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Game Thread Nov 21, 2023 08:00PM MT: Jazz at Lakers (Tournament)

Added to Calendar: 11-21-23

TNT insists on showing the overtime period of Cleveland and Philly so I haven’t seen the Jazz game at all. Pretty impressive win by Cleveland in the road without Mitchell. Watching Embiid lose is always fun
Yikes. 12 pts and there’s only 2 mins left in the quarter? I’m guessing THT has 5x as many shot attempts as Lauri
Sexton doesn’t pass and chucks up a brick. Literally no one else even touched the ball on that possession. Such bad offense. I miss sloan
THT has been good tonight. Rebounding and playing good defense. Making great passes on offense.
Fontecchio is so awful I can't imagine how bad Hendricks must be in practice to not earn any minutes over this guy.