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Let's play a little game called, "Remember When?"

Remember the last two times we were excited about a Jazz center?

1. "Boom Bitches"
2. Fesenko dropping the mic

Oh yeah, Araujo's take-down in a pre-season game. Wasn't it Marvin Williams he threw to the floor?
Remember when the Jazz had the worst starting PG's in the league? Guys like Palacio, Hart, Tinsley, JLIII?

At LEAST Exum can play defense...no matter how timid he looks on offense.
I remember when the Jazz had some DUIclones. They need to get another one.
Remember when Let's play a little game called, "Remember When?" thread was created?
Remember when UGLI was still a Jazz fan?

Remember when Ugli use to call people out for not being real Jazz fans?

How can you expect me to watch the games and chat on this messenger board when I don't even live in the state anymore?!?!

Watched 2 games this season, and if I never watch another game the rest of my days, I'll still be a bigger fan than Cy could ever be.

#science #BornInUtah #SorryCybro
How can you expect me to watch the games and chat on this messenger board when I don't even live in the state anymore?!?!

Watched 2 games this season, and if I never watch another game the rest of my days, I'll still be a bigger fan than Cy could ever be.

#science #BornInUtah #SorryCybro

Can I see your birth certificate?
Remember when Trout and Archie rubbed oil on each other and rolled around trying to get on top of one other??