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joining the military

Saltair's Finest

Active Member
Has anyone served are country or currently serving?? I was thinking about it and I just cant see myself like Running through a jungle or dessert and Like shooting guns and blowing things up no matter what. I feel bad Because I know how great it is to Serve ur country and everything but I know I cant do it but I know so many people are like Me and just cant see themselves shooting someone in War or something I think. But im starting to Feel guilty and like a coward What does everyone else think about serving? Could u ever do it if u havent or arent?
Has anyone served are country or currently serving?? I was thinking about it and I just cant see myself like Running through a jungle or dessert and Like shooting guns and blowing things up no matter what. I feel bad Because I know how great it is to Serve ur country and everything but I know I cant do it but I know so many people are like Me and just cant see themselves shooting someone in War or something I think. But im starting to Feel guilty and like a coward What does everyone else think about serving? Could u ever do it if u havent or arent?

You should practice before committing. Take it easy at first .. maybe just give up the internet or something ..
Dude, DADT is dead, man. You're a dead ringer for the military! I think you should probably stay out of the "Intelligence" branch though. Just a thought.
Dude, DADT is dead, man. You're a dead ringer for the military! I think you should probably stay out of the "Intelligence" branch though. Just a thought.

His DADT isn't dead! He tells him about all kinds of good stuff.

(too much of a stretch?)
His DADT isn't dead! He tells him about all kinds of good stuff.

(too much of a stretch?)

No, not at all. In fact, I was wondering why you left out the part where his DADT told him how to just punch the "Republican Only" chad at the next election.
My cousin is currently serving in Afghanistan. I never served. I would have had to renounce my German citizenship and I didn't want to.

Advice: Aim for the Air Force, it's easily the branch with the most "perks".
I've never thought about joining the military.

However, as part time jobs go, the Army Reserve may be one of the better deals going for young folks today. Especially with two wars winding down and the economy in the ****ter.

You might want to start there.
My older brother has completed it 3 years ago, also one of my cousins has completed and the other one is on duty now. And my uncle is a commando officer now and he's consistently on operations after smugglers and terrorists. He got engaged this year and went on mission just after it. His family live in daily fear for his life and but the guy himself enjoy it much. Actually he left the army this year but he couldn't cope with the civil life and got back. I think it's has to be fit with the persons character.

You know in Turkey it's an obligatory to join to the army. However last few years there have been new regulations for the students and it's considerably easy now to delay it. I just graduated from the college and I'm considering my further education options now, particularly abroad education.

I think I'll do my best not to join to the army, lol.
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I was in the Navy from 2000-2006, and as much as I imagined running through jungles and blowing things up before I joined that wasn't really part of my experience. There are a lot of different roles within the US Military and very few of them involve being the guy running through the jungle, blowing stuff up and shooting people. No need to blow stuff and shoot people to prove you're not a coward.
My cousin is a Major on the Army. He served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Probably never saw any battle action up close. My neighbor two doors down is in the Army as well. He's served a couple times in Iraq and been wounded a lot. Personally, if I were to ever join, I would do the officer route.
There are a lot of advantages to being an officer, but there are also special demands that enlisted folks don't have to deal with.

I think the best bet is to join the Air Force or the Navy. The Air Force seems like the kushiest (sp) branch and the least likely to lead to a small arms battle. The Navy has a wide range of jobs. The one I had was pretty damn sweet. I'd typically have all my scheduled work for the week done by Monday afternoon and be tortured by having to sit around the office and BS with my coworkers for the rest of the week. On deployment we had to keep recreational activities kind of on the down-low during the "workday" from 8-3, but even at that we'd still sometimes bust out the playstation or watch a movie right in the middle of the day. I know the aircraft on-board were taking off and doing real **** in Iraq, but other than being hotter, it was no different being on my ship in the Gulf than it was to be 12 miles off shore from San Diego.

There are some real crappy jobs in the Navy. Some of the people on the ship with me worked 12hours a day, and worked hard, any time the ship was underway. Then those same people often had to add a watch rotation to their 12 hour day, so part of the 12 hours they were "off" they might have to stand watch in addition to getting laundry done, pressing uniforms, taking a shower and sleeping. As the Navy saying goes, choose your rate, choose your fate.

If anyone wants a recommendation for a good Navy job try to become an FC (that's what I was), an ET (FCs and ETs start in the same program and split up after initial training), or an AT (an aviation electronics technician). Pretty decent work compared to a lot of other people I saw.
I never really felt like serving in the military was right for me. I don't think anyone should feel bad about not doing it. I respect and am grateful for those that serve, but anyone that tries to make people feel bad for not doing can screw off.
I was in the Navy from 2000-2006, and as much as I imagined running through jungles and blowing things up before I joined that wasn't really part of my experience. There are a lot of different roles within the US Military and very few of them involve being the guy running through the jungle, blowing stuff up and shooting people. No need to blow stuff and shoot people to prove you're not a coward.

And if that was your ultimate aim, going the Mercenary route(though you had to have some kind of professional background with weapons) would be the better option. Both for level of pay and just being able to take "adventure" to whatever extreme you wanted to. You're always a front line guy there. They don't have any rules to comply with.
Has anyone served are country or currently serving?? I was thinking about it and I just cant see myself like Running through a jungle or dessert and Like shooting guns and blowing things up no matter what. I feel bad Because I know how great it is to Serve ur country and everything but I know I cant do it but I know so many people are like Me and just cant see themselves shooting someone in War or something I think. But im starting to Feel guilty and like a coward What does everyone else think about serving? Could u ever do it if u havent or arent?

I'm pretty sure you know nothing about the military...if I were you, I'd ask what your dad thinks.
I have a few friends who have done several tours in Iraq & Afghanistan. I don't care how much they pay me. I wouldn't want any part of that if I had a choice. I respect and appreciate the military but man I am glad I am not in it either.