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Jazz atleast taking/making calls!

Everyone needs to realize that if a lockout was NOT looming the Knicks WOULD actually wait and sign him this summer. But this story is NOT about the Knicks not willing to wait. It is about Melo not willing to wait because he could lose over 20 million dollars waiting to sign his deal after the new CBA is put in place.
Nets, Nuggets & Knicks all know this and they are all trying to leverage this. Melo wants the Knicks and the Nuggets want the Nets offer. They are seeing who will crack first. That is why we have the wait until the last minutes. Will Melo crack and give in and sign with the Nets so he gets his contract? or will the Nuggets crack and think they could lose Melo for nothing. That is the scenario. Its not just about the Knicks wanting to get Melo right now.

Good post. Right on the money.
I've gone over to the dark side.............

I don't believe this team has the talent to compete this year or next year, and, because of this, I think Deron is as good as gone. So, (and I've waited several days to officially endorse this) I think you trade Deron. Now. If you can pick up some talented players on the rookie contracts and then land a max player in 2012 then the Jazz could fashion themselves a contender.

DWill + CJ
Curry, Udoh, DWright, Radmonovic (expiring) and 2 first rounders

I try to trade AK for two shooters.

going into next year our rotation looks like:

Curry/Watson (re-signed)/Hayward
Jefferson/Fes (re-sign)/Memo (?)

This team won't contend, but if you were to add an elite scorer to that group they could be dangerous.

Jazz save around 4 million (Which is closer to 8 million because of the luxury tax savings). Jazz also get perimeter scorers in Jackson and Maggette. They also get Najera who would be a good hustle player. Nazr just works to make the money work but it doesn't hurt to have another center on the team.

D-Will - Watson - Price
S-Jax - Bell
Maggette - Hayward - Evans
Millsap - Najera - Elson
Jefferson - Fesenko - Nazr - Elson

Bucks clear cap space and get AK to play the PF spot (expiring). And get CJ miles who is cheaper and younger than there older wing players. Bucks do this for financial reasons and to get younger.

Jennings - Dooling - Boykins
CJ Miles - Douglas-Roberts - Redd
Delfino - Luc Richard Mbah a Moute
AK - Gooden - Sanders
Bogut - Brockman

Bobcats I am not sure they would do this. But I do know they need a Center and are struggling because of it. This would all depend on how Okur's physical. I think the bobcats would need a little more to make it happen. Maybe a draft pick from the Jazz or Bucks.

Augustin - Livingston - Collins
Salmons - Henderson -Carroll
Wallace - McGuire
Diaw - TyThomas - Ilyasova
Okur - Brown - DeSagana Diop