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Game Thread Nov 19, 2022 08:00PM MT: Jazz at Trail Blazers

Added to Calendar: 11-19-22

I agree. Mike should not start. Put Colin or THT. And send Mike in the game only if absolute necessity. He is very great at passing and it will hurt the team but others can do the job. And he is 35.....
I didn’t think the Jazz would be appointment television this season but here I am this morning looking forward to the game tonight. Could be a tough night for the good guys but that’s why they play the game. Go Jazz!!!
Semi hot take that will come true tonight. Sexton will score over 20 points in tonights jazz win.
The Jazz "fans" rooting for the Jazz to lose might get their wish tonight. This feels like a schedule loss.

Still can't wait to watch the game though.
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The Jazz "fans" rooting for the Jazz to lose might get their wish tonight. This feels like a schedule loss.

Still can't wait to watch the game though.
Yeah Blazers are for real. If we shoot hot like we did yesterday and Dame and Simmons are at least slightly off, we should be able to take this. However thats a lot of ifs.
The Jazz finally get a day off at home and now they have to play a road B2B in Portland? Lame.
Yeah the league tried to do us a tank favor with the ********* schedule in the league through 20 games, but we are refusing to accept the gift and winning anyway.