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Mock Draft Take 4

IDK… Keyonte isn’t a great fit here… miller would be BPA but they have Collins, Okongwu, Johnson, all getting time at the 4. Lively could replace Capela at some point… this is where I’d likely trade the pick if I’m Atlanta. Get off of JCs money and get something different.

Assuming the keep the player I’ll just take Bilal and add a defensive oriented wing. Give the Hawks Coulibaly
This draft could have been pretty ideal for the Jazz if they had taken Cason over Black. I think he just has more shooting potential and both are dogs defensively. Adding Cason/Ausar’s defensive upside to Lauri and Kessler is an amazing formula. Then move KO and 28 for 15 and John Collins… take Leonard Miller at 15… IDK it feels like there should be some serious opportunities for DA and JZ
This draft could have been pretty ideal for the Jazz if they had taken Cason over Black. I think he just has more shooting potential and both are dogs defensively. Adding Cason/Ausar’s defensive upside to Lauri and Kessler is an amazing formula. Then move KO and 28 for 15 and John Collins… take Leonard Miller at 15… IDK it feels like there should be some serious opportunities for DA and JZ
We have the assets to move around and get the guys we want. I don't think we overpay, so other teams have to be willing, but it won't surprise me at all if we make a few moves.
Maybe they should though. I think we are at the point of the Zion experiment where it looks like he might just never stay healthy. If they could pivot to Scoot, I think him and Ingram could be a pretty great pairing.
I would do it if I were new orleans. I wouldn't do it if I were charlotte. Unless like you said new orleans gives up more.
I would do it if I were new orleans. I wouldn't do it if I were charlotte. Unless like you said new orleans gives up more.
Planning a team around Zion has to be so frustrating. Getting #2 for him and moving the money too would be something I’d consider… unless they see him shedding weight and working hard to get back. Depends on what they know behind the scenes.
Just decided to take a look at zion stuff:
Played 24 games in the 19-20 season
played 61 games in 20-21
played zero games in 21-22
played 29 games in 22-23

Never played in a playoff game yet in his career. His new contract kicks in next season when he will make 33.5 million. makes 44.2 million in his last season of his contract (27-28 season)
Dude is quite good when healthy. Can pencil him in for about 25 points and 7 rebounds per game on good efficiency. about 4 and a half assists per game which aint bad. 3 and a half turnovers per game which is not ideal. He is young and still improving as a player. But 25 points and 7 rebounds isn't super special to even warrant that kind of money if he is playing in the majority of games. If he continues to be injured the majority of the time then he is a horrible asset. Im betting he will continue to be injured often. It all comes down to health with him.
Even without the injury history I’d do it.
I probably wouldn't if Zion was healthy all the time. In that case you have a very very young guaranteed all star who is also a fan favorite and on sportcenter highlights more than any player in the league. I wouldn't let that go for an unproven guy who cant shoot.
I re-read my post, and realize I got carried away, but he’s not baby Giannis
If he had t had the injuries I think his dev is further along and he’d look a lot like baby Giannis. Just a monster attacking the basket… at least on offense which is probably a good reason to not call him baby Giannis since that is a big part of who Giannis is.