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The simplistic and I say blatantly false political constructs nomally taught today do not address the real issues.

socialism and fascism are in fact normally merged in governments because of political corruption issues. Easy to talk tgrash. Easy to mislead the general populace.

The word socialism from it's roots would imply a community governance of shared interests, not normally involving loss of basic human rights. Well, debateable even at this .

The word "fascism" from its root would imply government via a more restreictive set of interests working together, with some special or elite set of people running the show to the detriment of the rights of others.

I think a constructive or true discussion of government needs better logic, better terms, and attention to key issues.

Previous to the American Revolution, with perhaps a few historical preludes across the ages, most government consisted of autocratic authoritarian rulers of varying strength (meaning numbers of troops or cops or tax collectors) that largely disrespected the notion of human rights, especially individual human rights. A few "good" kings were highly regarded by their citizens as a community because of benevolence or relative liberty.

The American Revolution created a new monster..... a limited government, according to the hopes of its originators, that could only with difficultly become oppressive like the British had been with the colonies. This is American Exceptionalism at the root. A people relatively free with a government that protected the individual rights of ordinary citizens. Ideals of equal justice for all, regardless of wealth or rank or "connections". A kind of limited democracy where the majority could not become oppressive over a minority.

Well, we had some coloniies with "slavery", but the founders were uncomfortable and designed to stop importation of slaves after 1820, and many wanted to end slavery altogether. But as a broken set, we did not have the possible strength to maintain our freedom from Britain or other European powers at that time.

Considerable research by historian Anthony Chaitkin, develops the evidence that Britain schemed to break apart the colonies over first commercial issues in the first decade of our independence, and many other stratagems. Finally, the secessionist and abolitionists were both funded from Britain to divide our nation.

In fact, there was a scheme to get a hayseed radical named Abe Lincoln elected as a provocation so outrageous to the South, that they would secede. It was funded by some British aligned NY bankers, who hoped to just sweet talk silly Abe to let the secession go forward. After that, the British foreign office hoped to militarily take the Mississippi corridor and limet the colonies' permanently, weaken them commercially,and destroy them with war between themselves.

In this time span, Russia intervened to help the US hold out with naval operations on the West Coast that deterred British expansion there., and France acted to protect us on the Atlantic, and Spain in the Gulf. The North was able to blockade Southern ports, and doom the secessionists. But the damnYanks up North still had British-aligned bankers, and somehow they got the investment capital to re-imagine American industry. Abe bought on with the whole railroad idea.

Abe Lincoln was more of Union man than a humanitarian abolitionist. The reason he fought was because he instinctively knew that as a divided nation, we could not stand.

So in conclusion, the true politcal spectrum is not left or right, but free humans and slave humans. Nothing else is the real issue.
I grew up a Mormon, which is beyond question a kind of theocratic socialism, but which has at least claimed to protect human rights. We get to work together to make life better. That's what community is.

In reality, it is also a kind of fascist "faith" with undue reverence for elites or leaders, and another sort of power-concentrating tool.

In whole, it presents as a mild sort of system people can voluntarily work with and benefit from. No guns. No jackbooted thugs with badges. Just good ideas.
It would take a lot of close scholarly research, hard to access, but I think China's Xi is a kind of "Mormon", but without the notion of human rights. I horrifically imagine the LDS temple in Shanghai with all the fine appointments, with a special wall in the holy of holies draped with a gorgeous drape of crimson red tones and Xi's face as the beneficient Great Leader. The Prophet of China, with his books of necessary guidance's and aphorisms to encourage the people.

and, unfortunately, still, the thugs with badges and the camps for reeducation or "processing"

Recent disclosures of LDS investment funds show a very strong China alliance , as do most of the American Institutional portfolios.

Clearly, "Marxism" is on the wane in China, asnd nationalist notions on the rise..... "Confucianism" strongly enhanced.

Putin in Russia is also building up nationalism and traditional Russian cjulture, including the Orthodox CatholicChurch.
So, in conclusion, I think a valid terminology for discussing political spectrums must include the the degree of involvement of capital in influencing elections and government actions.

I think we are being massively lied to about global fascism inherent in the UN culture and structure.. Most of the current terminology is just so far beyond any reality in comparison.

China, Russia, and the US..... including the UK and EU, have no real political bearings beyond the monetary and the clique of important stakeholders. Even India, Brazil, Japan. Who else is there. Do we really have any national entity that is not overwhelmingly under this influence????
Areas of concern to me even of a sort of MAGA Trump "revival" of what people found worth voting for, is-----really----still...... government. Too much, too authoritarian, too much "the answer". We do not need, or want, a strong leader overturning our system and rearranging the deck chairs. Our system, is.... indeed...... sinking. In sailor's language, too much baggage. If we start throwing stuff overboard, we can possibly save it. I mean the idea of liberty.

Electing people who are willing to trim government federally and build it more locally, state county and town.... would help. But when the idea is to just have government doing everything, the people just can't function. Redjucing government would be required at all levels.

Of course, the Cloward-Piven "strategy" is in full application right now, and it is widely or importantly the intention of critical political players at present. But these are the people who are actually against most aspects of human liberty, regardless of all the false claims. The goal is fascism. I know a lot of people are Marxist believers, but Marxism is a false flag for Fascism. Always has been, always will be. Just the idea of an absolute government even in some idealized "transition" is mumbling insanity. That "Revolution" has never, and indeed fundamentally cannot ever, produce any kind of stable conditions, any ideal of human relations or governance.

It is just human nature to grab the power and use it. So every nation where communism ostensibly has been "achieved" became a totalitarian and a fascist state where all the power pools in the hands of a few, just as surely as every historical government has gone into the hands of authoritarians, autocrats, then kings.

The only way to avoid this deplorable result is to set up a "Constitutional" limited government on a federal sort of "Republic" where local power matches national power.

We have a long ways to go to achieve a real "Constitutional Republic". We never really had it. Not all that surely.

We could not embrace the Cherokee and allied nations as a State even when they were highly literate, industrious, and a match for our English settlers. We could not embrace freeing the slaves and giving them political power in any State. We could not embrace the Plains Indians and establish an actual State government for them.

Today, the thoughtless, or possibly..... much worse.... destructive..... use of Marxist race strategy to divide America along racial identity issues is going to damage the rights of everyone, to the gain of the authoritarian governancers. A formula to impoverish us all, and make slaves of us all.

No one who schemes to gain absolute power really cares about "the people". The methods used to achieve it might be to first destroy a powerful wealthy class, so the rhetoric goes more to Marxism...... or enlist the uncomprehending enthusiasm of a mass base, so use a Fascist rhetoric. But the end is always the same. Claims of socialists to care for the people are followed by regulation and limitation of people's coices until we end up just the same as peasants huddled under some damn Lordy's castle wall.

Any kind of strong government is going to destroy people's liberty and prosperity.

It follows then that the only right way to color a political spectrum is with regard to human liberty and government accountabilkity.

It is freedom or slavery.