Well-Known Member
Lol I like how you say others wont give a ****, yet I'm the only one to show Biden had inappropriate showers with his daughter, been accused of rape, sniffs little girls, and you stay silent.Cultists on here won’t give a ****. They’ll just bring up Obama, Clinton, trans, blacks, immigrants, socialism, porn (insert whatever red herring) and play the ever so exhausting whatabout game. It’s boring as ****
We’ve been waiting 8 years for cultists to snap out of their psychosis. It ain’t happening. Like many in the 1920s-1930s in Europe, this is a lost generation, completely swallowed up in their tribal identities and white grievance. One can only hope that once we become a majority minority country that people will be more rational and not just let their bigotry guide their decision making. There truly are a lot of things America needs to improve on, like health care. But we can’t do that as long as the party that only cares about enriching oligarchs uses white grievance to maintain power.
I continually bring up how you say calling someone boy is racist, then you openly LOVE Biden when he does it. The hypocrisy amongst the alt-alt-alt left is something else.