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Jefferson has got to go

Trade proposal: https://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=7y5ggkn

The Rockets get the offensively-talented big man that they've coveted when they lost out on Gasol. Big Al also gets to reunite with McHale, who can continue tutoring him on his post moves. The 76ers get to turn the keys to their SG of the future in Turner, and they get a rugged, young SF in return in Jordan Hill and a project center in Thabeet who can backup Hawes. And finally, the Jazz finally get a wingman who can guard the perimeter, a veteran leader, and someone who can hit shots in AI (not to mention that this will help push Bell to the bench/decrease his minutes), Favors gets to start and gets the 30+ minutes that he deserves and needs, Kanter gets a few more valuable minutes, and the Jazz sign a veteran C for the veteran's minimum (such as Pryzbilla or even Elson) to shore up the frontline but who won't take away minutes from the young bigs. I know AI has 3 years left on his not-cheap contract, but if KOC is serious about developing the young players and staying competitive at the same time, then AI can fit that role in those 3 years. Imagine the defensive presence and discipline he can instill into Burks and Hayward.


Do you watch any of the games? Is Jefferson responsible for terrible defense when he is on the bench? Is he responsible for zero ball movement when he is on the bench? Is he responsible for players standing around and everyone going one on one when he is on the bench? Is he responsible for a disorganized offense and weak defensive philosophy? Is he responsible for Bell playing 20 minutes per night and Burks hardly seeing PT?

If you really think Jefferson "is the top 5 problems" with the Jazz then you really have no grasp of basketball at all. Trade AJ and we don't get any better. You people who act like trading AJ will automatically make us a championship contender. It shows your obvious lack of understanding of the game and the team.

Who said we would be an automatic championship contender? If we traded Al then we would only be a little bit better. Probably not even playoffs. But with Al we aren't in the playoffs either. What you are lacking to see is that Al is not an elite player. Not even close. He has some moves but doesn't play winning basketball. There is no point in trying it anymore especially when we have 3 better bigs. Al Jefferson is just in the way right now of a rebuilding process. He is over paid and over valued.
Who said we would be an automatic championship contender? If we traded Al then we would only be a little bit better. Probably not even playoffs. But with Al we aren't in the playoffs either. What you are lacking to see is that Al is not an elite player. Not even close. He has some moves but doesn't play winning basketball. There is no point in trying it anymore especially when we have 3 better bigs. Al Jefferson is just in the way right now of a rebuilding process. He is over paid and over valued.

I have yet to have seen you post one positive thing about this team
Jefferson is a nice guy, but it'll be nice to trad him to a team that knows how to use him properly. I don't know if Corbin can draw up plays that make him more effective. Jefferson doesn't move around as much, but I hate trying to see him shoot over two guys. The movement in the offense dies when Jefferson does the same play over and over. His defense on the other hand, is inexcusable. BELL/JEFFERSON = one of league's worse defenses.
If he's not in the top five, who or what are?

1. Defensive play
2. Harris, or the lack of an identity on offense
3. Bell
4. Miles
5. Jefferson
6. Outside shooting
7. Corbin

Those are in no particular order but other than those seven, what else are we to consider? I love you LG but to so confidently say Jefferson is not one of out top five problems may be stretching things a bit.

Personally, i'd go...
1. Corbin
2. Defense
3. Harris
4. Outside shooting
5. Jefferson
6. Miles
7. Bell

I never said Jefferson is not a problem at all. But note it was stated that he is our "top 5 problems". Not one of our top 5, but all of them. And what exactly are we going to trade him for that will completely resolve that problem? The point is, trading Al right now just makes no sense in the grand scheme of things.later once we really know what we have in Kanter and Favors sure, but on your list I would put Bell playing at all and CJ playing ahead of Burks over the Jefferson issues right now.
I never said Jefferson is not a problem at all. But note it was stated that he is our "top 5 problems". Not one of our top 5, but all of them. And what exactly are we going to trade him for that will completely resolve that problem? The point is, trading Al right now just makes no sense in the grand scheme of things.later once we really know what we have in Kanter and Favors sure, but on your list I would put Bell playing at all and CJ playing ahead of Burks over the Jefferson issues right now.

I thought it was obvious that I was over stating that Jefferson is our top 5 problems. He isn't our top 5 problems. But he is at least in the top 5. You understated that he was not even in our top 5. So I returned with an equally extreme statement.

I wouldn't even say its Al so to speak. It's his style of play. He could be very useful if he played in the system right. He might learn how to do it. I don't know yet. But its just really frustrating that it is taking so long. It goes all the way back to last year. The biggest thing is that we have two promising bigs in Kanter and Favors who are ready to play right now. They may not win right away. But we aren't winning with Al either. And I see those guys as truly being great players in the future. So it doesn't make sense to keep trying to get Al to comprehend what we are trying to do. Especially since, in two years we probably won't be re upping him. Because he will cost too much and won't fit into our future plans. So I just don't want to lose an asset for nothing and waste valuable learning time for our young guys.
Welcome aboard the Jefferson has to go train. Don't mind those who disagree with you. They don't really watch the games. They just look at the box score. And, or they don't know anything about basketball.
The team with more points wins, amazing I know. But yeah, the boxscore doesnt matter. Sigh.