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Jeff Green is he worth the risk?

To answer the orginal question: No, Jeff Green is not worth the risk.

Putting aside the concerns over his health, as a player I would never pay him anywhere close to $8-10 million annually because I'm not sold he can be an above-average starting SF on a playoff team. He's never been his team's #1-option, and in both college and OKC he played a stretch-4. As a result, many of his open looks and driving lanes were created not only by the attention Durant and Westbrook drew, but by the unfamilarity alot of PF's had closing out on a SF. Hopefully the heart issues are taken care of and he can have a long career, but there are way to many questions in not only his health but his game to throw big money at him. Honestly it made more sense to give Kirilenko a max-contract in 2004 than to give Green $8-10 million annually now.
We already have a guy who isn't big enough to be a PF and isn't good/quick enough to play the SF.

To me, Millsap and Green basically duplicate each other.

Why not utilize our funds for something that actually helps us? Like getting us a guard that can shoot from the outside?

Also... Ummmm folks. He's coming off a major heart surgery. Ummm... Uhh... Lets see if this guy can actually play before we flush millions away, shall we?
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You folks saying 5-7M are out of your minds. Signing a mediocre player to money like this is what can screw a franchise. We need a three. But not that badly. I'd rather sign Matt Barnes to a deal, something like three years, 8M, or thereabouts.

First part right, second part wrong.
First part right, second part wrong.

So you'd rather have Green at 7-8M per than Barnes at 2-3M per? Think this through. Green isn't the answer. Nor is Barnes. But I'd rather pay someone at a third to half the cost and who doesn't expect to start so that when we do find our starting 3, there isn't an issue. In brief, we're not finding our starting 3 this off-season so Barnes on the cheap could make sense.
Is claiming he is 100%. He has a surgically repaired heart that would have to go through a thorough examination. If the price is right, 8 to 10 mil, would you sign him to be our sf of the future. He can also play the 4 which would allow the jazz to move millsap and or jefferson for a future pg?


I don't care who he plays for, I just don't want Greene to be the next Reggie Lewis.
So I looked up his PER. Out of 478 qualified players (I think there's 500 players total, counting injured, D-league castaways, Euro's, etc. ESPN did a top 500 players last year too)

And Jeff Green is literally #250 out of ~500 with a PER of 12.92.
Holy *#$&.

Ah Nuts.

If you judge by PER then Al Jefferson is the 12th best player in the NBA.