury in game one. Maybe the pacers just catch fire for a few games. Then pacers are not some amazing team but they are very very close to the finals right now.

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You guys are right and this has been on my mind recently. Look at how many times Denver flamed out in the playoffs but they eventually got over the hump and got a ring.