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Jazz v Hornets

The man who saved a girl from drowning is now saving the Jazz from dying.

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Anyone have any April fool's stuff from today?

I was up at 4 am to take my parents to the airport (they going to D.C.) and went to brush my teeth and when I squeezed the toothpaste tube raisins came out. Then my wife said she made some brownies and asked if I wanted some. I said yes (of course) and she brought me a plate of the letter E colored brown on pieces of paper (my daughter helped with that one and thought it was hilarious).
Then my wife put on some of my clothes (jazz gear and my fishing hat) and she came downstairs and did some impressions of me.

She gave me a Cadbury egg that is supposed to have caramel in it but she had filled it with mustard instead. That was gross.

Pretty tame stuff but it was fun

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My niece just called Rudy the swatapotomis she really likes the dinosaurs.

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Creative name. Don't tell boler.

How old is she?

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I agree!

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