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Looking for name ideas - exhausted

I LOVE the word convergence.
I fear it may be overly... hard? Meaning, not inviting.. like at all.
It's like a huge risk reward thing. If successful at pulling it off it's a home run. But that could be very tricky and easily flop.

I'm a niche market guy. I don't run with the joneses and have always felt by being unique I certify my own success. Rather than appeal to the masses (and thereby competing with mass producers) and limit my product to a commodity that is price-based... I much prefer to sell lifestyle and experience. Knowing that what I bring to market will NOT appeal to the general populace, but dominates a unique section that "gets" it. My goal is a simple one. I want a reaction. I want people to either LOVE what I've done or hate it... I just can't live with apathy.

So... it's okay for the name to be different. Complicated, sophisticated, or even edgy...

That make any sense?
Convergence and it's earlier meaning I described for this area being the only place in the country three major ecosystems converge, has a lot of possibilities.

First - it's a great visual aid as to why the area is so diverse with geological changes occurring seemingly every several hundred feet.
Second - it's a great way to describe the best "jumping off" point to see so much diversity within the state and national parks. Think how crazy it is that in the same day you could hike Zion and the Grand Canyon... One day raft the Colorado River and the next snow ski at Brian Head.
Third - the convergence of lifestyle (dirty vs luxury) and how cool it is that you can easily partake of both, in the same visit, at the same "resort."

It has a lot of possibilities..
I wasn't crazy about the name because you have to think too much about its meaning and/or origin. I feel like the name should instead just give off a vibe that makes sense based on the locale and experience.
Convergence and it's earlier meaning I described for this area being the only place in the country three major ecosystems converge, has a lot of possibilities.

First - it's a great visual aid as to why the area is so diverse with geological changes occurring seemingly every several hundred feet.
Second - it's a great way to describe the best "jumping off" point to see so much diversity within the state and national parks. Think how crazy it is that in the same day you could hike Zion and the Grand Canyon... One day raft the Colorado River and the next snow ski at Brian Head.
Third - the convergence of lifestyle (dirty vs luxury) and how cool it is that you can easily partake of both, in the same visit, at the same "resort."

It has a lot of possibilities..
At the very least I think it's worth some test marketing. I doubt I'm saying anything Peeks hasn't already thought of, but here are my ideas:

I'd first ask people in my target market what they thought of the name, then I'd give them my elevator pitch about what it means in relation to the property and see if that changes their opinion in either direction. My guess is they are going to be a bit surprised by it when they first hear it, and have a much stronger opinion (mostly in a positive direction) once they hear the story.

As far as saying that people have to "think about it," I agree that people will notice how different it is the first time they hear it, but that's a good thing. Once they know the story they will associate a lot more than your buildings to the name, and there's a good chance they will tell the story to other people (which is a great thing).

I love the parallel to converging lifestyles, BTW. I think I'd also try to separate those into three categories (maybe adventure, leisure, family) to draw a parallel with the three geographic zones. And I'll bet you could come up with a killer logo also built upon this theme. I also think you could do a ton of cool things on the property that would dovetail into this concept.

Yeah, it's way riskier than naming the place RedRock Resort or something like that (no one would ever wonder why you chose that name) but I think the payoff could be huge.
My initial thought on "convergence" is that I don't know if it will work. The average Joe doesn't know the details of that area. Even above average Joe's probably don't know it. I would think most people would heat that and think "WTF is that?"
Convergence just sounds lame, like trying too hard to be cool. I'd prefer more of a classic name.

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Sort of also sounds like some dystopian weird Mormon **** potentially.
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"The Federal Refuge" just a slight alteration from Franklin's paper idol.

I think what you are meaning to say by "paper idol" is a fascination with the creation of a medium of exchange that has brought the world out of 10,000 years of abject poverty by solving a millennium old monetary issue?

The Bernanke Estates would be an honor.
I think what you are meaning to say by "paper idol" is a fascination with the creation of a medium of exchange that has brought the world out of 10,000 years of abject poverty by solving a millennium old monetary issue?

The Bernanke Estates would be an honor.

I think "The Bernanke Estates" are in Orange County, in the hills where the grass burns everything about every tenth year.

Peek's Place would be a great name, and as I understand the proposal, all the toilets would be solid gold.
Sort of also sounds like some dystopian weird Mormon **** potentially.

In the east there's a lot of weird dystopian Civil War, Revolutionary War even, stuff, like little log cabins supposedly where some ugly Pres was born, or Old Hickory's house in the woods. People look for the unusual in life.

Dr. Jones could, for example, make a buck off some place named the "Gadianton Gardens", or "Bohemian Baths", or even the "Lost Lizard Lounge", if there were some weird historical tale that could make it unforgettable and/or repeated around campfires in the woods in a way that could scare the kids into thinking of it every time they got uncomfortable about life.

If you want a small niche market appeal, a destination of destinations for the ultimate insiders of some weird passion like oh say biking. . . it's gotta be weird.

and,uhhhmm, something Dr. Jones hasn't already thought of.

150 acres is not really huge in the West, and the side of St. George Dr. Jones is working with hasn't been the first pretty spot with views ever to torture the imagination of a developer.
Bank, beach, curb, threshold, frontier, Windows, entrance, doorstep, gateway, edge, intersection.

I like intersection sense that is where you are building. Intersection Sands, Intersection Woods, Intersection Hollows, Intersection Ridge. I also like The Windows, like a lot. The Windows on Intersection Ridge. I also like using on instead of at. It is edgy. At has been overused. I also like in over on as on is close to being overused. So like The Coves In Sleepy River sounds so much better than the coves at sleepy river.
Okay one more thing I wanted to point out. I love staying at places like this where it is all fun all the time. I have been to a few in Utah and I think destinations are lacking I think this concept is great. I have been to Ponderosa Ranch Resort in axions and Sorrel River Ranch Resort in Moab. I think Ranch Resort sells very well.