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Jazzfanz off-season ping pong tournament-- time now set: Aug 31, 7-9 pm

I have a four and half year old and an older sister. I mean, I can bring mine to hang with yours if you want. They'll probably want to come watch me dominate anyways.

Oh, hopefully it's obvious but in case not--spouses and family members are welcome as well, of course.
3 years and almost 3 months
I'm see if my daughter would be willing to come and provide some child-sitting services. She's 17 and great with kids. At least buy anyone with kids an hour to hang out.
Right on log and safety Dan.
My daughter is awesome. Best thing in the whole world...... But that don't mean she is easy. A babysitter or some playmates would smooth things out.
I'm probably not down to actually play, I've never played ping pong, ever. But I have that night off and might come out to meet a few jazzfanzerz.
I'm probably not down to actually play, I've never played ping pong, ever. But I have that night off and might come out to meet a few jazzfanzerz.
Shoot me a PM if you decide to do that and I'll send the location instructions.
I'll show up if it's set at a time I'm in town.

*edit* I saw the time posted and should be able to come. @fishonjazz you could drop your kid off at my place for a couple hours if you'd like. My poor wife didn't get any girls and loves to have them around for awhile. My kids are pretty good playbysitters too.
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I'll show up if it's set at a time I'm in town.

*edit* I saw the time posted and should be able to come. @fishonjazz you could drop your kid off at my place for a couple hours if you'd like. My poor wife didn't get any girls and loves to have them around for awhile. My kids are pretty good playbysitters too.

I truly truly appreciate the offer but i have to vet anyone who i would leave her with before doing so. She is too precious to me for me to leave her alone with someone i know nothing about. Im sure your wife would be a great choice and my daughter would be fine but i just cant do it bro.

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I truly truly appreciate the offer but i have to vet anyone who i would leave her with before doing so. She is too precious to me for me to leave her alone with someone i know nothing about. Im sure your wife would be a great choice and my daughter would be fine but i just cant do it bro.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app

Now I have a vision of @fishonjazz hiding behind bushes with binoculars spying on potential babysitters while holding a copy of their credit report, full background check, and results of a urine test.

Sent from my iPhone using JazzFanz mobile app
Now I have a vision of @fishonjazz hiding behind bushes with binoculars spying on potential babysitters while holding a copy of their credit report, full background check, and results of a urine test.

Sent from my iPhone using JazzFanz mobile app
Seriously. Im way too overprotective of her. Im terrified of something happening to her (its become like my only real fear) to a point where its probably actually contributing to some bad parenting. I need to let her do things by herself and fail more. Stuff like that. But i have a hard time seeing her sad or scared or disappointed. I really hate it when she is at a playground or something and she tries to talk to another child and they ignore her or are mean to her. It makes me so mad. The other day we were at chick-fil-a and she was playing in the play area there and a couple of older boys were pretending to be zombies and following her around saying "brains, brains" in a scary voice and it was terrifying her to the point she wouldn't play any more. So I told them to cut it out and then told her she could go play some more (im sitting in the play area watching over her like a hawk btw). They started doing it again and she started crying and i yelled at little *****.

And I know that im being a helicopter parent and that its not a good thing for her but i have a hard time stopping myself. Its something im working on.

Her new thing is that she likes to talk about how she is a big girl and she can do things by herself. Last night was the first time she actually went up to her room and got her pajamas out and put them on by herself. Thats my thing. I was proud of her but sad that i dont get to do that anymore.

I actually miss changing her diapers. Im dead serious. Everytime she had a developmental breakthrough (like getting potty trained for example) its bittersweet. I dont want her to grow up. Its gonna kill me when she goes to school.
@fishonjazz right on man. So far everything here is said in good harmless fun. But don’t let anyone truly criticize you for parenting your child and doing what’s best for her. Wish the world had more emotionally involved fathers.
@fishonjazz right on man. So far everything here is said in good harmless fun. But don’t let anyone truly criticize you for parenting your child and doing what’s best for her. Wish the world had more emotionally involved fathers.
Thanks bro. I do think im a bit too emotionally involved though and it is detrimental to her development. Im getting better at backing off though and letting her do things by herself and be more independent especially since lately she has been telling me to let her do things. I hear her say "I can do it myself" quite often lately and "im a big girl, let me do it". Sometimes she even tells me to leave the room and close the door lol. She is letting me know that she needs her space.
She doesn't let me hold her near as much as she used to. She wants to read her books herself often now. She is in her big girl bed now instead of her crib and so she doesn't let me rock her to sleep anymore so i have to let her just go get in her bed on her own after book time and settle for laying on the floor next to her with a hand on her back while she falls asleep. Im sure it wont be long before I stop doing that (probably should stop now tbh).
Got tears in my eyes typing that last part lol.

I just work a ton and feel like i have so little precious time with her.
Thanks bro. I do think im a bit too emotionally involved though and it is detrimental to her development. Im getting better at backing off though and letting her do things by herself and be more independent especially since lately she has been telling me to let her do things. I hear her say "I can do it myself" quite often lately and "im a big girl, let me do it". Sometimes she even tells me to leave the room and close the door lol. She is letting me know that she needs her space.
She doesn't let me hold her near as much as she used to. She wants to read her books herself often now. She is in her big girl bed now instead of her crib and so she doesn't let me rock her to sleep anymore so i have to let her just go get in her bed on her own after book time and settle for laying on the floor next to her with a hand on her back while she falls asleep. Im sure it wont be long before I stop doing that (probably should stop now tbh).
Got tears in my eyes typing that last part lol.

I just work a ton and feel like i have so little precious time with her.

There is a balance to be sure. But like everyone else, you’ll figure out what’s best for you and her.
Thanks bro. I do think im a bit too emotionally involved though and it is detrimental to her development. Im getting better at backing off though and letting her do things by herself and be more independent especially since lately she has been telling me to let her do things. I hear her say "I can do it myself" quite often lately and "im a big girl, let me do it". Sometimes she even tells me to leave the room and close the door lol. She is letting me know that she needs her space.
She doesn't let me hold her near as much as she used to. She wants to read her books herself often now. She is in her big girl bed now instead of her crib and so she doesn't let me rock her to sleep anymore so i have to let her just go get in her bed on her own after book time and settle for laying on the floor next to her with a hand on her back while she falls asleep. Im sure it wont be long before I stop doing that (probably should stop now tbh).
Got tears in my eyes typing that last part lol.

I just work a ton and feel like i have so little precious time with her.
You sound like a good dad. Don't worry too much about being too close to her. Kids are resilient, she'll push you away as much as she needs to. But it is tough watching them grow up, and fantastic and wonderful and terrifying all at once. Then, one day, they are 22 and getting married and you have to speak at the wedding and give her away. The wonderful, sad, terrifying moments just get bigger and different. But still it's all great stuff. My first baby girl has now been married for 2 year. My youngest baby girl is 17 and a senior. It's awesome to see them grow up and hurts a lot all at the same time. All you can do is love them and support them and enjoy the times you have. I envy you being at this point fish. Good on you bro.

Sorry if that was just rambling but I have too much on my heart to say about all this, it's hard to put into words.

And then, you find yourself with a 5 year old granddaughter that calls you pop-pop (all on her own, no one taught her that) and she steals your heart all over again.