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Legal marijuana - good or bad? Any personal experience?

The interesting thing is that Marijuana has mostly been grown for its recreational purposes. Strands that are popular are so because of the effects it has on recreational purposes. But hopefully as we continue to research and grow different strands medical types can be developed. Along with that strands that are better for peoples health and wellness even within recreational use can be developed.

There is a lot of research already done on Marijuana but there is a lot more to be done. There is also a lot of false information out there about it. People often claim its addictive because its a huge dopamine increase but that has generally been debunked. Its more of the anandamide neurotransmitter that is being effected. This is why THC can have such a large influence and effect things like motivation, anxiety and depression in both a positive and potentially negative way.

There are also lots of other "drugs" that can have a positive impact and I think Marijuana might be a tipping point for some of those such as shrooms and MDMA. Those are other things that should be studied and legalized.

But I am strongly of the opinion that all drugs should be decriminalized. Especially the addictive ones. No one should be criminalized for being addicted, they should be helped.

This isn't exactly true. Hemp has been grown with limited THC and is used for the other hundred or so medical cannibanoids.

Regardless of dopamine interaction, we have very primitive knowledge of brain chemistry of the endocannibanoid system. There are important receptors in every part of the brain.

For those who don't know, your body already creates cannabinoids, you potheads. Every chemical or drug has a side effect. Some, like melatonine are very limited. We don't kno w what effects cannabinoid supplements have.
@Ron Mexico


This looks to show dopamine is affected. Not that should be the primary issue in the debate. Any drug that alters brain chemistry pathways is going to have effects and we should recognize them for research.

That is an interesting read. There seems to be a fair amount of debate about dopamine release. Even within this article they show mixed results with dopamine release from THC on humans. One of the human studies showed dopamine release in one of the studies but another one did not show any. Although I didnt see them mention how large of a dopamine release happened in the study with humans. My guess is it is very small.

I do agree we should research this drugs effects a lot more, along with many others, especially if they alter brain chemistry.
That is an interesting read. There seems to be a fair amount of debate about dopamine release. Even within this article they show mixed results with dopamine release from THC on humans. One of the human studies showed dopamine release in one of the studies but another one did not show any. Although I didnt see them mention how large of a dopamine release happened in the study with humans. My guess is it is very small.

I do agree we should research this drugs effects a lot more, along with many others, especially if they alter brain chemistry.

Agreed. I don't toke but am not against it but I think I've been wrong about the effects. It seems obvious that anything that alters your mood will have other chemical changes. We might not know of other pathway changes yet.

Legalize it already so we can study it. Knowledge is rarely bad in the long term.