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Oregon State @ Utah

Says the guy who will likely defend Utah's non-conference basketball schedule.

Absolutely not. It's weak. That being said, until Utah makes a tourney game, they need wins. What's the difference between Utah scheduling 10 wins OOC and BYU getting 10 wins scheduled for them in conference?

When Utah makes the tourney, I'll make the schedule a priority.
This weekend comes down to pass coverage. That's it. Can our inexperienced but talented secondary step up? We will see.
Utah, since its conference move, refuses to schedule in state opponents unless they exclusively come to the Huntsman Center, which is ludicrous. How about not losing by 30 to in state rivals before claiming to be too good to travel in state?
Utah, since its conference move, refuses to schedule in state opponents unless they exclusively come to the Huntsman Center, which is ludicrous. How about not losing by 30 to in state rivals before claiming to be too good to travel in state?

I am looking forward to see Wilson attack OSU's defense. They also had two OL go down with injuries. I think Tenny Palepoi is a household name after next week.

Darkwing, no one cares about college basketball until April. Come back then.
There are two posters in here that are a prime example of why a part of me is not sad to see the rivalry take a 2yr break. Must be that big win over TX, decided to get all uppity and start talking about and getting offended about things not being said or has nothing to do with anything, other then old hang ups that are hurting their feel bads.

Hey DD, so where was last years BB game played? Guess they didn't travel to the Marriott center (that or your wrong but wouldn't want to suggest that and hurt your feelings further). Also Utah St. would like to know how come they had to fight your team to come up to Logan to even get a 2 for 1 with them, I'm sure there are some Aggie fans here that could expand on that a lot more than I. But then why would they come into this thread that has nothing to do with it.

Which leads me to my next point BK. So BK what are you doing here in a Utah thread? You act as though your offended about something and about Utah fans bragging or thinking the team is going to the Rose Bowl (which no one has even remotely came close to saying), well if you don't like hearing it (or imagining hearing it in your own head) then may I make a suggestion and QUIT clicking into U threads. Using your own logic (using that word VERY loosely to match the level you're using) you're admitting you hate Utah, congrats thanks for sharing, so what in the hell are you doing in this thread. You say that you're predicting OSU to win this week? Shocking. You know you may be right but based on those hard hitting "facts" you brought with you to back that up, I'll ignore your prediction and politely ask you to eat that bag of dicks that are buried in that big ol' hate bag you brought with you.

Thanks Duck Rodgers for that info, I did now but had forgotten that OSU's QB's are or at least should be very good and if OSU has a good O Line that could very well spell trouble for the U and what has so far been a troubled secondary this year.
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Hey DD, so where was last years BB game played? Guess they didn't travel to the Marriott center (that or your wrong but wouldn't want to suggest that and hurt your feelings further). Also Utah St. would like to know how come they had to fight your team to come up to Logan to even get a 2 for 1 with them, I'm sure there are some Aggie fans here that could expand on that a lot more than I. But then why would they come into this thread that has nothing to do with it.

My team plays Utah State home and home every other year...same with BYU. And basketball was brought up because a Utah fan calling out a BYU fan on irrational, unintelligent homerism is like a BYU fan calling out a Utah fan on irrational, unintelligent homerism. Comes off as hypocritical nonsense especially given that I was implied to be a Utah fan at the beginning of this thread and now I'm being called a BYU fan.

Fun times.
My team plays Utah State home and home every other year...same with BYU. And basketball was brought up because a Utah fan calling out a BYU fan on irrational, unintelligent homerism is like a BYU fan calling out a Utah fan on irrational, unintelligent homerism. Comes off as hypocritical nonsense especially given that I was implied to be a Utah fan at the beginning of this thread and now I'm being called a BYU fan.

Fun times.
I did see you refuting KB on his Weber St high school comment with facts and I apologize that I called you a Y fan, didn't realize I had. I was just stating facts that last year the U did go to Provo and that the y has had issues in the past with Utah St, I should have addressed your comment separately so I didn't come off the way I did. Oh also BK was acting like a unintelligent homer so why not call him out on it and for this thread there had been no outlandish Utah homer-ism to speak of... but of course next weeks game thread there will be plenty I'm sure.
I did see you refuting KB on his Weber St high school comment with facts and I apologize that I called you a Y fan, didn't realize I had. I was just stating facts that last year the U did go to Provo and that the y has had issues in the past with Utah St, I should have addressed your comment separately so I didn't come off the way I did. Oh also BK was acting like a unintelligent homer so why not call him out on it and for this thread there had been no outlandish Utah homer-ism to speak of... but of course next weeks game thread there will be plenty I'm sure.

Weber State fans, up to the Utes joining the Pac-12, where unquestionably on Utah's side in the rivalry, but the outright refusal of playing us in the DEC, not even broaching the idea of a 2 for 1, has soured any good will that existed.

Won't ever sour to the extent that we start rooting for BYU. That's just dirty, but it left me, in particular, vastly amused by the CONANs and Saltydawgs of this board and even the greens of the board, who are quick to crow ZOOB or LITTLE BROTHER the instant anyone on the board says anything up to the inanely minor against their beloved school.
I did see you refuting KB on his Weber St high school comment with facts and I apologize that I called you a Y fan, didn't realize I had. I was just stating facts that last year the U did go to Provo and that the y has had issues in the past with Utah St, I should have addressed your comment separately so I didn't come off the way I did. Oh also BK was acting like a unintelligent homer so why not call him out on it and for this thread there had been no outlandish Utah homer-ism to speak of... but of course next weeks game thread there will be plenty I'm sure.

Lol coming from BYU fan.

That's right, I forgot. Your football team can't beat Utah, so now you are a basketball school. Lol.

You sure about that, Root?
There are two posters in here that are a prime example of why a part of me is not sad to see the rivalry take a 2yr break. Must be that big win over TX, decided to get all uppity and start talking about and getting offended about things not being said or has nothing to do with anything, other then old hang ups that are hurting their feel bads.

Hey DD, so where was last years BB game played? Guess they didn't travel to the Marriott center (that or your wrong but wouldn't want to suggest that and hurt your feelings further). Also Utah St. would like to know how come they had to fight your team to come up to Logan to even get a 2 for 1 with them, I'm sure there are some Aggie fans here that could expand on that a lot more than I. But then why would they come into this thread that has nothing to do with it.

Which leads me to my next point BK. So BK what are you doing here in a Utah thread? You act as though your offended about something and about Utah fans bragging or thinking the team is going to the Rose Bowl (which no one has even remotely came close to saying), well if you don't like hearing it (or imagining hearing it in your own head) then may I make a suggestion and QUIT clicking into U threads. Using your own logic (using that word VERY loosely to match the level you're using) you're admitting you hate Utah, congrats thanks for sharing, so what in the hell are you doing in this thread. You say that you're predicting OSU to win this week? Shocking. You know you may be right but based on those hard hitting "facts" you brought with you to back that up, I'll ignore your prediction and politely ask you to eat that bag of dicks that are buried in that big ol' hate bag you brought with you.

Thanks Duck Rodgers for that info, I did now but had forgotten that OSU's QB's are or at least should be very good and if OSU has a good O Line that could very well spell trouble for the U and what has so far been a troubled secondary this year.

Why would I eat a big bag of you? Why do I need hard hitting facts about my opinion? I actually had a sister that went to the U of U? You want facts and logic why? That's your job, logic bag o' d____. That's what you want to do is argue over stats saying that that's the definitive way to prove who will win, and it isn't. Now we could compare each player vs player and by position too.

A person actually can say OSU is going to win or UofU is, do you really need stats for that? There are books and books of stats and records of people and teams that never won anything. Michael Jordon's High School stats reallyu aren't that good. His college stats were okay stats too, did his stats make the man? No they did not.
Yes, I did want to get some of you riled up over nothing. Just remember, that I made you think, at least think about how to call me names and try to act like you have a brain in your head.
A person actually can say OSU is going to win or UofU is, do you really need stats for that? There are books and books of stats and records of people and teams that never won anything. Michael Jordon's High School stats reallyu aren't that good. His college stats were okay stats too, did his stats make the man? No they did not.
Yes, I did want to get some of you riled up over nothing. Just remember, that I made you think, at least think about how to call me names and try to act like you have a brain in your head.

Oh, nice. You riled up Utah fans. GOOD JOB. I riled up Utah fans AND BYU fans...IN THE SAME THREAD. Not that hard, nor is it a great accomplishment. At least use ACTUAL arguments next time, though. Makes people think you have a brain in your head.
It always cracks me up when a Ute fan calls a BYU fan irrational and vice versa. Neither can see how crazy they are themselves.
Jazzfanzers Utes Game Meet Up At The Tailgate And Exchange High Fives Sign Up Sheet Confirmation List

UGLI baby

Who else will be tailgating?? I would estimate my time of arrival at around 11 AM.
Jazzfanzers Utes Game Meet Up At The Tailgate And Exchange High Fives Sign Up Sheet Confirmation List

UGLI baby

Who else will be tailgating?? I would estimate my time of arrival at around 11 AM.

Sorry holmes..... I will be going on my (likely) last camping trip of the year Friday Saturday and sunday.

I do want to tailgate with ya some time this year though
Sorry holmes..... I will be going on my (likely) last camping trip of the year Friday Saturday and sunday.

I do want to tailgate with ya some time this year though

Tailgating is pretty much exactly like camping, only different.