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LHM group trying to bring MLB to Utah


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This probably won’t get as much traction in this forum as it perhaps should. I hadn’t realized LHM group also sold their car dealerships. But I find it interesting that after moving out of basketball, they’re jumping in to this. Somewhat curious.
The rule changes to make the game more fan friendly has got the MLB back on my radar. I would probably follow it pretty closely and play fantasy baseball if we had a team. Would be fun, not sure about using smokestacks as the background. It would just remind me of the inversion/bad air quality.
The rule changes to make the game more fan friendly has got the MLB back on my radar. I would probably follow it pretty closely and play fantasy baseball if we had a team. Would be fun, not sure about using smokestacks as the background. It would just remind me of the inversion/bad air quality.
The smokestacks were ridiculous. Are we the Springfield Isotopes?
I’m skeptical about this actually happening, but would absolutely love it. I don’t like the idea of that area having the stadium, and don’t love the smokestacks staying, but I’d find a way to go to some games every year. Maybe buy some smaller ticket packages.
That is less than 1/2 mile from where I grew up.


talk of Battersea getting turned into a stadium like this has been about for years, I like the industrial stadium look.
Somewhere I read that they broke ground for this stadium… is that true? Anyway, I was only kind of peripherally following that component of it, but that somehow percolated into my thoughts and made it into my dreams last night where I was at the stadium, looking at how great the view was of the mountains, and then seeing those ugly *** smokestacks.
I’m skeptical about this actually happening, but would absolutely love it. I don’t like the idea of that area having the stadium, and don’t love the smokestacks staying, but I’d find a way to go to some games every year. Maybe buy some smaller ticket packages.
I really really don't like the location. Hopefully the prison site figures out a way to steal it if it actually happens.
I really really don't like the location. Hopefully the prison site figures out a way to steal it if it actually happens.
LHM is already building a new stadium for the Bees in South Jordan. Why not just make it a major league stadium and use that?
What's wrong with throwing a ****ing bone to an underserved neighborhood? Like I said, that's where I grew up. You all hate it for some kind of reason but I absolutely love that neighborhood and that area. Easy access, just as easy as getting to the Delta Center. No one is going to go all NIMBY on the project as it's replacing an industrial area. I could literally be standing at home plate at that thing in less than a 5 min walk from the house I grew up in. My dad worked at Mountain Fuel (later Questar and now Dominion) right there and he'd walk to work every day.

People complained about the Utah Beer Festival being held at the Utah State Fairpark despite that being the best venue they had ever had for that event. The one downtown next to The Leonardo was terrible. People just hate Glendale, Poplar Grove, Rose Park without knowing anything about it and that real people live there and/or grew up there.

If they build an MLB stadium anywhere else in Utah now I just want to burn it to the ground and tag it all over with "WEST SIDE"
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The house I grew up in is circled in red on the south side of I-80, X marks the spot of the proposed field.

It's good you didn't forget that you lived by Alzheimer's Park. Seems that place would be confusing.
It's good you didn't forget that you lived by Alzheimer's Park. Seems that place would be confusing.
Well to be fair, it wasn't there when I was a kid. That was a mini-BMX track when lived there. There was no Jordan River Parkway Trail, either. I mean there was a trail, but it was dirt. Homeless people lived under the I-80 overpass crossing the river.
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Anyway, I'm not a baseball fan, but had that stadium been there when I was a kid I most likely would be and I would have grown up in a nicer neighborhood (as good as it was despite challenges). That's a good place for a baseball stadium. Building a stadium there will paradoxically make that a better place to put a stadium, and a better place for restaurants, and a better place for retail shops. Next thing you know you've got the residents complaining that their property tax has gone up too mush because property values have skyrocketed so they can't afford their retirement home anymore. They'll move out and new affordable high-density housing will replace the blight and then Sugar House will have to eat *** because there will be a new hip area all the gay people want to live.

It's a ****** area because there is no investment and no development. the house I circled, the one I grew up in, is about 130 years old today. It's basically a ****ing pioneer house. If anyone noticed, you pass the Fisher Mansion on the journey from my childhood home to the proposed stadium. This wasn't always a ****** neighborhood. It isn't condemned to always be a ****** neighborhood.

West Side Represent!
What's wrong with throwing a ****ing bone to an underserved neighborhood? Like I said, that's where I grew up. You all hate it for some kind of reason but I absolutely love that neighborhood and that area. Easy access, just as easy as getting to the Delta Center. No one is going to go all NIMBY on the project as it's replacing an industrial area. I could literally be standing at home plate at that thing in less than a 5 min walk from the house I grew up in. My dad worked at Mountain Fuel (later Questar and now Dominion) right there and he'd walk to work every day.

People complained about the Utah Beer Festival being held at the Utah State Fairpark despite that being the best venue they had ever had for that event. The one downtown next to The Leonardo was terrible. People just hate Glendale, Poplar Grove, Rose Park without knowing anything about it and that real people live there and/or grew up there.

If they build an MLB stadium anywhere else in Utah now I just want to burn it to the ground and tag it all over with "WEST SIDE"
I can appreciate your connection to the area, but throwing a bone to an underserved area isn’t a good reason to build a major stadium somewhere. I just think there are other sites that would be better, obviously LHM disagrees though
I can appreciate your connection to the area, but throwing a bone to an underserved area isn’t a good reason to build a major stadium somewhere. I just think there are other sites that would be better, obviously LHM disagrees though
What other areas would be better? This area is cheap and areas that could be developed without tearing a ton down. Its very close to downtown and really close to the airport, it is supposed to be getting good public transportation that is already needed in the area. SLC needs to grow this direction anyways and it would improve the area.
What other areas would be better? This area is cheap and areas that could be developed without tearing a ton down. Its very close to downtown and really close to the airport, it is supposed to be getting good public transportation that is already needed in the area. SLC needs to grow this direction anyways and it would improve the area.
Yeah, this.

There isn't going to be any NIMBY BS getting this done. It is easy access. It splits the difference between Ogden and Provo. You go there and park in a relatively secure parking lot (I imagine they'll have security during games), go into an awesome new stadium, watch a game, go home. Yeah, I can see how doing that in Riverton would make it so much better. I mean after you compromise 1001 times with the neighbors on where the exit to the parking lot will be and if the sound wall should be 50ft high or 100ft high.