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Miles Bridges

Sign Bridges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 25.5%
  • No

    Votes: 38 74.5%

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I’m a no, but I don’t think Danny Ainge cares much about my opinion.
The juxtaposition of Ryan's public (social) imaging and Ainge's willingness to bring in Ted Bundy if it were a value deal is quite something.
The juxtaposition of Ryan's public (social) imaging and Ainge's willingness to bring in Ted Bundy if it were a value deal is quite something.
Ted Bundy? The dude brought in Kelly Olynyk, who definitely has high serial killer value over the replacement player.
This take isn't wrong but it doesn't make it right either. A lot of dodgy **** went down in the day.

Throwing up the Karl Malone parable makes no sense to me either, something that by todays standards is inexcusable that happened 40 years ago is used as an excuse to do things that are inexcusable today, by todays standards makes no sense.

that's an impressively long sentence without taking a breath
Stockton isnt crappy, he's old, stupid, and bored.

Malone is genuinely a low character person, not only because what he did, but his refusal to support the family or even acknowledge the kid's existence.

I semi agree just because he had all the resources and money to do so. But people think a lot differently back then. We knew what happened but not the exact circumstances. It really is sad to see an old hero. Come out to be something you consider disgraceful.

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Seriously though I want you to list all the things that makes Stockton so evil, and if you don’t it speaks to the level of ignorance you have
Seriously though, I posted why, in the original post you quoted. It helps to read the posts you quote. Don’t call me ignorant when you fail basic elementary reading comprehension.
Huh? I explained my answer in the original post you quoted. It’s not my fault you don’t read it. I sincerely don’t understand this game you’re playing? What are you trying to accomplish here?
I read no details as to why he’s a bad person you ignorant hater of a person now tell me why he’s evil, now!! But that’s right you can’t. You, and many more like you cancelled others just because they don’t 100% think like you do. It’s you and people like you that spread hate
Why are people acting like this is a gotcha?

Most of us were in elementary school or unborn when this happened. I had no idea what child rape was. All I knew was I wanted to play Super Nintendo when I got home and eat marshmallow maties. I know this is a crazy idea, but I’ve learned a lot since 4th or 5th grade. Much about our culture and society has changed since… 1996? 1997?

People should be allowed to have their views change in 30 years. Sheesh
You know that no one is allowed to make mistakes, learn, grow, and become better people. Once a piece of ****, always a piece of ****. Did you wear blackface for a school play in the 60's? Then you don't deserve to even hold a job in the 2020's. Did you get a little too drunk in college and brush against someone's butt at a party once? Well then even in your 50's you aren't worth pissing on if you're on fire. No one is allowed to pay their dues and learn lessons. They just always need to be punished endlessly until they die. Period.
You know that no one is allowed to make mistakes, learn, grow, and become better people. Once a piece of ****, always a piece of ****. Did you wear blackface for a school play in the 60's? Then you don't deserve to even hold a job in the 2020's. Did you get a little too drunk in college and brush against someone's butt at a party once? Well then even in your 50's you aren't worth pissing on if you're on fire. No one is allowed to pay their dues and learn lessons. They just always need to be punished endlessly until they die. Period.
Speak for yourself, buddy. Jesus died for my sins. I can do whatever the hell I want.
I read no details as to why he’s a bad person you ignorant hater of a person now tell me why he’s evil, now!! But that’s right you can’t. You, and many more like you cancelled others just because they don’t 100% think like you do. It’s you and people like you that spread hate
What are you talking about?

Who is being canceled here?

Am I canceling someone? Who am I canceling? How have your rights to express your opinion been restricted on here? Explain that to me.

You are the one spreading hate. You are making a mindless rant without any provocation. It’s not my fault you failed to read my post thoroughly and apparently still fail to comprehend from my original post (that you have since quoted twice) why I find Malone and Stockton to not be admirable or even good people. It’s literally right there, if you just read the post:

As I said, it usually helps to read the post you’re responding (and in your case, quoted twice):
I was a Jazz fan way before I even knew what Malone did and what rape even was. It’s gross what Malone did and if he were on this team today, I’d want him off of it. Both of the statues seem to be crappy people. Which is part of the reason why I’d like to see this franchise build a contending team the right way, with good character players that can inspire young people. I’d never be caught wearing a Malone or Stockton jersey. Let’s idolize good fun basketball players, Not some anti vax conspiracy d bag and child rapist.

TBH, I’m already mostly checked out from being a fan. Give me another season or two of the last and I’ll definitely find another team to cheer for or another hobby. Honestly, Denver is a hard team not to like.

Perhaps what we’re dealing with here isn’t actually cancel culture? Perhaps what we’re dealing with here is stupid people failing to read posts thoroughly, demanding someone re-explain something to them, and then failing to have their desires granted, and now thinking that they’re recipients of hate? And because they’re treated as adults instead of spoiled children, spoon fed information, they’re now pretend to be victims of cancel culture?

It’s interesting to me how quickly people go on the offensive, usually attack with disproportionate and unnecessary aggression and vitriol, and then complain about being victims.
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You know that no one is allowed to make mistakes, learn, grow, and become better people. Once a piece of ****, always a piece of ****. Did you wear blackface for a school play in the 60's? Then you don't deserve to even hold a job in the 2020's. Did you get a little too drunk in college and brush against someone's butt at a party once? Well then even in your 50's you aren't worth pissing on if you're on fire. No one is allowed to pay their dues and learn lessons. They just always need to be punished endlessly until they die. Period.
I remember once pushing my friend Jessica down the slide in 2nd grade. She screamed and fell awkwardly down the slide and into the sand pit. I don’t remember her being hurt but she clearly wasn’t happy. This had to have been before the wall had fallen and Germany reunited. But dammit, She was so overly cautious when playing on the playground at recess and that clock was tickin. And even though to this day I feel bad about doing it and would apologize to her if I ever saw her again, I believe I shouldn’t ever hold employment due to my obvious and irredeemable sexism.