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Quotes from Clippers Game 2-"That Ingles layup off the top of the backboard broke my soul and won the game."


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Pre Game

Hamstring injuries are tough man, that's unfortunate for Utah. Clippers on the other hand need to get this game to keep things simpler for them.

I expect bigger lineups, better production from Kawhi and PG, but no lights out Kennard again.

Me no likey no change to el starting lineup-o.

Looking for Paul George to get up off the mat today.

Just need to win tonight snd get to 1-1 then two home games.

No more 0-2

You guys are slightly over-rating Mitchell.... it's really the role players on the Jazz that can burn us... especially Ingles and (lol) Clarkson

1st Half

Paul George missing bunnies

Mitchell just killing it

Of course Mitchell starts out 3-3. So sick of other teams stars hitting every freaking shot against this team.

PG looks slow guarding Donovan Mitchell. I always thought the moment Kawhi asked for PG, we are running with 3 forwards and no true SG.

Man Kawhi needs to guard Mitchell

These star guards are killing us in these playoffs

I was told the Jazz didn't have a player like Luka.

Mitchell is cooking

Mitchell is unreal wow

What Luka did ain’t even special anymore. I’m convinced EVERYONE cooks this team lmaooo.

Watching PG play is really sad at this point

God, I really hate Royce O'Neal

It’s so embarrassing how one player can put score both of our “stars”

We can’t go down 2 to the jazz

Does everybody just have their ****ing best shooting nights against us? wtf

Settling for mid rang jumpers because everybody is too scared to go near Gobert. His impact is ridiculous.

So far Mitchel is better than PG and Kawhi combined.

Jazz aint no joke goddamn. THIS IS NOT DALLAS where bum Role players like finney smith and Kleber got hot in games 1 & 2

We got it down to single digit then they answer back.

If Jazz don’t hit ridiculous shots. Kawhi and PG play like the stats they are

Clippers win this by 7+ and the series is flipped LFG!!!

Mitchell has 0 assists. Got to force him to pass. He's destroying us.

Our offense looks good at least but defense is getting **** on again like early in the mavs series

If Mitchell is making step back 30 footers and shooting almost 70% from the field, there is just no way. How are these guys just getting unbelievably hot against the Clips time and time again?

We should guard Donovan

Utah fans hating and booing Paul George seems so randomly strange to me. What ties does PG have to Utah? Gotta be something I'm not aware of.

They've figured out that it's easy to get under his skin and throw him off his game. It's as simple as that.

PG has nothing for Mitchell.

They're abusing Zubac on the pick and roll.

We have Paul George and Kawhi Leonard but we can’t lock anyone down

Boogie has been a pleasant surprise!

I like how they brought a nba team called the Jazz to Utah. This is a place that banned music and is the polar opposite of jazz culture and its like the whitest place on earth.

Does Gobert ever have to set himself when setting a pick?

How did he Mitchell score that on Klaw etf

Wayoff P is in the building. A couple of real bricks early

Has Paul George made a shot other than free throws in 2 games? Yikes. He is shooting like ****.

Paul George continues to show off his momentum killing skills.

Gobert sets moving screens every time they have the ball. Nothing.
Zub moves a little bit setting a screen. Whistle.

All Utah has to do is flop and they'll get every call. Again, this is where we need a real coach who's willing to pay the fine and call out the refs.

wow refs are bailing out the Jazz at 100% tilt

Utah has to lead the league in players who look like your normal average 40 year old white New Balance wearing dads.

When's Kawhi actually going to show up to this series? It's bad enough that we have Playoff P in full effect, but we'll be lucky not to get swept if this is how Kawhi's going to play.

Boogie trying to do too much.

Utah 3pt shooting is thermonuclear.

Just gotta keep it close to end the half and get their heads out of their asses to start the 2nd.

2 series in a row one guy out plays both stars

Utah may not even need Conley, just gave him extra rest for WCF.

Paul George is in the 3rd phase of his career. If he is going to be effective, he has to completely reshape his game. When is the last time he has tried to dunk. No one is scared of his soft weak attempts at the rim. He tries all these weird spin moves and the ball never goes in.

The Jazz are such a wonky matchup because, like Dallas, they've got a young, explosive scorer, and unlike Dallas, they've got the best rim protector in the league. Can't just drive into Gobert and expect good things to happen, so we have to rely on our jump shooting, which comes and go's (Marcus Morris and PG).

This is going to be a short series if no one can guard mitchell. Kawhi is reaching on mitchell being undisciplined. Never seen him do that before.

2nd Half

Our "superstars" are getting outplayed by Jordan Clarkson.

I can't even get excited because every time we get close, this team shoots itself in the foot with some dumbass ****. This is a textbook example of a fake comeback.

Get close?

Fold like a bad hand in poker.

cmon, donovan, what did that chair do to you

Big bro Bogdan is legit smh

I wonder if Lue ever grows the balls to bench George for his lackadaisical energy.

Dude is tough.

kinda agonizing game. so many opportunities to start building a lead only to give it back up plus a bit more.

What good is a supposedly elite three-point shooting team if they can't make wide-open threes when it matters?

Ingles hitting all those open 3’s smh

Lol thought when we got the lead we were gonna take it. 2 min later, nope.

If these guys can't hit multiple wide open threes, while the Jazz are hitting all sorts of contested threes, they don't deserve to win this game.

Kawhi getting punked by a european player. I didn't think I'd see the that day. Usually international players aren't known for their defense

Man **** the Lakers for giving up Clarkson

Clippers are so close in this game, stop being such a **** tease and finish.

Jazz team is like the androids. They're not individually as strong as a saiyan but there's like 10 of 'em

Kawhi just 2 last quarter points.

At this point if Mitchell beats you what can you really do about it? Dudes arguably better than Luka. But getting beat by Joe ****ing Ingles and Bogdonavic … Joe Ingles straight up mugged Kawhi the last quarter. If getting beat by a bunch of role players doesn’t light a fire under their *** this team has no championship mentality..

So frustrating all this talent but we play stupid half the game

I'm a huge kawhi fan. I've never been so dissapointed in him as I am now. The dude flat out didn't show up when the team needed him. He had one defensive stretch, but other than that, he was trash.

Player of the game for the Jazz - Marcus Morris

Like I've said, once Utah doesn't hit their 3's, they're toast because that's their only offense. And even if Conley comes back, a hamstring injury isn't a minor injury and wouldn't come back looking like himself. Clippers win at home, I believe they can go into Utah and take 5 because Utah isn't doing anything extraordinary right now that the Clippers can't overcome

What I hate is, Donovan and Luka are in screen roll to another screen roll to another screen roll. Carlisle knew to not try and beat us with Hardaway but we were gonna do that tonight with Reggie.

I get that its the Utah crowd so its obvious that they'll go silent when their team isn't doing well but lmao these commentators are almost doing the same. Might as well get 'Go Jazz' painted on their buttcheeks

PG c’mon man. Don’t let Jordan ****ing clarkson outplay ya

Gobert to teammate on that TO: You're suppose to flop there!

God damn it. Why the **** are we playing like complete ****

The jazz are eating us. Sweep vibes.

Screw you Joe Ingles

Clippers have given us the biggest blue balls this game. Just toying around the lead but never actually gettin it

Kawhi and PG are getting outscored By mitchell and Clarkson by a MARGIN no role player is changing that. Sorry to break it to some of you delusional idiots. PG and Kawhi better turn up or this gonna get ugly

That was the flukiest **** I seen in my life. God answering Mormons prayers or something?

Actual question: why the **** are they so scared of Gobert

Attacking him is the only way to take him out the game

We’re bailing them out with all these perimeter shots

kawhi is tired (for obvious ****ing reasons), morris is a **************, and pg is stinking it up

sigh i dont wanna watch sports anymore tbh

Clarkson the black elf the Lord of the Rings was lacking

Mitchell legit passed it out of a triple team

The jazz are a much better team than the mavs what did we expect , we actuallly have to guard all 5 players on the floor now and not just Luka

Nice little run. Jazz timeout. Get ready for adjustment and more gutpunches from them

Quin Snyder you smart little ****er

It would be nice if George could do what Clarkson does

This game is a 1 point game if Clarkson doesn’t go nuclear for 2 minutes

lmao they take contested 3s better than clippers do wide open corner 3s

Jazz overrated, needed refs to stay even lol. I’m still confident


Clippers score: "Clippers finally manage to score. They have sucked all ****ing series, but even a clown scores once in a while."

We screen Bogdanovic ONCE! He fights over it and we just tell Kawhi to do the rest. Nah. Screen that **** 2,3 times.

Why does clarkson always look like he going through ptsd

How is Clarkson performing better than someone like PG on a stage like this

Props to Bodanovic. That was some elite defense on Kawhi tbh

If you showed this clipper game to someone who has never watched basketball and told them “the clippers have 2 all stars. Who are they?” I highly doubt they would pick out PG.

I still don’t think Mitchell is a superstar though . He can hoop but we just don’t defend tbh

Donovan is 214 pounds of pure yada yada yada

Honestly, **** you Paul George. Show some pride and heart.

Mitchell is making it clear, PG isnt a superstar and is outright outclassed. And i dont think it is khawi’s role to be that guy. Hes the consistent stud instead. It is PG who needs to be the firecracker mitchell equivalent. But he stinks

The difference between khris Middleton and PG is that after ****** games, khris will come out and drop 40, whereas PG will dig an even deeper hole.

Look at the way Luka and Mitchell come out ready to kill and dominate their mismatches.

The jazz ended the lob city clips and it looks like they’re about to end whatever these clips are called now

Jazz had a harder time with the grizzlies

Jazz fans are cult like creepy *** mfs

Sigh. Jazz are good.

I hate gobert’s stupid ****ing face

Gobert would foul out by the middle of the second if he were called for even half of the moving screens he sets

All jazz baskets came from going at george

I wish we had Bogey over Morris or batum imagine

I still don’t get how these guards continuously cook what should be an elite perimeter defensive team

This is the clippers in a nutshell. Just when you start to give up on them, they give you hope only to crush you like never before

Can they ****ing miss a few plz

Quin is keeping this crowd extra spicy respect it

Ballmer must have slipped some Microsoft stock to these refs during the break. We're getting calls now

Ngl, the Jazz crowd is always amazing. Hope back in the staples the same. Crazy mother****ers

Damn clarkson kinda nasty honestly

How was that not a ****ing foul on Boogie. ****.

At this point PG likely has mental issues facing pressure and when things aren't going his way. he's playing like the moment is too big for him. Frustrating as hell to watch. Hope he gets help with that somehow.

PG needs to drive when Gobert is out and take mids when he's in.

hey God it’s me again. Listen you gave us the Mavs series and I thank you. Please consider giving us this Jazz one too. We are humble people and in Utah they think the Bible fell from the sky. Thanks peace

The other teams put much more of a premium on getting their stars open looks and getting down hill.

The Jazz had the third-highest three point shooting percentage this season, on the highest volume of any team in the league, and unlike our team of choke artists, they can actually make their threes in the playoffs. I don't see any reason to believe that they'll magically cool down. Don't expect this to be a repeat of the Mavs, who actually were overperforming from three by a wide margin in their first two games.

And just like that we're not a deep team anymore? No Rondo and no Mann tonight. No plays ran for Kennard. Where's the reinforcements at?

Never thought I'd see Kawhi being locked up by Bogdanovic

Oh my, Bogandavic is making God Leonard look mortal.

We get so close but can never get over the hump. This is so frustrating.


Pg is shooting all his mid range contested...utah has good defense compare to dallas...its a low value shot especially when he is fading/drifting

Mitchell cocky af.

Goddamn. Horse shot then a damn 3. Can’t the jazz just go away?

Cant even beat a Jazz team with no Conley

PG is reminding me of when you play 2K for the first time - you don't really know how to pass, do dribble moves, or run plays. So you just mash the square button from the top of the key

Some big market rigging going on for Utah, apparently.

Their sixth man is cooking us, and our superstars are invisible on the floor.

Why the **** do we make it so easy for Donovan to get the switch he wants. WE JUST FIGURED THIS **** OUT WITH LUKA WHY IS TI AN ISSUE AGAIN

So everyone just turns into the best player in the world against us.

Mitchell and Clarkson killing us. PG gotta get out of his own head. Crowd is getting to him.


It’s hilarious how much Clarkson despises passing the ball

Mitchell has a new weapon in his back pocket. When you feel defensive pressure, crumple to the ground so the refs can save you

We’re getting eaten up by a 45 year old accountant man. This ain’t a good look

We can't even beat them without Conley, that's embarrassing. We're about to get swept.

Utah wants it more and it’s so ****ing obvious

I love how this sub was demanding for more Boogie, well you ****ing got him you morons

They just battled back from 21 down. Eat a dozen dicks.

****ing team fought so hard just to ****ing FOLD when it mattered the most. I can't believe it. Pissed all that momentum after the missed 3 by Batum.

Bro the jazz fans are loud as ****

and we get to come back to cardboard cutouts

How is it that only players in our jersey seem to shrink when the lights are brightest?

**** this series, **** this team, **** the fact this team couldnt hit a single 3 pointer to save their lives

we aint getting no chip, not this year

Have to think these lucky *** shots and over 50% from 3 change when they don’t have a sold out crowd behind them.

That Ingles layup off the top of the backboard broke my soul and won the game.

Marcus Morris has been complete ****ing trash these past 2 games. ****ing make an open 3

I think after these playoffs are over I might stop watching Clippers for my own mental health!

Marcus Morris is 1-14 from 3 in these two games. Not entirely his fault, of course, but man, that's rough. Doesn't help that Kawhi and PG have to play 35+ minutes to make up for it these two games and we still can't get the job done.

Demarcus trying to play bully ball vs the dpoy put it from a 2 point game to 13 by half. Those 4 min stretches to end each half while Lue stares blankly at the court were the difference

Another series where we can't hit anything and the other team is scorching. I almost wish we were getting blown out rather than clawing back in only to lose. It hurts so much more that way lol let's go get Game 3 in Staples

Legit how much would it cost to waive Paul George before game 3?

This is the team you have when you fill it with loser journeymen that have had careers content on losing year after year. These guys don’t look hungry at all.

I hate being that guy, but Clippers are 2-14 with Tre Maddox as a ref. Jazz are 11-12 with him.

PG says all the right things but never has anything to show for it

We had like 5-6 possessions where we could have closed the gap, and each time they shot 3s which missed. It'd be easier to get inside and get the 2, and slowly chip away. I really don't think we got outplayed today, we just need better conversions.

The refs, announcers, crowd. Literally everyone in the arena except the ppl employed by the Clippers are rooting against us
Kawhi getting punked by a european player. I didn't think I'd see the that day. Usually international players aren't known for their defense

Props to Bodanovic. That was some elite defense on Kawhi tbh

I wish we had Bogey over Morris or batum imagine

Never thought I'd see Kawhi being locked up by Bogdanovic

Oh my, Bogandavic is making God Leonard look mortal.

Ah, yes. Here these are. When we were all worked up about playing the Clippers, could any of you imagine knowing these were some of the JA quotes? I could feast on this as food storage.
The whining about the refs being against them was boring and ignored reality.

Impressive how oblivious to what happens at the court while making all those whiny bitch complaints

Also crazy that it was a lot of their team post game 1 conference, and wouldn't be surprised if they done it again last night

Makes me anxious to beat them even harder
You guys are slightly over-rating Mitchell.... it's really the role players on the Jazz that can burn us... especially Ingles and (lol) Clarkson
Nah, it’s both, it’s a team effort. Mitchell early, and the role players late.
I like how they brought a nba team called the Jazz to Utah. This is a place that banned music and is the polar opposite of jazz culture and its like the whitest place on earth.
Why does everyone think Utah banned music, like we choose not to live with electricity and cars like Fanatics or something? Lol.
Man **** the Lakers for giving up Clarkson
Lakers will always live rent free in the Clippers heads
Ngl, the Jazz crowd is always amazing. Hope back in the staples the same. Crazy mother****ers
You can’t get that from closet laker fans or cardboard cutouts. Sorry
hey God it’s me again. Listen you gave us the Mavs series and I thank you. Please consider giving us this Jazz one too. We are humble people and in Utah they think the Bible fell from the sky. Thanks peace
Hmmmm, learn something new every day. If the Bible didn’t fall out of the sky, where’d it come from?
Like I've said, once Utah doesn't hit their 3's, they're toast because that's their only offense. And even if Conley comes back, a hamstring injury isn't a minor injury and wouldn't come back looking like himself. Clippers win at home, I believe they can go into Utah and take 5 because Utah isn't doing anything extraordinary right now that the Clippers can't overcome
Amazing analysis... if they don’t hit the shots they normally do clips will win... we aren’t doing anything extraordinary but yet we have beat your punk asses twice without our third best player... yeah you guys are totally in the driver seat.