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Off-Season Rumblings

Feels like that deal is extremely imbalanced for us...but yeah, definitely be all over that kind of deal.

I do think John Collins has a good shot at rebounding his value. If he starts next season in the same way he finished last season he could have a Rozier-like trade in his future.
Feels like that deal is extremely imbalanced for us...but yeah, definitely be all over that kind of deal.

I do think John Collins has a good shot at rebounding his value. If he starts next season in the same way he finished last season he could have a Rozier-like trade in his future.
He improved as the year went along, and in the post-ASB tanking stretch he was actually one of our best players also based on efficiency and advanced metrics. In addition to being in a completely different type of system he was also asked to do more here than in Atlanta, so the early struggles should have been expected.

So yeah, I agree that there is definitely a good chance he recovers his value. At the very least he definitely starts next season from a much better starting point.
He improved as the year went along, and in the post-ASB tanking stretch he was actually one of our best players also based on efficiency and advanced metrics. In addition to being in a completely different type of system he was also asked to do more here than in Atlanta, so the early struggles should have been expected.

So yeah, I agree that there is definitely a good chance he recovers his value. At the very least he definitely starts next season from a much better starting point.

Too lazy to be exact, but I think he was 17/9 on 67% TS in the year of 2024. That is 22/12 per36. Super productive and efficient. And this still while not playing his ideal role imo. He got the same amount of PnR finishing possessions as he did in ATL….we are not a PnR team. I actually think the problem is that we used him like he was in ATL too much (tucked in the corner).

I don’t think a “tweener” offensive big is a highly desirable archetype, but he will be in much better standing if he keeps that up. He’s still only 26 years old.
Zach Lowe reported a while ago the Bucks were interested in John Collins before we traded for him.

Would you trade him for Portis + Connaughton + Beauchamp?
Zach Lowe reported a while ago the Bucks were interested in John Collins before we traded for him.

Would you trade him for Portis + Connaughton + Beauchamp?
Nah. I don’t want multiple mid players standing in between the rooks or Sophs playing more. Beauchamp is an okay prospect but meh.
Nah. I don’t want multiple mid players standing in between the rooks or Sophs playing more. Beauchamp is an okay prospect but meh.
I’d look to flip Portis to a contender who could use him. Connaughton too if he had a decent market. Prize is Beauchamp to me. Maybe we could squeeze a swap out of them too or a swap of potential swaps they already sent out.
I’d look to flip Portis to a contender who could use him. Connaughton too if he had a decent market. Prize is Beauchamp to me. Maybe we could squeeze a swap out of them too or a swap of potential swaps they already sent out.
I think you could find a home for them potentially. I’m also not sure Milwaukee can do that deal… would have to look at which apron they are over or project to be over to aggregate salary.
I think you could find a home for them potentially. I’m also not sure Milwaukee can do that deal… would have to look at which apron they are over or project to be over to aggregate salary.
I think they project to be an over the apron team but not second apron? Can aggregate but only take back 110% of what they send out. It works if they are a first apron team.
I think they project to be an over the apron team but not second apron? Can aggregate but only take back 110% of what they send out. It works if they are a first apron team.
I'm just not sure how the timing on all that works. If you add capholds for 12 spots or whatever they could be below second apron. Thinking about it again I'd probably do it depending on what else we do. I would want to offload some stuff but it might be easier to move the other two guys with lower salaries later the one big contract. Whether it is legal from Bucks standpoint or not is one thing but it definitely would make them a second apron team next year. They may or may not see JC as worth it and not sure they'd want to consolidate when they need depth.
The deals I keep coming back to are Ben Simmons for Collins and Clarkson or Ball for one of them. I think Ben is basically done as a player, but I've come around on just playing him and if he derails the season they it fits the tank. If he has some miracle then maybe you've found something. I can see the Nets doing it in preparation for courting Donny. Collins and JC are simpatico with him... Simmons is not obvi. Most likely it removes some production from our lineup, adds more losses, and cleans the cap completely for next year.