Well-Known Member
I'd love to hear your best ones.
Best one ever was played on me.
About 16 years ago I was 22 and starting my first real job out of college. I had already been there for about 2 weeks but was still going through the orientation process - part of which was a physical and a drug test. On the morning of the test I was having breakfast with my supervisor and a couple other guys in my department. They were all cool guys. My supervisor told me the drug tests are very stict here because you have to piss right in front of the nurse. Apparently some other guy got caught trying to bring in someone else's urine.
I get called to take the drug test. The nurse is pretty hot - probably about 6 or 7 years older than me. I strip down to my shorts and she takes my heart rate, blood pressure, etc. standard stuff. She hands me a cup and asks me to fill it up so they can test my urine. I drop my shorts, whip it out and start to piss in the cup and she says rather quickly "oh, ummmm, you can wait until I leave the room".
I gotta admit it that was a good prank.
You ever hit that?
LOL - she was married. But if I knew then what I know now that wouldn't have meant much.
Know if she's still married?
No. What I didn't realive at the time being a fresh faced punk out of school that about a quarter of the women and about half the men cheated on their spouses at my first job.
You ever go out around here by the way? Sun Tavern or anything?
I was at the Sun Tavern last week to watch the tournament.
The one in Roselle though (Union County). Probably a ways from you.
You ever hit that?
LOL - she was married. But if I knew then what I know now that wouldn't have meant much.
The "I'm pregnant" trick is fun if you are a chick.