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John Stockton Claims He Had Proof of 1000 Athletes Dying of Vaccine

I remember when people like log, onebrow, fish, red, gandalfe, safety, and Gameface used to be extremely hateful towards anyone suggesting the lab leak. Now theses same guys are mad that John Stockton lied when they should be looking in the mirror and how they were the ones pushing conspiracies and being hateful. They hurt more people with their ignorance than Stockton ever will with his.
I remember when people like log, onebrow, fish, red, gandalfe, safety, and Gameface used to be extremely hateful towards anyone suggesting the lab leak.
I should have been more open to the possibility of a lab leak of a wild virus. The whole gain-of-function/genetically engineered thing is still contrary to reality.
Here's an email from Peter Daszak admitting that they can continue funding GoF research at Wuhan. I've explained who Daszack was here multiple times for those like @LogGrad98 who offer absolutely nothing but triggered melodrama and trolling.
What an excellent example of irrelevant information. Covid19 shows no signs of having undergone gain-of-function research.
Sure it has. After infecting like a billion humans COVID has done more research than your boomer uncle has done regarding building 7... which is A LOT!!! COVID gained function with Omicron allowing it to keep ahead of our vaccines and it didn't need a Chinese lab, it just needed a bunch of Cleatuses who were too ****ing smart to wear a mask and get a vaccine so that it could use their bodies as its own little lab.
What's funny is that they get rotated out every few months, but the new ones are always spewing the same old schtick. Almost like they get their talking points from the same places.
Right. Or they’re the same person who has just created 2-3 alt accounts…
I remember when people like log, onebrow, fish, red, gandalfe, safety, and Gameface used to be extremely hateful towards anyone suggesting the lab leak.
I can’t imagine being “extremely hateful” toward anyone in this group. Angry at individuals at times, slam someone in return for being slammed, sure, but “extremely hateful”? No, I think using those words to describe members is all just part of a crafted victim complex. “Why does everyone pick on me on Jazzfanz”, using a variety of inflammatory characterizations of people, will always lie at the foundation, and most of the objections to the arguments of others comes down to these phony personal affronts. I assume that’s the troll component.

Speaking for myself, extreme hate because someone prefers the lab theory?But I have no idea how the virus started. The two main theories at the time were the market and the lab. What could I possibly know about either?

But, no, to you everyone who does not agree with your view is just a bully, and the many other hateful terms you use to describe people. Really, I think you may be here at all simply because you love to hate. Many of your postings drip with hatred. You ascribe it only to others, identify yourself as a #1 target of this alleged hatred, and all for what?

You always seem to find the most repulsive term imaginable, we’re “extremely hateful” people, and described it as applicable to the good people on this forum. I don’t know why you would think people will love you for it. Can you tell us why you are doing this?
I can’t imagine being “extremely hateful” toward anyone in this group. Angry at individuals at times, slam someone in return for being slammed, sure, but “extremely hateful”? No, I think using those words to describe members is all just part of a crafted victim complex. “Why does everyone pick on me on Jazzfanz”, using a variety of inflammatory characterizations of people, will always lie at the foundation, and most of the objections to the arguments of others comes down to these phony personal affronts. I assume that’s the troll component.

Speaking for myself, extreme hate because someone prefers the lab theory?But I have no idea how the virus started. The two main theories at the time were the market and the lab. What could I possibly know about either?

But, no, to you everyone who does not agree with your view is just a bully, and the many other hateful terms you use to describe people. Really, I think you may be here at all simply because you love to hate. Many of your posting drip with hatred. You ascribe it only to others, identify yourself as a #1 target of this alleged hatred, and all for what?

You always seem to find the most repulsive term imaginable, we’re “extremely hateful” people, and described it as applicable to the good people on this forum. I don’t know why you would think people will love you for it.
******** you liar. You, fish, onebrow, game, log, safety, thriller, gandalfe, that Silesian guy were all massive bullies to anybody who even tried to bring it up. This is undeniable... Well should be if you were an honest person. You were mean and downright hateful. You guys even pleaded with Jason to ban people for "misinformation"... You remember that? You guys and gals(and I'm grouping you a together as it was a concentrated effort) literally started a thread asking to BAN people over this.

Maybe you didn't realize it but you all were very divisive and downright terrible to anyone who didn't conform to your rhetoric. I spent a lot of time explaining everything from bat lady, to bringing up other doctors, to explaining the lax safety measures, to Faucis hidden emails, to the mutation of mice, to infecting those mice with bats, to the location of the lab, to emails that admitted GoF, to Peter Daszak, to doctors who admitted this. And in return you all just bullied and tried to silence me.

I laid the entire scenario out for guys. And all you guys did is label it "misinformation" and bullied and wanted people banned. The audacity for you to deny this.
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John Stockton and grown men getting triggered by him hurting absolutely no one all seem so amazingly petty and childish now. But that's what their Master Fauci told them to think. That's where left wing media wanted the attention. And it embarrassingly worked.
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I can’t imagine being “extremely hateful” toward anyone in this group. Angry at individuals at times, slam someone in return for being slammed, sure, but “extremely hateful”? No, I think using those words to describe members is all just part of a crafted victim complex. “Why does everyone pick on me on Jazzfanz”, using a variety of inflammatory characterizations of people, will always lie at the foundation, and most of the objections to the arguments of others comes down to these phony personal affronts. I assume that’s the troll component.

Speaking for myself, extreme hate because someone prefers the lab theory?But I have no idea how the virus started. The two main theories at the time were the market and the lab. What could I possibly know about either?

But, no, to you everyone who does not agree with your view is just a bully, and the many other hateful terms you use to describe people. Really, I think you may be here at all simply because you love to hate. Many of your postings drip with hatred. You ascribe it only to others, identify yourself as a #1 target of this alleged hatred, and all for what?

You always seem to find the most repulsive term imaginable, we’re “extremely hateful” people, and described it as applicable to the good people on this forum. I don’t know why you would think people will love you for it. Can you tell us why you are doing this?
You are all giving the troll a lot of legitimacy by engaging as if they are a real person, you know. It is all scripted and built in a way to incite the highest emotional response from anyone and everyone they can. They are here to see how many people they can get to engage in their farcical world-view and how many they can piss off. It is the standard MO of the troll. There will never be a good-faith exchange of any kind with the trolll, they will just drop any line of argument they cannot immediately enflame and move on to the next, trying as hard as possible to push all the buttons. Best to leave well enough alone. It might be fun poking the skunk with a stick for a while, but in the end you are both covered in stink, but you are the only one gagging because the skunk loves it.
You are all giving the troll a lot of legitimacy by engaging as if they are a real person, you know. It is all scripted and built in a way to incite the highest emotional response from anyone and everyone they can. They are here to see how many people they can get to engage in their farcical world-view and how many they can piss off. It is the standard MO of the troll. There will never be a good-faith exchange of any kind with the trolll, they will just drop any line of argument they cannot immediately enflame and move on to the next, trying as hard as possible to push all the buttons. Best to leave well enough alone. It might be fun poking the skunk with a stick for a while, but in the end you are both covered in stink, but you are the only one gagging because the skunk loves it.
Says the guy who adds nothing besides talking trash on me. You literally have added nothing to any conversation I have seen yet but name calling. I have added a substantial amount of evidence, my opinions, links, articles, tweets to back up my claims.
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stock was right u guys were wrong. just admit it you were wrong
Oh! He provided his proof? I've been waiting for this. Do you have a link to the proof? Stock says he has proof and you know he has proof. I'm so excited to see the proof that he has been talking about. Gosh. This is gonna be big! No one will be able to deny the evidence. Finally! Finally Stockton is releasing the proof!
Oh! He provided his proof? I've been waiting for this. Do you have a link to the proof? Stock says he has proof and you know he has proof. I'm so excited to see the proof that he has been talking about. Gosh. This is gonna be big! No one will be able to deny the evidence. Finally! Finally Stockton is releasing the proof!
yea yea yea keep trusting the criminal cartel and u will be proven wrong every time
yea yea yea keep trusting the criminal cartel and u will be proven wrong every time
No I'm not going to do that. I thought Stockton had provided the evidence he has. Has he released it? I'm really excited to see the evidence.