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Karl Marx: The Devil And Crony Fascism


Well-Known Member
rthis is like having Cain speak in Sunday School, I admit. I mean, someone who knows the Devil preaching to the Choir. This subject becomes doubly convolutied for a Mormon who believes in the Book of Mormon.

OK, let me explain. I was watching a supposed documentary called "Agenda" by a guy from Idaho. Not Washington or Moscow or Shanghai. I say Shanghai not Beijing because, well, America has been shanghaied twice, at least. By the Brits. The term means someone kidnapped and taken onboard an Ocean-going vessel to serve without jpay. In America's case, it's the UN Ship, and the "Agenda" is global fascism under the false flag operation of Obama's socialism/communism. Well, Bill Ayers' and Saul Alinski's modern brand of Marxism. The guy from Idaho is an ignoramus, of course. He believes it is Marx and the Devil, not Soros and Xi and a few billionaire fellow travelers like Gates, Rockefeller, Oprah, and Buffet. And the Maoist/Mormons.

Don't get me wrong here, I believe in the geopolitical schemata of the Book of Mormon's "Book of Ether" and the warnings throughout th3e Book of Mormon about the Devil's organized power program that has been in this world across the ages. When the Devil took Jesus up to the Pinnacle of the Temple, and offered Him all the glory and power of all the worldly kingdoms he controlled, he wasn't lying. Well, about the Devil's worldly assets, that is. But had Jesus said "Yeah, Manj", he would have been roughly like Rockefeller, just another chumkp who fell for a lie.. I mean, Jesus would still be dead, a pile of broken or scattered bones knawed by rats in some rockytomb under the Pinnacle. Jesus would be nothinjg, have nothing, and be utterly contemptible, like a global fascist will be in a few yearr's stime. The Devil's Kingdom comes to a crashing collapse at the Gates of Hell, where today Karl Marx and John D. Rockefeller are yowling in sulfereous torrment. The money, the power the Devil pretends to offer is a short-term Junk Bond, at best. The kind 401(k) fund managers buy sometimes from Obama's Wall Street brokers. And watch helplessly as the value goes to zero in a New York bankruptcy court.

A lot of folks think Karl Marx is cool. Some think globalism will save the planet. In the hands of Junk bond financiers. Laughable, if it weren't so tragic to so many people. A Fauci-scale fraud against human credulity. Nor will this get more hopeful if China becomes the prfemier jpower broker and financial capital of Lucifer's worldly offerings.

At any rate, the movie/documentary got to me checkj out some of the facts presented in Agenda. The first was a statement that Karl Marx was obsessed with the Devil, and wrote poetry about it. In 1837 he wrote that he had foregone his place in Heaven and bought a home in Hell. Something like that. Karl Marx was a horrible human being. He stunk because he wouldn't bathe, even when he went and sat all day in the library. He neglected his wife and children. Two of his daughters died in suicide pacts with their husbands. They all lived thread-bare, starving lives because Marx wouldn't work. His friends jfound him intolerabely abusive, foul and crude and insulting. When he died, less than ten humans showed up to see him buried. He was a nobody.

Until some fine, cultured, smooth gentlemen from the City of London decided his writings were a suitable false flag to run a fraud on the people of the world. And found some Ruissian intellectuals to front for them.

In the 1880s and 1890s, the "Progressive Era" was taking over the world. The Brits, like Lord Cecil Rhodes, had realized that simple Imperialism was getting flak, and was unsustainable. They desperately needed an "Earnest" sort of decoy. Tha't's a bit of English culture from Oscar Wilde, who parodied the scheme in his play. How English culture needed to believe in something that was respectable, if not true.

America had been a target for years..... well, since 1763 or even before. London needed a ROI machine that could sustain the manors of England on simple inte3rest. The BFETC was the cash cow. So after the Civil jWar gambit was defeated by Lincoln, they simply sent investment folks into America to organize business under Robber Baron cartelism much like the BFETC. With London capital. Their front men in banking were the RFockefellers/ Chase/Morgan folks. They also sent over intellectuals of the Progressive mindset to take over ourcolleges.

People like John Dewey came a bit later. John Wesley Powel and a few others dupes, home-bred, started organizations like The Smithsonian, and wormed their way into college management. Socialism came to America after the Cival War. befor3e then it was the Masons and their little sets of crony businessment conspiring to make the world safe for profits, nothing more. But the brit and their crony banking families even before the Civil War had taken over the Masons. In the north they financed Abolition. In the South they financed Secession, and they they found a stooge named Lincoln to lighjt the fuse. They were gonna blast America into fragments that could be picked up piece by piece for the Empire.

But Lincoln just didn't pan out. He refused to let the bomb achieve that purpose, and won the war for the Union. He was a disastrous failure for Imperialism. But he had also opened up America for investment. And that gave the City of London the kind of tool they knew how to use. Yes, it's true. America had been a fearful thing to the City of London. What if people everywhere got this damned idea about limited government and human rights. The Peerage was threatened. It was a damnable notion that people could have governments that served the people, an outright end to nobility. Something had tgo be done.

Well, the plan was in the works. Break the people down by destroying their simple faith in God,their beliefs and culture. Damn, Marx had some useful writing, and it could just be pulled off the shelf and run out.

The Brits had learned the arts of divide and conquer, and employed it artfully all over the world for yearsalready. They had bought off the Indians to fight for them against the colonists rebelling in the colonies. They manipulatedthe local factions of India to maintain control for over twohundred years. In the end, they even got India split into two in such away thet India woulde never be a power to reckon with anywhere else. they had dope up China with opium. They turned Russia into a wasteland and instigated wars across the globe to keep the overland trade with the Far East dead. They managed to divide up the Middle East so expertly that there was no chance for a major power there. Well, the Ottoman empire was a problem........

And they got America in the game to fight Spain in 1898 under a false flag even over a ship called Maine. "Remember the Maine" sold out the Monroe Doctrine. And we became Imperialists. In the Philippines, drunks would stagger out of their little huts and call me "Imperialistong Kano".

Well, this was all "Progress".

The Brits found it expedient to make the United States their stooge, their "Earnest". We fought for them in world wars and UN skirmishes for over a century. We paid the freight on the New World Order, for them.

The Brits ran the whole Cold War charade, just like they have always done. Divide the world and use their leverage to keep their sacred City of London the world capitol of Fascism.

And if anyone has read this, you'll understand what I mean when I say the dupes will stagger out of the Jazz games and hiss at me somethjing like "tldr"/ That is brag in here, identified claimants who brag tdhat as essentially beyond the reach of light.

American conservatives and anti-communists are also dupes, though, because they believe communism is the real hand in this puppet show.

Nobody who is anybody really believes in communism. Not even Bill Ayers or Hillary Clinton. It's all about the money, folks.