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Jazz make an offer to Josh Howard

A very surprising move and outside the conservative Jazz "box." I think we can safely say KOC is a much different GM without Sloan around.
I also like the move, LJ. Even if nothing comes of it, it shows the Jazz are willing to take some calculated chances.
Puff Puff Give, Puff Puff Give. Pretty Sure Josh Howard won't come to Utah because he wants a place with a little more greenery.
Even if nothing comes of it, it shows the Jazz are willing to take some calculated chances.

....yeah, let's sign a hopper type guy to a long term deal who averages about 1/2 of an assist per week....is a black hole when given the ball....and would destroy any semblance of team play we are trying to build around here!
4-5 yrs ago I would have loved getting him. Seems like he's struggled these past few years, but I'd be on board if it were a 2 yr deal for $7-8MM.
I think I'm the only one the board who likes this.
I like it too. As long as the money is right.

If last year was a fluke (which is not so far fetched) and he gets back to old form, he would be a great addition. And even at his worst he's still better than Raja Bell. It puts Howard at SF getting minutes that CJ would have probably got, and CJ at sg (getting minutes that would have probably went to Bell).

I hope the money is right, and I hope he takes it.
....yeah, let's sign a hopper type guy to a long term deal who averages about 1/2 of an assist per week....is a black hole when given the ball....and would destroy any semblance of team play we are trying to build around here!

This thread is about Howard, not Jefferson.
Josh Howard and Jamaal Tinsley?

Greg Miller, this is not your father's Jazz anymore.
If it's 2 years or less I'm fine with it.

I guess his character issues weren't enough to worry the new front office. Who's next? Beasley? JR Smith?
High risk, little reward

How could it possibility be high risk? We all know its not going to be a huge amount of money offered, so thats not a risk. We also have other options at sf so it's not like we would be relying only on him, so thats not a risk. Is the risk he is going to turn the entire team into a bunch of weed smokers?
If it's 2 years or less I'm fine with it.

I guess his character issues weren't enough to worry the new front office. Who's next? Beasley? JR Smith?

JR Smith is stuck in China. He can't get out of the contract that he signed to play ball in China during the lockout.
Risk that he even will be healthy to play more than 1/4 of the season and if he is it's meh (little reward)
havn't he played with Devin Harris in Dallas 2008 (finals team)
he is obviously a high risk and i will be suprised if he comes to utah,

but we need a quite veteran SF depth, Hayward looks good but thats all we've got, although MILLSAP define his body to be SF, CJ is weak and soft. Howard Josh(not Dwight) will fit.