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When I was 20 I had a friend who's family were pretty staunch Baptists. He had a brother from Atlanta coming into town and had been setting up this story for weeks about a grave that if you knelt on it and asked a specific question the spirit of the man burried there would respond.

The story was that this man found his wife cheating on him and broke in on them with a gun. Just before he shot the lovers his wife looked at him and asked, "What do you want?" The husband looked her in the eye and said, "Nothing" and then killed them both. He was arrested and put to death for double murder. After being burried if you knelt on the grave and asked, "What do you want?" a voice would say, "Nothing".

He finally convinces his brother to drive to the cemetery with him one night during his visit. He calls me at around 11pm begging me to race to the cemetery so that I could hide and respond when the question is asked. How could I pass this up? Upon arriving at the cemetery I see the grave he's talking about. It is the only large upright headstone there. As luck would have it there is a large tree growing next to the grave. Rather than hiding behind the tree as I was instructed I decided to climb up it. After freezing my *** off in a tree for 20 minutes they finally show up.

They are kind joking and jibing each other but you can tell his brother was a little bit nervous. I recall him saying something about messing with spirits and they really shouldn't be here. His brother finally kneels down on the grave and asks the question but as he's doing it he's giggling. As luck would have it I was trying not to fall out of the tree at the moment and missed my cue and I didn't say anything. Fortunately my friend had the presence of mind to tell his brother you had to be serious and not be giggling while you ask the question. This time with a real straight face he asks. "What is it that you want?" In the best, deepest bear voice I could muster I loudly said, "NOTHING!"

I have never seen a human get off their knees and run so damn fast in all my life. My friend is on the ground rolling from laughter. I'm trying to get out of the tree without killing myself because I'm laughing so hard and this poor sucker is sitting in the car honking & screaming at his brother to get his *** in so they can get the hell out of there.

The brother went straight home and called his Baptist minister begging for forgiveness for messing with spirits. Even after my friend explained that it was all a setup the brother was not convinced. One of the best I've been involved with.

I've got some more. I'll post them after others have posted theirs.
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Nothing too elaborate. Just college hi-jinx.

Me and some other guys gave a lot of leaners. If you don't know what they are, leaners are when you take a garbage can, fill it up with water in the shower stall, and lean it up against a dorm room's door. Then, you knock and run your *** off. Those living inside that room would open the door and WOOSH, water would go pouring into the room. I tried it with a 30 gallon can once but it was so damn tall that the dude opened the door and had enough time to catch it. I actually did it to a room once and leaked down to the floor below where some GA lived.

I never got in trouble because I was too slick.

I also told all my friends once that my grandmother, who they had all met and loved had died. They were very upset and consoled me until I told them I was kidding.

I probably have more sophomoric ones but forget.
The cemetery one is the big time.

I did the "leaners" too. One leaner resulted in bottle rockets under the door in retaliation. Escalation!

I also taught my niece to do "the rubber band around the sink sprayer" She does this to her mom every year.

Of course you can't go wrong with jumping out at people from random places.

The "I'm pregnant" trick is fun if you are a chick.
Best one ever was played on me.

About 16 years ago I was 22 and starting my first real job out of college. I had already been there for about 2 weeks but was still going through the orientation process - part of which was a physical and a drug test. On the morning of the test I was having breakfast with my supervisor and a couple other guys in my department. They were all cool guys. My supervisor told me the drug tests are very stict here because you have to piss right in front of the nurse. Apparently some other guy got caught trying to bring in someone else's urine.

I get called to take the drug test. The nurse is pretty hot - probably about 6 or 7 years older than me. I strip down to my shorts and she takes my heart rate, blood pressure, etc. standard stuff. She hands me a cup and asks me to fill it up so they can test my urine. I drop my shorts, whip it out and start to piss in the cup and she says rather quickly "oh, ummmm, you can wait until I leave the room".

I gotta admit it that was a good prank.
Best one ever was played on me.

About 16 years ago I was 22 and starting my first real job out of college. I had already been there for about 2 weeks but was still going through the orientation process - part of which was a physical and a drug test. On the morning of the test I was having breakfast with my supervisor and a couple other guys in my department. They were all cool guys. My supervisor told me the drug tests are very stict here because you have to piss right in front of the nurse. Apparently some other guy got caught trying to bring in someone else's urine.

I get called to take the drug test. The nurse is pretty hot - probably about 6 or 7 years older than me. I strip down to my shorts and she takes my heart rate, blood pressure, etc. standard stuff. She hands me a cup and asks me to fill it up so they can test my urine. I drop my shorts, whip it out and start to piss in the cup and she says rather quickly "oh, ummmm, you can wait until I leave the room".

I gotta admit it that was a good prank.

You ever hit that?
Get this. I once walked up behind someone and, you are never going to believe this, shouted BOO really loud.

It was damn funny, except he was deaf.

Who knew?
The lab where I worked was next to the engineering dept. We had distilled water on tap, and the engineers would come over first thing in the morning to get water for their coffee pots. The distilled water tap got plugged somehow, so we called maintenance to come fix it. The morning after, when it was running free again, the engineers came over to fill their coffee pots again. While they're lined up taking their turns, they asked what it took to get it fixed. I said, well, it was pretty hard getting maintenance over here, but it didn't take them long to get it done. It was just a dead mouse in the faucet."

The little group of lined up engineers just turned on their heels, looking really sick.

I tried to tell them it was a joke, but nobody believed me.
This thread is very nice.

When I was in elementary school, we used to prank call people all the time. Yes, the era before caller ID. We would conference call two pizza places and then mute ourselves before the call was connected. Then it would be the Dominos guy asking the Little Caesars guy why the **** he called him in the first place, or it would be the manager at Hardees eventually picking up on the female McDonalds worker.

My most infamous incident occurred when I found my little brother's 3rd grade phonebook. The school had published phone numbers of all the kids K-6, in order of their teachers, and I decided to have some fun with little Tommy Jensen. I called his house, and no one picked up, but the answering machine did. I left a message, detailing how I was getting all of little Tommy's classmates (saying their names, as the phonebook outlined them) to beat him up after school tomorrow. Nothing vicious, just letting the little 3rd grade bitchass punk know we meant business. The message wasn't longer than maybe a minute or so. I hung up, feeling satisfied with my efforts, and left the room.

Some ten minutes later, our house phone rang. My older sister picked it up. Immediately from the tone in her voice, I knew I was in trouble. So I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Sitting on the john for the next five minutes, listening to my sister try to dissuade little bitch Tommy's hysterical mother of the notion that her son was the target of a grade-school assault case, I unlocked the door and lurched my way to the phone to apologize. Apparently, the mother had heard my message, and became so frantic that she immediately called the police to find out who left the message.

Luckily, I was pretty good at weaseling out of trouble back then and told the bish that I ain't even know her little punk bitch kid, and it was all a joke, and, "yes, I'm sorry to have caused the trouble." Case closed.