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Killa Kyrie Irving trade scenarios

What's happening here?
You're just like Kyrie! Kyrie claims he 'hasnt had the time to speak'... which is preposterous, is that true? is it true that you lack the faculties to tell "what's happening here?" Are you overwhelmed? is it a competency or effort issue? do you really need a third party to help spell it out? the floor is all his... this is the same exact level of mental gymnastics i send yall running off to hide in.. for years...

You got plenty of time to speak... the platform is all yours...

You just have nothing smart to say... like Kyrie... so instead you try to change the subject,,, My point is idiots like you are just what the media wants... You should honestly stop watching sports altogether, would prolly do you a world of good
The true winners in sports is the media... they literally get paid the same in good years n bad years, n they deflect all the blame elsewhere, ppl dont even wanna discuss it, they wanna blame the refs, the players, the coaches, the gm, the "small market" without ever looking at the bigger picture of some of the greater entities n how the loom over said smaller peices to the puzzle..

If ur big into sports, thats what ur big into by default, ur a pawn of the sports media franchises, n stuck in their web. Utah Jazz sell yall season tickets for crazy money then seit ya in an arena n blast ur senses with advertisments n ****... thats who u root for... these random people u never met to get rich... anything adverse to that cause round here is met with resistance...
u can be completely full of **** n borderline clueless like david locke n have a long n healthy successful career in sports media, long as u cross ur t's n dot ur i's, n kiss the right asses, n **** they'll even give you a radio show too so you can give the audience a primer for the dumbed down explanations ur bout to peddle all season.

if I owned the books that sure would sound nice...
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Your loved ones are probably ****ing hideous... My ugliest gf ever probably puts your prettiest neice to shame, n shes a doctor makes 250k per year now, your neice prolly a simpleton housewife waiting for their next drink... Their probably so ugly i couldnt look them in the eye with a straight face... Ive seen the crowd cams at events in utah... what makes you think id want anything to do with your loved ones? It's a global pandemic they r probably unvaccinated imbeciles who pretend they cant read such as yourself

its funny ur so shallow u think of terms of individuals but not the masses..its cuz ur little puny brain cant rationalize the big stuff so u keep it small n simple, right? n were sitting here in the middle of a pandemic im here addressing things far too large for you to speak on, so you have go go bakc to your little gossip n talking about people in your close proximity... thats what these forums r for, yall got sick of gossiping about the small circles of people u grew up with so u came to a forum to find new ppl to gossip about ----- Stragely enough those r the othe rpeople on the basketball forum n not the actual basketball playetrs tho, in a strange twist of fate...

stupid ****s who are so bitter they cant listen to reason r how this story came to pass? no? n here u are being a champion of it cuz uve got nothing better to do with your time today than to show up to a thread n pretend like your illiterate n cant use your 20 years of education to figure out "whats going on here?" apparently u lack the faculties to reach that conclusion yourself n need to be spoonfed.
Um, Taylor Swift is my niece, so.....
You're just like Kyrie! Kyrie claims he 'hasnt had the time to speak'... which is preposterous, is that true? is it true that you lack the faculties to tell "what's happening here?" Are you overwhelmed? is it a competency or effort issue? do you really need a third party to help spell it out? the floor is all his... this is the same exact level of mental gymnastics i send yall running off to hide in.. for years...

You got plenty of time to speak... the platform is all yours...

You just have nothing smart to say... like Kyrie... so instead you try to change the subject,,, My point is idiots like you are just what the media wants... You should honestly stop watching sports altogether, would prolly do you a world of good
I asked you to clarify, you said I changed the subject. You really are Kyrie, right? Hey, how's that flat earth treating you?
Well then.

I would not trade for Kyrie as there is zero chance he stays here long-term. That and the fact that we can’t actually afford him without shipping out someone like Ingles as well.

A Kyrie for Simmons swap is interesting.
Today is October 14th that means in exactly 2 months Mike Conley's trade restriction expires n they could try and swap the regular season specialist mike conley for the NBA champion Killa Kyrie


Could it be a potential covid miracle? Utah finally gets their PG n in the same felt swoop reverses the small-market stigma, n scores one for the 'little guy'? I forsee a happy ending for all parties..

Could Kyrie help recruit other like minded NBA stars to Utah? Ky-Mitchell-Gobert, just missing a forward...
Kyrie would be a disaster in Utah. I think Conley is better suited to the culture of this team... don't underestimate his leadership either.
If he’s under team control can we strap him to a rocket and launch him into the sun?
(That there is a “hypothetical” question boys and girls)