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Quotes from Grizzlies' forums aftetr Game 3-"I’m terrified any time either team shoots a three."


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Pre Game

very plain and simple for the Grizzlies to win this thing vs the jazz they must win the next two Home games we loss any home Games this thing is OVER .

1st Half

I guess no one on the court has ever heard of playing defense

Brooks punching Conley in the corner is a coward move! Play tough, but don't be disrespectful!

Memphis is the dumbest team I’ve ever seen. Leaving 3 point shooters open all night.

Man, that ball movement from Utah is really good. This doesn't bode well.

I don't understand how we're getting pushed around so much underneath with no fouls. I like just letting them play, but there needs to be a line

Ja cannot be taken to the hole by Bogdanovic holy hell

Geez O'Neale really has it today

Holy ****, how many times are we leaving ONeale open

Royce needs to chill on us. Like it’s not fair that anyone on their team can go off from three minus Gobert and favors

Our defense and rebounding is actually painful

The Jazz are shooting lights out from the 3 pt line with no defense.

How many pick and rolls are they going to allow before Jonas comes up and pressures Conley? Ridiculous.

Jonas is getting stopped by rudy

Winning with all these 3’s is like the Persians winning at thermopylae using arrows. Sure they killed everyone but…c’mon…it’s kind of lame.

Is Kyle anderson alive? He’s 4 feet away from basket and he passes out to Jonas who is at 3 point line. Basketball IQ is 0

tell jonas to get it together. he has zero points

**** dude law of averages , Utah even ****ing shoot even 40% from 3 they keep stroking it

Why are we not even trying to guard the 3? Have they figured we will just hope they miss?

there’s no defensive scheme that can save us if we can’t stop penetration. not against this team

Did Grizz forget this team makes the most threes in the league?

I mean they’re the one seed for a reason, they’ve just sliced the **** out of defenses all year. That said, good God our defense has been awful

Wow it took like 15 minutes before we fouled a 3pt shooter. Progress

“They can’t shoot 50% from three forever” I told myself whilst crying in the fetal position

Our inexperience is really showing. Jazz are just so clinical in what they want to do and it's made us frazzled.

Mike has been incredible all series but was just nasty tonight Jesus.

That shot went up, the ref watched it, it missed, he lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth for a drag, took it out, and blew the whistle

So the team that plays on the perimeter has all the free throws...makes sense


This is the largest 11 point lead I’ve ever seen. But we still have a chance!

4 free throws.... for a team that drives nearly every possession.

Why’s Conley gotta do this to us?! Lol still love and respect you bro. You’re the only one on the jazz I don’t hate lol

Every time we cut into the lead we give it right back lol


I dig how Gobert’s block on Morant is included in the Morant highlight packages. I can’t recall ever seeing a player’s “attempted” dunks being viewed as highlights.

Ja is Evel Kneival. Even his misses are highlights.

Against a 3 pt shooting team, and they are still out rebounding us

Snyder is tweaking

Maybe put a man on Conley? Just saying.

JV is getting destroyed in the pick n roll, dude is rough

When is it okay to talk about JV's horrible defense?

This crowd is ready to explode if the team (or the Jazz) would just let them.

Watching Gobert completely remove JV from the team while simultaneously locking down about 150 square feet of court around the rim is crazy to watch.

Our pnr defense is whats killing us. They're running the same top of the key pnr and it opens up their offense.

Jazz adjusted. We haven’t.

He's about to be DPOY again for a reason

Can we face guard O’Neale? I mean I don’t wanna lose to a dude named after a car.

I’m not sure how you help JV on these screen and roll... the jazz are killing us with the quick pull-up three fouls so the guards can’t be agressive over the top

The Jazz looks like the Death Lineup Warriors but with defense and rim protection.

they .... cant.... miss .... from......3

They are owning us on the individual battles.

Too many bombers for Utah.

Man, we can’t get a single run

This game is just a textbook example of why 3 point snipers have been in demand by this team for a decade.

Anyone else notice Dillon and Conley going at it? Multiple possessions now

Jonas is just a non-factor. May be his worst game of the year.

Down 11 should be down 30... hopefully they can make some adjustments at the half

Come on, man. Wanna see Gobert go crazy? I'd rather he get a few lobs than 3 point shots

We need to stay home on the shooters and keep a body on Gobert and let Conley try to beat us with floaters.

We need to stay home on the shooters and keep a body on Gobert and let Conley try to beat us with floaters.

Dillon gotta be smarter and keep his cool - those two little punches against Conley could’ve gotten him ejected and then we’re done.

uugghhhb I HATE BROOKS...y’all see him punching Conley in the back??

Conley is killing Ja tonight

Correction: Conley/Gobert PnR is killong Ja tonight.

Ja had played better D the first two games. Feeling like regular season D Ja so far tonight.

Literally every point Mike has scored has been from the 3 point line.

You can't really defend the pnr well if Conley is going to shoot 75% from 3. I mean, throw in Royce O'neale going for 66%, and your D is going to have issues.

I mean, I get JV isn’t exactly mobile, but it’s not like Gobert is lightning fast either

Well, his French accent makes him appear quicker than he actually is

Hubie is so obviously rooting for us. Bet it’s driving the Jazz fans crazy.

Get Jaren off of the floor please. He has no rhythm whatsoever

Donovan is like Harden drawing these fouls. Annoying as hell.

Grayson guarding Donovan is just unfair. Should hide this from the kids it’s so ugly. But he’s our best 3 point threat. A conundrum

Bogdanovic can just shoot right over these guards.

The Jazz are ... good.

We can’t have Ja or Grayson on Bogdanovic. Sucks - every time we get it to within 5 we just end up having a bad sequence again.

I hate these games where a better team keeps us at arm’s length all game long

Utah so quickly finds the defensive mismatch and takes advantage of it.

The amount of snipers they have is absurd.

They call none of Gobert moving screens

These 3s are ridiculous.

I said it before and I'll say it again, JJJ has to have a massive offseason and show significant improvement next season.

2nd Half

We can’t keep playing slow , especially since we can’t hit a 3 for nothing hardly , can’t wait around shoot the rock we can’t get back in the game at this rate

I always wondered why the grizzlies couldn't guard the 3 pt line and now I know. We either foul the 3 pt shooter or we don't and they hit the 3.

How many times in this series are we going to foul a 3 point shooter?

Please close out on 3’s, how do you allow a team to take 43, 3pointers I’m confused

score please. go memphis

These refs are horrible. They kept on calling at 3.. Then cant wizzle when memphies attacking the rim hahaha

Can't win against the utah refs

Can someone tell Ja he’s 6’2 and to stop trying to dunk on a 7 foot defensive player of the year

Since you guys posted this. Donovan Mitchell has been fouled 5 times

Every time we make a run, it’s short lived. Can never get close to trying it up

I’m terrified any time either team shoots a three.

So much for home court advantage. The refs here are worse than what they are on the road

I hope so .... Spida sat for a looooooong time so he's well rested

The jazz can’t miss from 3

Under 7 minutes left in the 4th.. it’s time to take control, take advantage, and take the game!

Donovan making tuff shots man we just gotta make every possession count!

Defense is ***

Can we please stop taking shots so quickly we can’t just huck up 3s with 14 seconds left

We need a 3 point shooter in a desperate way, and he can’t have first name Jaren...what are 11 for 30?

Nah how do these bald ****ers make every shot

Rockets fan here wishing y’all luck to **** the Jazz

We have two 3pt shooters.. Bane just doesn't get plays called for him.

Came all the way back to take the lead just to piss it away and lose by double digits

Doesn’t feel like we should be down 3 but I’ll take it

The Jazz role players are hitting all their 3’s. I feel like their offense is geared to getting their role players open/semi-open 3’s.

That’s how you drive on Rudy. Get your chest into him. Well done Grayson.

Conley is rolling tonight. Almost like he's intimately familiar with our court or something...

Grayson Allen of all people


Why the **** do we guard their 6’8” forwards with our 6’2” guards? You’re asking to get absolutely cooked by Bogdanovic or whoever

If they’re going to make so many 3s I don’t even know if I can waste energy getting pissed off anymore

Bogdanović looks like he should be managing an indie record store

I don't think Gobert has ever set a legal screen. Why don't they call that crap?

Half of Mitchell’s points is just fishing for weak foul calls. At least Gobert dunks it a lot

Royce O’Neal , now bogdanovic randomly going on runs when the jazz need a bail out

34 point quarter. Just gave up the same amount. Lol

All the same songs he’s used to.

can someone box out Rudy??

It's been ridiculous. Dude is perfect from the field

End of Q1: Down 12

End of Q2: Down 11

End of Q3: Down 11

Jaren looking like a newborn deer out there

Holy **** we need some shooters my lord

Dillon is incapable of taking over a game without making a stupid foul 20 seconds later. Gets too hyped for his own good

damn their guys are all really good shooters i think even mike shoots it better than ever before lol

Wow.... If they're hitting threes of these varieties... Then gg, idk how do you defend that.

Man. Conley really is the real glue for Utah.


JV got away with a push in the back on Gobert on that Conley rebound.

Mitchell can draw those fouls. ****.

Brooks is just eye candy for Donovan on that pull up three. Don't know if he can adjust honestly.

Ja is the one losing this game tonight. Should've kept Tyus in. Ja is playing 1 on 5 too much and playing hero ball (and so was Dillon)

why go at Gobert??/

Ja is out of control right now

Ja didn't even look for his teammates

The Ja isos aren’t going to win us this series. Even if he goes for 40+, it just cools the rest of the guys unfortunately and on the other end we’re giving up 3s.

Horrible close to the game after getting the lead. Oh well

Hubie with the great line. Jaren “makes himself smaller”. JJJ does that a lot.

Jaren should have passed the ball. his baby giraffe movement is killer against Rudy.

They better get their heads together for Game 4, if not Utah will win 4 straight and end this

Does Gobert play 48 minutes every game???! I swear that mf never is not playing.

25-12 free throws

And all they do is jack threes

****ing hell I hate Utah, I hope wah wah springs erupts and levels the whole state

What does Utah practice more, 3’s or hitting the floor on any contact?

The Conley Gobert pick and roll is absolutely lethal.

Ja..Gobert is not the one! I love you man but we gotta not keep on trying Gobert

Damn you mike...love you Mike

Post Game

Thanks Conley for saving your best til after you left Memphis

Mitchell cold blooded

Stagnant ball movement, bad shot selection and shot themselves out the game by so many missed 3’s

This Jazz team reminds me of prime Spurs and I f-cking hated those teams

What a response from the Jazz. They just tightened the screws like that. Really impressed.

Mitchell is just a carbon copy of Dwyane Wade. It’s uncanny. So good at fishing for fouls.

**** Mike Conley. This man is no longer welcome in Memphis

Imagine grizz take out Steph just to lose to Donovan Mitchell

amazing, still doing drop coverage with jonas and having the guards fight through the screen and foul.

Coach let the team down with this game plan. Open three after open three.

Facts. They have shooters everywhere

Utah deserves to lose the series simply based off of Mitt Romney’s binder full of women comment

To many 3pt shots and to many free throws for Jazz and stop the easy lobs to rudy,

Couldn’t ever recover from that 1st quarter

Need to jump on them in 1st quartering game 4 and stomp on the gas can't keep playing catch up every game make them have to play catch up

So proud of how these guys are balling out but stop stop stop fouling on 3 pointers! Go Grizz!

Brooks killed us in the last few minutes. He’s been great but he tried to do too much


When you have no outside shooters, you get stuffed as the defense is just waiting for you. Invest in some outside shooters to support Ja. He’s a great starting point along with Brooks and Jonas.

Its ja vs 8-9 shooters plus the Eiffel tower

Jazz has to take 49 3s a game to win lol

Sorry but Donovan Mitchell just became playoff spiderman

Hard to win against 20 threes and the refs. Just admit the NBA doesn’t want to give smaller market teams a chance in the playoffs.

Grayson didn't touch the ball after he hit that 3 to give us the lead

Memphis played great but everything they do is outclassed by Utah who is a super team

I know NBA.com has the "screen assist" stat. I bet you Rudy the Flopper had at least 10.

I will continue to beat this drum;This series is not for JV. Cut his minutes. He is the biggest liability defensively

I think this was as good example as any as to why Ja needs to develop his outside shot.

Utah has too many shooters, so you also can't cheat or play zone too much to try and close off the driving lane to the ballhandler. They're just a good team.

Utah's 3 pointers are nuts, you have to press the hail out of them to keep them under 50 percent

I think you are right on JV. The only way he could be useful is if he was putting up crazy numbers on offense (or at least getting Gobert in foul trouble). He can't guard the pick and roll. The problem with him is either the ball handler or the lob target could both be scoring on us with him having to defend them.

Can someone explain to me the point of lower capacity if everyone is gonna be jumbled up anyway? I thought it was to spread the crowd out?

I mean, they shot out of their minds, especially Conley.

Again, if not for a few really bad fouls, the Grizzlies could have won this even with Conley shooting 7-10 from deep.

3 point defense was horrible, defense on Gobert was horrible, Ja was horrible (as usual) on defense. Conley lighting us up was ridiculous

But we literally only scored 2 points in the last 4 and a half minutes. It’s the combination of bad shots, predictable end of game play, and fouling 3 point shooters

Agreed, when people say Ja had 28 and 7, well, Conley had 27 and 8 so he negated Ja's offensive contribution. I really felt that Ja was selfish tonight tbh. Obviously he's young but still

The problem is that the Jazz shoot the 3 too well so our guards have to try and fight over that screen, then they are out of position and that puts JV in a bad position to either attack the guard or lay back... lose-lose

Gotta try something, id rather Rudy get lobs than they walk into uncontested 3s

Dillon Brooks said Rudy Gobert is setting a moving screen every time.

If we go too small, Ingles and Bogdanovic will cook us.

Jonas' DRTG in the 4th Quarter: 150

Jaren's DRTG in the 4th Quarter: 53. Plus he grabbed 5 boards with Gobert on the floor

You have to cut JV's minutes because our defense falls apart with him out there. It's an open 3 or an open driving lane for a kick to an open 3 or a lob EVERY TIME he is put in a pick and roll.

Problem is Gobert will destroy Jaren on the boards, Jaren will foul out in the first half.

Jazz love that high pick and roll 3 and is killing is us is opening up everything for them.

I can't even be mad, I love Mike. He's been so excellent running the pick and roll this series.

The Utah Jazz closed the game out on a 14-2 run. Donovan Mitchell had 10 of the 14 and the Grizzlies shot 0-9 from the field in that stretch.

The difference Donovan Mitchell makes is palpable. He is the true closer for the team and takes the team to another level offensively.

On the other end, Rudy Gobert did Gobert things as Morant just kept trying to attack Gobert for some reason. Great game and fight by the Grizzlies but the Jazz were just more experienced for this kind of late game situation.

Note: the Jazz were down 107-109 with 4:27 to go and ended up winning by 10.

Jazz team is absolutely lethal. Once you get to the fourth and battling shot for shot gobert just ****ing takes the game over

Best player on the Jazz and its not close

Did anyone see Quin Snyder make a Vulcan sign and then wipe the corners of his mouth?

Someone needs to cross-reference missing persons to his travel schedule because that was the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen.

Quin Snyder looks like the kinda guy who knows where the bodies are buried…..because he buried them himself.

Snyder is the Bond villain that ended up a basketball coach in an alternate time line

Quin Snyder looks like he has killed a man and isn’t afraid to do it again

If Quin Snyder said, "Man, I'd kill for a slice of pizza right now," I'd believe him.

Insanity is doing the same **** over and over and expecting a different outcome.

That’s pretty much Morant going at Gobert.

Mitchell and Gobert played well but Dillon Brooks was definitely the best player for the Jazz

Last 4 min was an experienced team thats been there against a young team who is here for the first time

I’m glad we are making this a tough, fun series. However, as long as Mitchell is healthy, we aren’t beating them in a seven game series.

One of these times Ja is gonna posterize the **** out of Gobert

We had a lead with 4 minutes to go until Brooks went full Dillon.

Ja had a great game, but he needs to have a godly game for us to win - JV has to be involved and for ****’s sake don’t go under screens

You know, I've accepted that we are a team that takes up space in the leagues eyes, but it never makes it feel any better to see it completely wipe out the effort put in by our players. The league intentionally discourages players from playing in small markets by making it impossible to win

-Memphis is a larger market than salt lake you ****ing moron

I am struggling to find a likable element to this Jazz team outside of having Mike Conley and their coach looking like a Bond villain

Does anyone else get slightly annoyed watching Mitchell take free throws?

yes, because without them he’s completely average and he’s treated like a legit superstar

The whole closing his eyes and focusing thing is pretty corny imo. Looks like Sherlock going into his mind palace. Mfer it's a free throw
Quin Snyder looks like the kinda guy who knows where the bodies are buried…..because he buried them himself.

Snyder is the Bond villain that ended up a basketball coach in an alternate time line

Quin Snyder looks like he has killed a man and isn’t afraid to do it again

If Quin Snyder said, "Man, I'd kill for a slice of pizza right now," I'd believe him.
These Quin Snyder quotes are truly awesome!!
Does anyone else get slightly annoyed watching Mitchell take free throws?

yes, because without them he’s completely average and he’s treated like a legit superstar
Yes Donovan "2 fifty-point games in one playoff series" Mitchell is basically just Grayson Allen plus free throws.

Lots of sweet sweet sour-grapes in these comments.
Jazz team is absolutely lethal. Once you get to the fourth and battling shot for shot gobert just ****ing takes the game over

Best player on the Jazz and its not
This guy gets it.

It is funny to me how much jazz fans complain about Gobert not doing more and completely glossing over the fact that at any given point in time it is Gobert plus 4 very mediocre defenders on the floor generating a top 5 defense. That is basically 90% of Gobert doing it damn near by himself and making everyone else look damn good in the process.
Does anyone else get slightly annoyed watching Mitchell take free throws?

yes, because without them he’s completely average and he’s treated like a legit superstar

The whole closing his eyes and focusing thing is pretty corny imo. Looks like Sherlock going into his mind palace. Mfer it's a free throw

Have to say i agree with this take lol
Utah deserves to lose the series simply based off of Mitt Romney’s binder full of women comment

Wtf is that supposed to mean?

I also liked "what are we like 11 for 30 from three"... the jazz lost on 12 - 47 from 3 the first game without mitchell and we only lost by 3 points.

Lots of whining about out ability to shoot the 3 point shot like its a fluke.

Lots of complaining about the 3 point shot fouls when they have made it a point to go over the screens and contest those shots.

The small market whining as well.. I loved "Memphis is a larger market than salt lake you ****ing moron"

Low bb IQ in Memphis
Does anyone else get slightly annoyed watching Mitchell take free throws?

yes, because without them he’s completely average and he’s treated like a legit superstar

The whole closing his eyes and focusing thing is pretty corny imo. Looks like Sherlock going into his mind palace. Mfer it's a free throw

Have to say i agree with this take lol
Malone used to say something under his breath before each free throw, Horny would touch his brow, Bogey blows on his fingers, whatever it takes for a player to calm down and hit the throw is OK with me.
There are some decent self aware comments mixed in. But god damn are they salty mf’ers. Kind of reflect the team they’re rooting for I guess.
I don’t get the whining about the refs. Every single foul on the 3 pt line I’ve seen has been correct. You can’t make contact and/or make the player land awkwardly by undercutting them. It’s a player safety issue. If our guys were doing it to their guys I’d hope the refs would call us too. No one wants to see anyone’s ankle busted.

Find a better way to defend. I don’t know why they aren’t jumping the screen with JV to force a trap. I get that it might leave them exposed to our ball movement. But it’s not like they’re doing a good job of taking away our ball movement which is resulting in our open 3s or lobs down low.