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Jazz invite Paul Carter to camp

He reminded me a little of CJ. Not has athletic but more basketball IQ. I think he looked good shooting from outside. The Jazz need to fill out the roster with a couple cheap guys so I wouldn't be against him making the squad.

Yeah, his shooting is pretty smooth, a little like CJ. His overall game, however, reminds me a bit of Danny Manning. He seems very skilled all over the court. His footwork looks pretty good. I'm sure two things the Jazz will help him with is increased footspeed and getting stronger. He doesn't necessarily need bulk, but I'm sure he could use a bit more explosiveness. He could ask Millsap what he's done? Since that's what Paul said he worked on this Summer.
He's a great story, started at the community college level, then redshirted for a year at a junior college, followed by one year at the same JC. Then moved to the big time for two years, transferred for one more. He's like 24 now, so not a young guy, but he does have heart. His sister had bone cancer, and had to lose a leg. I think one of his transfers was to be with her. Sounds like a good guy.

I'll have to let go of my reluctance to having someone take away Burks/Hayward's min, but as has been pointed out, the team needs at least 13 players, and they are only at 11.

(but what about Price and Earl? they would put the Jazz at 13, and carter is not a point guard?? Maybe Corbin doesn't think that the Jazz need three point guars at all times.)