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Korver signs with Bulls! (3 yrs/15 mil)

I dont mind losing Korver, but the Jazz didnt even make an offer?
I hear you. I like Korver, he stretched the defense and did about everything the Jazz asked him to do. But here are the facts:

The Jazz get similar production from Wesley Matthews, who was a rookie this year (more room for improvement than Korver), turns 24 in October, and will probably cost them around $4M per year. Maybe more.
They also get similar production from CJ Miles, who is 23 years old and costs $3.7M this year.
The Jazz may eventually get decent production from Gordon Hayward, a 20-year-old rookie who will cost $2.3M this year.
Korver is 29 years old, only played 52 games this past season, will be 32 by the end of a 3-year contract, and was just paid $5M per year by the Bulls.

He did good things for the Jazz, and will do good things for the Bulls, but I'm not sure they should have made him an offer. They have several options that are cheaper, younger, and have more upside.
Once again, I didnt say that the Jazz should have signed Korver at all costs. I am not a big fan of Korver. But still,they should have just given him something, some offer. Maybe 4 mil per for 2 yrs and see if he gives a little hometown discount. If not, let him walk. Mathews coming back is not a guarantee as of now. And while he is young, he doesnt have a great upside either. It would really suck if Porty gives him close to full mid-level and we match it.
Once again, I didnt say that the Jazz should have signed Korver at all costs. I am not a big fan of Korver. But still,they should have just given him something, some offer. Maybe 4 mil per for 2 yrs and see if he gives a little hometown discount. If not, let him walk. Mathews coming back is not a guarantee as of now. And while he is young, he doesnt have a great upside either. It would really suck if Porty gives him close to full mid-level and we match it.

It would suck if we did, but at this point with everyone else that has left, I wonder if KOC might think we can't lose Matthews too, and we've dumped enough salary, we can just go for it and we'll be OK.

Then Portland is going to be thinking, We got the Jazz to commit themselves to another overpaid guy, and they will have less money next year to chase the Free Agents and get better.
Since we were talking about the Bulls and Korver, I found this link that says the Bulls is close to submitting a three-year offer sheet worth about $19 million to J.J. Redick.


Redick is restricted, but if you have Korver, isn't Redick almost overkill? I guess they are going to try to shoot their way into a championship. Of course if Orlando doesn't match, he's there and 19 mill for 3 years is kind steep for Redick if you ask me. But with Looming CBA, people are going to try to get their money.
I am telling you, this Bulls team is going to be very, very good. Rose at the point, Deng -- who is overpaid but has a tremendous mid-range game, Boozer on offense in the low-post, Noah cleaning up on defense and hustling his heart out, now you bring in Korver as a three-point specialist to spread the floor.

That's a contending team. It's all up to how Rose progresses. They didn't get James, but that won't excuse them from contending. Anything less than an Eastern Conference finals should be a big disappointment for that team.

Funny, I don't see them being anything special. Noah will still get pushed around by any centers with weight on them, Boozer still plays mediocre d, Korver can't defend anyone worthwhile, and Rose has yet to show me he's taken his game to the next level, improved his leadership qualities, and can advance in the playoffs. For me, they're still one and done in the playoffs. Time will tell.
I liked Kyle but what can you do... I'm not happy about anything right now. I almost get the feeling we're willing to fold the season for cap space. With those two gone now to the bulls and AK coming off the books next year we'll be 30mil under the cap and be able to sign two max FA haha Ugh...

We should go after Perkins for the 5 and Horford for the 4. Two tough mother****ers who can defend and who wouldn't break the bank.
Once again, I didnt say that the Jazz should have signed Korver at all costs. I am not a big fan of Korver. But still,they should have just given him something, some offer. Maybe 4 mil per for 2 yrs and see if he gives a little hometown discount. If not, let him walk. Mathews coming back is not a guarantee as of now. And while he is young, he doesnt have a great upside either. It would really suck if Porty gives him close to full mid-level and we match it.

Why are you assuming that Matthews doesn't have more upside? I saw a lot of improvement over one season. So does Korver have upside? If anything Korver will be on the downside as he gets to the end of his contract. I can see why you are upset. I am upset that the Jazz didn't trade him and at least get something for him but I am not upset because too many times especially in the playoffs, Korver was a no show.
The Bulls, imo, are being foolish. Nevermind the fact that they'll have to pony up for Noah and Rose at some point. Throwing this much money at two guys in Redick and Korver who are pretty one dimensional is setting them up for a day when they won't be able to go after another impact player like say Carmello next summer.
Since we were talking about the Bulls and Korver, I found this link that says the Bulls is close to submitting a three-year offer sheet worth about $19 million to J.J. Redick.


Redick is restricted, but if you have Korver, isn't Redick almost overkill? I guess they are going to try to shoot their way into a championship. Of course if Orlando doesn't match, he's there and 19 mill for 3 years is kind steep for Redick if you ask me. But with Looming CBA, people are going to try to get their money.
Hmmm hadn't noticed that, thanks. I am hoping the Bulls do what the Pistons did last year and blow all their money on FA's after dumping salary and getting all their fans hopes up. (with apologies to Moe and all other Chi-town area Jazz fans that may have interest in the bulls)
I admire the Jazz front office for making the bold decision of NOT bringing back Korver. He was a fan favorite and great for the community, but it was not in the Jazz's interest to lock of that much money and game minutes for such a one dimensional player. Granted, he really helped with spacing, always ran his cuts on offense regardless, and tried to play defense. He was probably easy to deal with in the locker room as well. But Kyle has no lateral quickness. Can't rebound for as big as he is. And he looks afraid to dribble the ball. He was an imperfect 2-3 guy in every way except for his ridiculous shooting touch, which did not compensate for his other weaknesses. Let's face it, Kyle was a liability on the court and Sloan used him in a way to hide his weakness and emphasize his strengths (a reason why Sloan is a great coach). Oh, and why isn't anyone mentioning Kyle's inability to stay healthy? The guy was Charmin Soft. And I doubt he will replicate his accuracy from three again, so I don't want to keep hearing about that.

I think the Jazz were right to draft Hayward for his versitality. And it will help his development not to play beyond a log jam of players. I think Hayward will contribute right away and be a legit starter in the leauge for years to come. I think with more practice on his shooting, and tutoring from Horney, he will become a deadly three point threat (appx 40-43%). He clearly has the rhythm and touch to be a great outside shooter. Plus he can dribble the ball, create his own shot, rebound for his position, already looks ok on defense (players improve on D with experience), is athletic enough to be an NBA 2-3, etc.

Kyle Korver is no Ray Allen. He seems like a great guy, but the Jazz don't need him. Hayward is our G-F of the future.

Because they should atleast TRY. Like I said I dont mind losing Korver ultimately, but you are'nt even going to try?

What if Porty gives another ridiculous offer to Mathews just like they messed up with Millsap? You need to have a backup plan.

With AK playing backup 4 , we can have a rotation of Hayward/Miles/Mathews/Korver at the 2/3.

Just give him somehting and see what he says about it. After all he played for you last season.

I'll be really pissed if I see Brewer or Jeffers as the 4th wing getting 20-25 mins. I'd rather see AK as one of the wings and have Koufos or some other big backing up Millsap. Hopefully Koufos improves enough to get 10-15 mins at backup PF

If we offered Korver and he accepted before Mathews then we could not sign Mathews. Korver was not needed on this team and his salary is too high for a 1 trick pony. If we lose Mathews then I'll be upset but signing Korver essentially would have guaranteed Mathews was not coming back. That I did not want.

If Brewer is resigned I will be furious an will start opening campaigning for Sloan's and KOC's dismissals. I hate Brewer as a wing for this team but honestly Korver was not much better.
You know, KK only averaged 7pts. and 18 mins/game this year even though he had his best shooting year from 3pt. land. He doesn't look irreplaceable.
If we offered Korver and he accepted before Mathews then we could not sign Mathews. Korver was not needed on this team and his salary is too high for a 1 trick pony. If we lose Mathews then I'll be upset but signing Korver essentially would have guaranteed Mathews was not coming back. That I did not want.

If Brewer is resigned I will be furious an will start opening campaigning for Sloan's and KOC's dismissals. I hate Brewer as a wing for this team but honestly Korver was not much better.

See what happened? This is precisely what I was talking about earlier. Korver could have been a backup plan.

But now Porty has messed up again with a 5 yr 35 mil offer. Good luck matching that. Jazz are ****ed either way, whether they match or don't.
He did good things for the Jazz, and will do good things for the Bulls, but I'm not sure they should have made him an offer. They have several options that are cheaper, younger, and have more upside.

Hmm..what are those "cheaper" options now?
See what happened? This is precisely what I was talking about earlier. Korver could have been a backup plan.

But now Porty has messed up again with a 5 yr 35 mil offer. Good luck matching that. Jazz are ****ed either way, whether they match or don't.

I am afraid you are right. If we match, we probably overpaid and with 9 mil upfront likely done with any other moves this year (aside from matching Fess). If we don't, we just lost good 3 players we had last year for nothing (in addition to losing Brew and Maynor last year). Not a good situation no matter how you slice it. What I think can savage it though is letting Porty have Wes and perhaps using that money for someone like Jefferson. We have to come up with something here. Just losing good players is not going to make the team any better.
See what happened? This is precisely what I was talking about earlier. Korver could have been a backup plan.

But now Porty has messed up again with a 5 yr 35 mil offer. Good luck matching that. Jazz are ****ed either way, whether they match or don't.

I still did not want Korver back.
I'm starting to think that players don't like to play with DWill.

This is the most foolisgh thing i have ever read from you...If they dont like to play with dwill well thats says something bout their work ethic..him,dee,and head used to be in the gym all the time at illinois..Gym rat..His former illini teammates loved playing with him..Do you just throw random crap in the air to get a response?