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Game Thread Nov 21, 2023 08:00PM MT: Jazz at Lakers (Tournament)

Added to Calendar: 11-21-23

- Nobody expects a 6'4'' John Collins to play Anthony Davis to a standstill, but the total lack of effort he displayed on defense against AD (and LeBron) was just ridiculous. I knew Collins was a bad defender, but he's still been a disappointment on that front. An NBA veteran can't be constantly messing up rotations and switches like a rookie and avoiding contact when guys go to the rim. Collins isn't doing any favors to his value with this stuff. We're paying him $25 MILLION this season and the guy plays straight legged defense like my dad.

- Don't look now but Lauri is hitting 22% (7/32) from the perimeter in his last four games. It's his customary slump after a hot stretch, and he seems hell bent on just shooting his way out of it. Hey, it'll probably work eventually... but the timing is unfortunate since we won't beat anyone if he's a non-factor offensively. Oh well, "good for the tank". Maybe we'll get a chance to draft another Hendricks.

- Hardy is losing me fast. He needs to be held accountable in at least some way.
Finally someone notices Collins' poor defence and is not fooled by his seemingly consistent offensive output. He and Kelly sharing the front court is pure disaster defensively. Hardy is losing my respect because of this.
And for Lauri's shooting slump, part of it is his 'tradition', but I believe part of it is owing to grappling with some bigger guys with Kessler out taking a toll on him. I think it's clear that Lauri can't be the centre for an extended period on the court, and not playing Yurt is another lamentable decision. Yurt has proved to be a capable bench centre from his play last year and the preseason.
Finally someone notices Collins' poor defence and is not fooled by his seemingly consistent offensive output. He and Kelly sharing the front court is pure disaster defensively. Hardy is losing my respect because of this.
And for Lauri's shooting slump, part of it is his 'tradition', but I believe part of it is owing to grappling with some bigger guys with Kessler out taking a toll on him. I think it's clear that Lauri can't be the centre for an extended period on the court, and not playing Yurt is another lamentable decision. Yurt has proved to be a capable bench centre from his play last year and the preseason.

The only game that mattered last night is Fish's candyland game, please stop trying to change the subject.
The only game that mattered last night is Fish's candyland game, please stop trying to change the subject.
Last night i landed on the blue square that allows you to ride the river upstream pretty far and then got a few doubles....... Had a nice lead. I was almost at the castle! then got the damn peanut thing and finished last
My daughter won Uno 4 times and my wife won once. I won zero times. My daughter won candyland twice and my wife won once. I won zero times. Which is the way I prefer it. They like to win and I dont care at all so they were happy which makes me happy.
Last night i landed on the blue square that allows you to ride the river upstream pretty far and then got a few doubles....... Had a nice lead. I was almost at the castle! then got the damn peanut thing and finished last
My daughter won Uno 4 times and my wife won once. I won zero times. My daughter won candyland twice and my wife won once. I won zero times. Which is the way I prefer it. They like to win and I dont care at all so they were happy which makes me happy.

When you get the peanut that sends you basically back to the start, that's when you have to pull the double out of your pocket.

You can't let the kids win. When they sense any sign of weakness, that's when it's over.