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Off-Season Rumblings


All the Jazz need to do now is trade up in the draft for a defensively limited guard, make some trades for a couple of redundant veterans for, "good value", and have a fan poll to rename the team.
I vote for Utah Powder as the new name for the Jazz. The unis would be the top sell uni in all major cities.
Regardless of your stance on Bridges, it's a sign the Jazz arent 100% interested in tanking. They are going to look to improve the roster.
Its also a sign that Ainge is a value hunter and sees the chance to get a player that is more talented than his trade or contract value will be... and he doesn't necessarily care why that value is low.
Regardless of your stance on Bridges, it's a sign the Jazz arent 100% interested in tanking. They are going to look to improve the roster.
Wish we would have conveyed the pick this year and kept our guys to try to win then.

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Atlanta with the #1 pick might wanna do a full tear down. Make a move for Murray in the off season then sign Bridges and maybe the plan is not to waste Lauri's prime after all.