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Game Thread Nov 27, 2023 07:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Pelicans

Added to Calendar: 11-27-23

CJ was absolutely carrying them in few games early season. Its just so weird that a team with wings like BI and Zion needs a guard carrying them...
Zion is a non shooter and BI is an iffy shooter… the other guys around them range from bad to okayish. There are thresholds with regard to shooting that you don’t want to cross. Even Lebron needs shooters around him. They should be playing Hawkins like 40 minutes a game with CJ and Trey out.
It's so nice to see Kessler come back and start to look like the guy he was last year. I would assume we plug him back into the starting lineup with Collins and Lauri in a the next few games so that will be interesting.
I think our coaches can do a better job than Deron, he has never really coached. A good player doesn't necessarily make a good coach, they are different skills. I like the idea of a player though. When Keyonte makes mistakes and struggles he can watch from the bench what a guy does with the same team and offense on the court. Then he can watch film of the game and see some differences and try to improve that way. But hopefully that can happen without another PG on the team and the coaches doing a good job with him.
DWill strikes me as the guy who probably barely watches basketball anymore. I don't think he is a basketball junkie like that. He's probably more interested in sports he can actively play, like golf and combat sports. Hes the kind of dude who can't go back to the sport he use to be elite at and not be elite.
CJ was absolutely carrying them in few games early season. Its just so weird that a team with wings like BI and Zion needs a guard carrying them...
That's not weird at all. You need guard play. You need shooters. You need a guy who can dribble and get you the ball where you want it so you can save energy.
That was a good win. The game before was a little fluky with the Pels playing on a back to back without Zion at elevation. No excuses for the Pels this game.

I've mentioned this before and I think it's proving true, but I don't think Simone is a guy that can come off the bench and just drain 3's. I think he needs a chance to get in to the flow of the game first and then he can be a weapon. Luckily his defense and awareness has improved enough that he is showing he can play a bigger role that might suit him better.

This was a very promising Keyonte game. He finished through contact a few times and got to the line, which was very encouraging.

I'm surprised Kessler only had 2 blocks, seemed like a lot more.
Simone just sucks at shooting the ball quickly. Like you can tell the ball kind of moves in his hand too much if he tries to go too fast. At least that is what my eyes tell me. I'm sure there is some kind of tracking data for that kind of thing, but I don't think it's publicly available.

Maybe he needs to explore putting the ball on the floor more instead of just trying to be a motion shooter. Idk, he had one nice drive for a foul yesterday where he could have pulled it from 3 but drove instead
That was a good win. The game before was a little fluky with the Pels playing on a back to back without Zion at elevation. No excuses for the Pels this game.

I've mentioned this before and I think it's proving true, but I don't think Simone is a guy that can come off the bench and just drain 3's. I think he needs a chance to get in to the flow of the game first and then he can be a weapon. Luckily his defense and awareness has improved enough that he is showing he can play a bigger role that might suit him better.

This was a very promising Keyonte game. He finished through contact a few times and got to the line, which was very encouraging.

I'm surprised Kessler only had 2 blocks, seemed like a lot more.
I have to admit that even if I have not been so much supprised about Fontechio's offensive game lately (he has shown quite a lot offensive promise earlier in his career, especially at the national team level), his defense has been suprisingly good in last 2 games. Just thinking that maybe Hardy should try to start Fontechio at "SF" spot with Lauri at "PF"? Especially if Fontechio can keep up a current good work at defensive end. And then put Kessler at Center and Clarkson at SG and Keyonte at PG. And bring Yurt7, Collins, Oschi and Olynyk from the bench at frontcourt positions. That means that Utah can then use a quite a deep 11-12 players roster, which would give Hardy a good chance to better control players minutes in a long regular season (especially Kessler's and Lauri's) and keep up the harder effort at both ends of the court. That strategy may pay a lot of dividents in later parts of the long NBA season.

12 man Roster (The idea is that Henricks plays mainly in G-league in the beginning of the season):
Kessler (Yurt7, Olynyk, Collins)
Lauri (Collins, Olynyk)
Fontechio (Oschi, Collins)
Clarkson (Sexton, Oschi)
Keyonte (THT, Dunn)
Keyonte - 19 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals

Clarkson - 16 points, 10 assists, 4 rebounds

Kessler - 14 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 blocks
I would add Sexton and Agbaji on this list. They had 11 and 12 points with a good shooting efficiency in only 17.40 and 16.27 minutes of play. Sexton also moved the ball well although it doesn't show in the AST stat.
His back injury from that slam could have contributed to suffering the hamstring injury.

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According cy that slam didn't matter at all. Nor did Kessler's injury he was playing through to start the year.
If you are on the court then you are fine!
And that is exactly why he's so horrible. JC did his best to lose the game. During the last two minutes, with the Jazz up by 7, he had three awful shots. Two of which were "gimme the ball, I'll dribble for 15 secs and then launch something truly bad". JC's final offensive possessions were the only reason why it was that close. The opposite of money.
Trust me when I say that any shooter can go through a cold streak even the best of them. I remember a game with Portland a couple years ago where Dame was 0-12 before an injury sidelined him. What separates the men from the boys IMO is what they can muster up when the game is on the line in the closing minutes. That’s where Clarkson shines- even in the NBA.com Clutch conversation of last season. And also something that the great Donovan Mitchell was never very good at it during his time in Utah. Contrast what Clarkson was able to do last night and what Sexton did Saturday with what Ingram was unsuccessful with and you have the razor thin difference in close games.
Don’t want to over estimate this win, but it’s frigging hard to beat the same team twice in a row. It’s only ever happened 6 times in the history of the NBA. At least that’s sense of the difficulty without, you know, checking.
And they had their starting lineup intact and looking at that lineup, it looks quite good. Good win
Trust me when I say that any shooter can go through a cold streak even the best of them. What separates the men from the boys IMO is what they can muster up when the game is on the line in the closing minutes. That’s where Clarkson shines
And what JC mustered was classic JC and almost cost the Jazz the win. Only Simo's dive for the ball saved the game from being tied - because JC STOPPED PLAYING. After his missed shot he just stopped and spectated.

Shots can go in or don't. JC holding the ball for the whole possession and then launching something desperate is another thing. That's just bad decision making that will lead to losses. He definitely doesn't shine, other than as a shot maker. Play your normal offense that has taken you so far and if the pass opens up, even I trust JC to take the 3.
And what JC mustered was classic JC and almost cost the Jazz the win. Only Simo's dive for the ball saved the game from being tied - because JC STOPPED PLAYING. After his missed shot he just stopped and spectated.

Shots can go in or don't. JC holding the ball for the whole possession and then launching something desperate is another thing. That's just bad decision making that will lead to losses. He definitely doesn't shine, other than as a shot maker. Play your normal offense that has taken you so far and if the pass opens up, even I trust JC to take the 3.
Dude that is by design. Clock is your biggest enemy there, and the bigger issue in that is not related to JC but the fact that Hardy doesnt have better "quick to execute" go-to plays than JC iso... at least not with Lauri out.
CJ McCollum?
Good point. Still a good looking starting lineup though

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