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John Stockton Claims He Had Proof of 1000 Athletes Dying of Vaccine

No stats, no numbers… even mentioning it gets people branded as being crazy.
This reminds me of a story from WW2, from Stalins Soviet Union.

After the horrible losses the russian army had suffered during July 1941, there was this one company which for some reason (dumb luck and the company having served on quiet sectors) had suffered no losses at all. In the early days of August the divisions Commissar came to visit the company, and asked the company-commander why he has not reported any losses. "Comrade Commisar, we have not suffered any losses" replied the company commander. "IMPOSSIBLE!" shouted the Commissar, and shot the company commander.

Sometimes when no numbers are reported or given any stats for, the reason might be there are no numbers to be reported.
The funniest part about this is if he actually had proof of 1000 dead people due to vaccine, that would still be an incredibly pro vaccine message. Over 5 billion people have been vaccinated and over 6 million have died of covid. Even if you separated out all the senior citizen deaths, it would still be well over the fake number Stockton claims he had in his hands.

The boomer brain is an incredible thing.
I don’t believe thousands of athletes have died of the vaccine, but it’s dangerous that we live in a world where it’s not talked about at all.

No stats, no numbers… even mentioning it gets people branded as being crazy.

It would be getting talked about if it were happening. The reason i dont talk about it is because i dont know of anyone who has died from the vaccine. I have a huge family who all got vaccinated. All still healthy. All my friends and most co workers same thing.

I promise that if anyone i knew had died from the vaccine you would see me posting about it. They havent though.

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Guys this is fake news... John Stockton died heroically two years after retirement when he stopped a bus full of orphans from being hit by a train full of nuclear weapons. He never spoke to any media and spent his last two years taking care of people in hospice care. Please stop spreading lies.
Guys this is fake news... John Stockton died heroically two years after retirement when he stopped a bus full of orphans from being hit by a train full of nuclear weapons. He never spoke to any media and spent his last two years taking care of people in hospice care. Please stop spreading lies.
What's amazing is he stopped the bus by repeatedky throwing very precise passes at the bus until it finally made a nasket.

That bus grew up to be Greg Ostertag.
Nobody dies from getting a normal vaccination. They may die from not getting vaccinated soon enough though, and the vaccine itself, when they finally agree in their hospital bed, to have it administered, is blamed for their death. Shameful foolishness.
Nobody dies from getting a normal vaccination. They may die from not getting vaccinated soon enough though, and the vaccine itself, when they finally agree in their hospital bed, to have it administered, is blamed for their death. Shameful foolishness.
Wrong. I died from a normal vaccine. It was unenjoyable.